labors of, to acquire a good Sarcasm, 178, 182. quoted, Personification, 148. Scientific productions, style of, 36. Sculpture, Painting, and Language, 24. Senate, U. S., discussion in, 337. Sentences, short and long, 199. Sermocinatio, 162. Sermons, 266. Tilton, Theodore, on words, 71. Shakspeare, his description of poetry, Travel, books of, 277. 286. mixed metaphors of, 111. number of words by, 55. Translations recommended, 240. Travesty, 180. Treatises, 273. Tropes, 77. 140. quoted to illustrate Irony, 139,-, classification of, 83. Sound, relation of, to thought, 366. rough and smooth, 214. South, Dr., metaphor from, 102. Southey, Robert, on style, 236. Speeches should be written, 261. Spencer, Herbert, quoted to illustrate opinion of, on style, 227. Stowe, Mrs. H. B., writings of, 285. -, appropriate to fiction, 284. opinion of Spencer on, 227. -, simple, requires thought, 35. Subjects, choice of, 315. Vision, 165. Vocabulary, 28 how to obtain a, 45. | Voice, accents, slides, etc., 368. -, adaptation of, 360. -, peculiarities of, 360. -, range of, 359. relation of, to thought, 366. Summerfield, Rev. John, wit of, 183. Vulgarisms, 67. Harper's Catalogue. The attention of gentlemen, in town or country, designing to form Libraries or enrich their Literary Collections, is respectfully invited to Harper's Catalogue, which will be found to comprise a large proportion of the standard and most esteemed works in English and Classical Literature- COMPREHENDING OVER THREE THOUSAND VOLUMES- which are offered, in most instances, at less than onehalf the cost of similar productions in England. To Librarians and others connected with Colleges, Schools, &c., who may not have access to a trustworthy guide in forming the true estimate of literary productions, it is believed this Catalogue will prove especially valuable for reference. To prevent disappointment, it is suggested that, whenever books can not be obtained through any bookseller or local agent, applications with remittance should be addressed direct to Harper & Brothers, which will receive prompt attention. Sent by mail on receipt of Six Cents in postage stamps. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN Square, New York. |