| Early English newspapers - 1762 - 686 pages
...confult, in compliance with your enlarged and liberal lentiments, the futuie fupport of the ftation in which I am placed, to the dignity of which the emoluments are, as you reprefent them, inadequate. I (hall tranfmit therefore the fenfe of the Houfe of Commons, that the... | |
| Edmund Burke - History - 1787 - 554 pages
...confult, in compliance with your enlarged and liberal fentiments, the future fupport of the ftation in which I am placed, to the dignity of which, the emoluments are, as you reprefent them, inadequate. 1 (hall tranfmit, therefore, the icnfe of the houfe of commons, that the... | |
| Thomas Augustus Lloyd - 1795 - 396 pages
...compliance with your enlarged and liberal fentiments, the future fupport of the ftation in which 1 am placed, to the dignity of which the emoluments are, as you rcprefent them,' inadequate. I fhall tranfmir, theretorc, the u-nfe of the houfe ofcommons, that the... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - English poetry - 1810 - 648 pages
...burthened at my recommendation, should be still further charged for my own particular profit, " But while 1 consider myself at liberty to sacrifice my private...augmentation which your generosity has proposed, may, it his majesty shall think fit, be made the establishment of my successor, when he shall enter on the... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1810 - 666 pages
...likewise to consult, in compliance with your enlarged and liberal sentiments, the future support ofthe station in which I am placed, to the dignity of which...augmentation which your generosity has proposed, may, it his majesty shall think fit, be made the esta* blishment of my successor, when he shall enter on... | |
| Martin M'Dermot - 1820 - 1038 pages
...likewise to consult, in compliance with your enlarged and liberal sentiments, the future support 6f the station in which I am placed, to the dignity of which the emoluments are, »« you represent them, inadequate. I shall transmit, VOL. IV. H therefore, the sense of the house... | |
| Edmund Burke - History - 1763 - 652 pages
...confult, in compliance with your enlarged and liberal fentiments, the future fupport of the ftation in which I am placed, to the dignity of which, the emoluments are, as you reprefent them, inadequate. I (hall tranfmit, therefore, the fenfe of the houfe of commons, that the... | |
| English essays - 1762 - 792 pages
...confuJt, in compliance with your enlarged and liberal fentiments, the future fupport of the ftation in which I am placed, to the dignity of which, the emoluments are, at you re. pr«l'ent them, inadi-quate. I (hall tranfmit, therefore, the fenfe of, the houfe of commons,... | |
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