| William Cowper - English poetry - 1782 - 384 pages
...pleafure's painted face, Levied a tax of wonder and applaufe, Ev'n on the fools that trampl'd on their laws. But he (his mufical finefle was fuch, So nice his...delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art, And ev'ry warbler has his tune by heart. Nature imparting her fatyric gift, Herferious mirth, to Arbuthnot... | |
| William Cowper - 1782 - 378 pages
...of wonder and applaufe, Ev'n on the fools that trampl'd on their laws. But he (his mufical fineflfe was fuch, So nice his ear, fo delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art, And ev'ry warbler has his tune by heart. Nature imparting her fatyric gift, Her ferious mirth, to Arbuthnot... | |
| William Cowper - 1786 - 756 pages
...of wonder and applaufe, Ev'n on the fools that trampl'd on their laws. But he (his mufical ftnefle was fuch, So nice his ear, fo delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art, And ev'ry warbler has his tune by heart. Nature imparting her fatyric gift, Her ferious mirth, to Arbuthnot... | |
| William Cowper - 1787 - 334 pages
...painted face, Levied a tax of wonder and applaufe, Ev'n on the fools .that trampl'd on their laws. But he (his mufical finefle was fuch, So nice his...delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art, And fv'ry warbler has his tune by heart. Nature imparting her fatyric gift, Her ferious mirth, to Arbuthnot... | |
| William Cowper - 1788 - 380 pages
...tax of wonder and applaule, Ev'n on the fools that trampPd on their laws. But he (his mufical finefie was fuch, So nice his ear, fo delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art, And ev'ry warbler has his tune by heart. Nature imparting her fatyric gift, Her ferious mirth, to Arbuthnot... | |
| William Cowper - 1790 - 312 pages
...painted face, Levied a tax of wonder and applaufe, Ev'n on the the fools that trampl'd on their laws. But he (his mufical finefle was fuch, So nice his...mechanic art, And every warbler has his tune by heart. Nature imparting her fatyric gift, Her ferious mirth, to Arbuthnot and Swift, With droll fobriety they... | |
| William Cowper - 1793 - 378 pages
...of wonder and applaufe, Ev'n on the fools that trampled on their laws. But he (his mufical finefie was fuch, So nice his ear, fo delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art ; And ev'ry warbler has his tune by heart. Nature imparting her fatiric gift, Her ferious mirth, to Arbuthnot... | |
| William Cowper - 1798 - 370 pages
...pleafnre's painted face, Levied a tax of wonder and applaufe, Ev'n on the fools that trampled on their laws. But he (his mufical finefle was fuch, So nice his...delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art ; And ev'ry warbler has his tune by heart. Nature imparting her fatiric gift, Her ferious mirth, to Arbuthnot... | |
| William Cowper - 1800 - 372 pages
...of wonder and applaufe, Ev'n on the fools that trampled on their laws. But he (his mufical finefie was fuch, So nice his ear, fo delicate his touch) Made poetry a mere mechanic art ; And ev'ry warbler has his tune by .heart. Nature imparting her fatiric gift, Her ferious mirth, to Arbuthnot... | |
| Art - 1803 - 726 pages
...of wonder r.nd applaufe E'en on the tools that trampled on their laws. But he, (his mufical fincfi'c was fuch, So nice his ear, fo delicate his touch)...mechanic art, And every warbler has his tune by heart. TABLE-TALK. Altho* this palfage (hews that Cowper c>\:\AiK;lure the Imoothnefsand high polifti ot Pope,... | |
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