THE Defence of Poesy was most probably written about 1581. The first edition of it was printed in 4to in 1595, with the title, “The Apologie of Poetrie ”; and it was annexed to the third edition of the Arcadia in 1598. When Shakspeare's first play was composed, is a point which has exercised the ingenuity, rather than rewarded the diligence, of his numerous commentators. But it is pretty clearly ascertained that nothing of his was printed before 1597, when Romeo and Juliet, and Richard the Second and Third appeared. Spenser is conjectured to have begun his Fairy Queen about 1580. THE DEFENCE OF POESY. WHEN the right virtuous E. W.* and I were at the Emperor's court together, we gave ourselves to learn horsemanship of Gio. Pietro Pugliano; one that, with great commendation, had the place of an esquire in his stable and he, according to the fertileness of the Italian wit, did not only afford us the demonstration of his * This was Edward, the elder brother of Sir Henry Wotton. His name appeared at full length in the first edition of the Defence, and the initials were only substituted in the second, which accompanied the Arcadia. By Queen Elizabeth he was knighted in 1592, and nominated comptroller of her household; besides being honored with various diplomatic employments at foreign courts. By James the First he was created lord Wotton, baron of Maherly in Kent, and appointed lord lieutenant of that county. practice, but sought to enrich our minds with the contemplation therein, which he thought most precious. But with none, I remember, mine ears were at any time more laden, than when (either angered with slow payment, or moved with our learner-like admiration,) he exercised his speech in the praise of his faculty. He said, soldiers were the noblest estate of mankind, and horsemen the noblest of soldiers. 'He said, they were the masters of war, and ornaments of peace, speedy goers, and strong abiders, triumphers both in camps and courts: nay, to so unbelieved a point he proceeded, as that no earthly thing bred such wonder to a prince, as to be a good horseman skill of government was but a "pedanteria " in comparison. Then would he add certain praises, by telling what a peerless beast the horse was, the only serviceable courtier, without flattery, the beast of most beauty, faithfulness, courage, and such more, that if I had not been a piece of a logician before I came to him, I think he would have persuaded me to have wished myself a horse. But thus much, at least, with his no few words, he drove into me, that self-love is better than any gilding, to make that seem gorgeous wherein ourselves be parties. Wherein, if Pugliano's strong affection and weak arguments will not satisfy you, I will give you a nearer example of myself, who, I know not by what mischance, in these my not old years and idlest times, having slipped into the title of a poet, am provoked to say something unto you in the defence of that my unelected vocation; which if I handle with more good will than good reasons, bear with me, since the scholar is to be pardoned that followeth the steps of his master. And yet I must say, that as I have more just cause to make a pitiful defence of poor poetry, which, from almost the highest estimation of learning, is fallen to be the laughing-stock of children ; so have I need to bring some more available proofs, since the former is by no man barred of his deserved credit, whereas the silly latter hath had even the names of philosophers used to the defacing of it, with great danger of civil war among the muses. And first, truly, to all them that, professing learning, inveigh against poetry, may justly be objected, that they go very near to ungratefulness to seek to deface that, which, in the noblest nations and languages that are known, hath been the first light-giver to ignorance, and first nurse, whose milk, by little and little, enabled them to feed afterwards of tougher knowledges. And will you play the hedge-hog, that being received into the den, drove out his host? |