TRADITION. SAY what you will against tradition, we know the signification of words by nothing but tradition. You will say the Scripture was written by the Holy Spirit; but do you understand that language 't was writ in? No. Then for example, take these words, "In principio erat verbum." How do you know these words signify, "In the beginning was the word," but by tradition, because somebody has told you so? TRANSUBSTANTIATION. 1. THE Fathers using to speak rhetorically brought up transubstantiation: as if because it is commonly said, "Amicus est alter idem," one should go about to prove a man and his friends are all one. That opinion is only rhetoric turned into logic. 2. There is no greater argument (though not used) against transubstantiation, than the apostles, at their first council, forbidding blood and suffocation. Would they forbid blood, and yet enjoin the eating of blood too? 3. The best way for a pious man is, to address himself to the sacrament with that rever ence and devotion, as if Christ were really there present. TRAITOR. "T is not seasonable to call a man a traitor that has an army at his heels. One with an army is a gallant man. My lady Cotton was in the right, when she laughed at the duchess of Richmond for taking such state upon her, when she could command no forces. "She a duchess there's in Flanders a duchess indeed"; meaning the archduchess. TRINITY. THE second person is made of a piece of bread by the Papists, the third person is made of his own phrensy, malice, ignorance, and folly, by the Roundhead. To all these the spirit is intituled. One the baker makes, the other the cobbler; and betwixt these two, I think the first person is sufficiently abused. TRUTH. 1. THE Aristotelians say, all truth is contained in Aristotle in one place or another. Galileo makes Simplicius say so, but shows the absurdity of that speech, by answering, “All truth is contained in a lesser compass ; viz. in the alphabet. Aristotle is not blamed for mistaking sometimes; but Aristotelians for maintaining those mistakes. They should acknowledge the good they have from him, and leave him when he is in the wrong. There never breathed that person to whom mankind was more beholden. 2. The way to find out the truth is by others' mistakings: for if I was to go to such a place, and one had gone before me on the right-hand, and he was out; another had gone on the left hand, and he was out; this would direct me to keep the middle way, that peradventure would bring me to the place to go. I desired 3. In troubled water you can scarce see your face, or see it very little, till the water be quiet and stand still. you can see little truth So in troubled times when times are quiet and settled, then truth appears. TRIAL. 1. TRIALS are by one of these three ways: by confession, or by demurrer; that is, confessing the fact, but denying it to be that wherewith a man is charged; for example, denying it to be treason, if a man be charged with treason or by a jury. 2. "Ordalium” was a trial, and was either by going over nine red-hot ploughshares, as in the case of queen Emma, over which she being led blindfold, and having passed all her irons, asked when she should come to her trial; or 't was by taking a red-hot coulter in a man's hand, and carrying it so many steps, and then casting it from him. As soon as this was done, the hands or the feet were to be bound up, and certain charms to be said, and a day or two after to be opened: if the parts were whole, the party was judged to be innocent; and so on the contrary. 3. The rack is used nowhere as in England in other countries 't is used in judicature, when there is a "semiplena probatio," a half proof against a man; then to see if they can make it full, they rack him if he will not confess.* But here in England they take a * By the law of the Dutch republic, torture was applied in a more preposterous manner. It was a maxim man and rack him, I do not know why, nor when; not in time of judicature, but when somebody bids. 4. Some men, before they come to their trial, are cozened to confess upon examination: upon this trick, they are made to believe somebody has confessed before them; and then they think it a piece of honor to be clear and ingenuous, and that destroys them. UNIVERSITY. 1. THE best argument why Oxford should have precedence of Cambridge, is the act of parliament by which Oxford is made a body, made what it is, and Cambridge is made what it is; and in the act it takes place. Besides, Oxford has the best monuments to show. of their jurisprudence, that no man could justly be put to death unless he had confessed the crime which was laid to his charge; and when this confession was withheld, a criminal convicted upon the clearest evidence was subjected to the torture. It is not a little astonishing, that in a country where the study of jurisprudence was so successfully cultivated, where it was cultivated by Grotius, Bynkershoek, Noodt, and Schultingius, so absurd a maxim should long have retained the force of law, |