There is not, in my opinion, a more pleasing and triumphant consideration in religion than this, of the perpetual progress which the soul makes towards the perfection of its nature, without ever arriving at a period in it. The Spectator - Page 257by Joseph Addison, Richard Hurd - 1811Full view - About this book
| 1718 - 348 pages
...Conlideration in Religion ^than this of the perpetual Progrefs which the Soul makes towards the PerfedHon of its Nature, without ever arriving at a Period in it. To look upon the Soul as going-on from Strength to Strength, to confider that fhe is to fhine for ever with new Acceffions of... | |
| 1729 - 342 pages
...Opinion, a more pleafing and triumphant Confideration in Religion than this, of the perpetual Progrefs which the Soul makes towards the Perfection of its...Soul as going .on. from. Strength to Strength, to confider that the is to fhine for ever with new Acceflions of Glory, and brighten to all Eternity;... | |
| William King - Election (Theology) - 1731 - 396 pages
...gion, tba» this of the perpetual Progress which the Soul makes toward the Perfeflion of its Nurture, without ever arriving at a Period in it.' To look upon the Soul at going on from Strength to Strength ; to cinfiJer, that Sht is to Jhint ' for ever with new Acce/Jiom... | |
| William King - Fall of man - 1758 - 296 pages
...iiuhich the Saul makes toward the Perfection ofiti Nature, ivithiut ever arriving at a Period in it. Jo look upon the Soul as going on from Strength to Strength, to confider that She is to Jhine for ever <vitb ne-ia Accejfians of Glory, and brighten to all Eternity... | |
| John Wesley - Biography - 1785 - 718 pages
...confederation in religion than this of the perpetual progrefs which the foul makes towards the perfeftion cf its nature, without ever arriving at a period in it. To look upon the foul as going on 3 P a from from ftrength to ftrength ; to confider that fhe is to fhine for ever with... | |
| James Graham - 1783 - 64 pages
...confideration in religion than this, of the perpetual progrefs which the foul makes "' cowards the prefeftion of its nature, without ever arriving at a period in it. To look ** upon the foul as going on from ftrength to ftrength, to confider that (lie is to fhine fot «« ever with new... | |
| William Enfield - Elocution - 1785 - 462 pages
...pleafing and triumphant confideration in religion, than this of theperpetual progrefs which the foul makes towards the perfection of its nature, without...ever arriving at a period in it. To look upon the foul as going on from ftrength to ftrength, to confider that fhe is to fhine for ever with new acceffions... | |
| Hugh Blair - English language - 1787 - 482 pages
...pleafing and triumph" ant confideration in religion, than this, of " the perpetual progrefs which the foul makes " towards the perfection of its nature, without " ever arriving at a period in it." (No. in.) How much more graceful the Sentence, if it had been fo conftrudled as to clofe with the word,... | |
| Conduct of life - 1792 - 494 pages
...pleafing and triumphant conndcratibn in religion, than this of the perpetual progrefs which the foul makes towards the perfection of its nature, without...ever arriving at a period in it. To look upon the foul as going on from ftrength to ftrcngth, to confider that Ihc is to Ihinc for ever with new acceflknis... | |
| English literature - 1797 - 666 pages
...more a*d triumphant confideration in religion, than this ot the perpetual progrefs ttbich the foul makes towards the perfection of its nature, without ever arriving at a period in it. To look u^on the foul as Coing on from ftrength to llrength, to conuderthat (he is to fhine for ever with new... | |
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