CONCORDANCE то SHAKES PEA R E: SUITED TO ALL THE EDITIONS, IN WHICH THE DISTINGUISHED AND PARALLEL PASSAGES BIBLIOTHECA) ADVERTISEMENT. HAKESPEARE is defervedly placed at SH the head of our Dramatic Writers. There is not, however, at this time, any neceffity for inquiring into his feveral merits and excellencies: they have been already particularly pointed out by his very numerous commentators. The defign of the present publication, is to bring into one view the parallel paffages of the poet, fo as to form a kind of Concordance to his works. The utility of fuch a compilation must be obvious, and indeed especially fo, when it is confidered, as is obferved by Dr. Johnson,-" that the plays "of Shakespeare are filled with practical ax❝ioms and domeftic wifdom; and that a sys❝tem of civil and economical prudence may "be collected from them." The Editor is therefore in hope, as it has been his study, in the following felection, to make choice of fuch particular paffages of his author, as might ferve to confirm the juftness and propriety of |