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sit, testetur, precamur, et Cantabrigia Wintoniensem Episcopum aliquando vixisse; neque vixisse modo,sed virtutis etiam atque bonarum litterarum fautorem fuisse munificentissimum. Habestu quidem, felicissime Presul, hic magnam exercendæ tuæ virtutis materiam. Habes hic Collegium cui benefacias, non quodlibet, sed Ioannis; quod si esset tam opibus supellectilique instructum, quam est litteris (ut speramus) et studiosâ multitudine, non esset cur magnopere alienam peteremus opem. Verum ut urbes et civitates a parvis olim initiis ortæ ad summum tandem rerum evectæ sunt fastigium, ita speramus et collegium nostrum una cum ætate auctius evasurum; quum bonorum hominum liberalitate, tum tuâ Presul optime virtute et benignitate; quibus nos nunc maxime persequaris oramus. Laboramus namque, cum aliarum rerum inopiâ, tum librorum maxime, quibus divina officia cani solent, miro defectu; ut in numerosissimo, quem superno favore habemus, choro, vix parti tertiæ sufficiant codices. Tua Paternitas, sive huic malo mederi velit, sive discipulos aliquot (quod dicimus) fundare, qui litteris et virtute per te invigilent, seu quidvis aliud apud nos agere, quod tibi gloriam pariat immortalem, nostris vero litteris utilitatem afferat, libenter amplectemur munificentiam tuam; curabimusque sedulo ne te aliquando collati beneficii pœniteat. Jam vero non miraberis amplissime Pater quod te unum præ cæteris libentius sollicitamus, quippe qui videmus nomen tuum nostris omnibus

libellis, codicibus, schedisque inscriptum, nunquam non conspectui nostro occurrere, nunquam non oculis esse obvium. Existimavimus nullius opem nobis rectius inorandam, quam illius, cujus jam diu nostris auribus tam familiare nomen fuit. Quare quum tantum apud omnes gloriæ, apud Deum vero, cujus amore ut omnia et istud feceris, premii et mercedis tantillo beneficio tibi lucraberis, aggredere ocius, colendissime Pater, provinciam nec gravem nec difficilem. Adde hoc tuis virtutibus quasi colophonem; et quod apud Oxonienses magnifice præstitisti, apud nos utrumque præsta. Celebrabitur in utraque Academiâ tanti Presulis virtus tanta. Florebit in omne ævum tui nominis splendor atque gloria. Denique, quod maximum reputabis, vives apud homines, vives et apud superos, clarus et immortalis. Bene valeat Dominatio tua, diu felix atque fausta. E D. Ioannis Collegio 6o. Calendas Octobr1.

1 'His attention was fixed in his latter years on the foundation of some religious or academic institution, and being offended with the conduct of his own House of Pembroke, of which he resigned the headship in 1518, he became the munificent founder of the College of Corpus Christi in Oxford. Bishop Fox was afflicted with blindness for many years before his death, but under the pressure of age and infirmity his spirit remained unbroken; and he replied to Wolsey, who wished him to resign his Bishoprick of Winchester for a pension, 'that though he could no longer distinguish white from black, yet could he distinguish right from wrong, truth from falsehood, and could well descern the malice of an ungrateful man'; he warned the proud favourite to beware lest ambition should render him blind to his approaching ruin, bade him

Dabis veniam ornatissime Pater nobis magnâ rerum mole laborantibus, qui illius ferme obliti sumus, quod vel primo loco dictum opportuit ; nimirum ut dignetur Dominatio tua nos Reverendo Patri Norvicensi, tuo suffragio commendare. Nos vicissim nostris precibus te Christo benignissimo commendabimus.

Tuæ Dominationis scolastici deditissimi

M'. et Soc. Coll. D. Joannis Cantabrig.


Letters Testimonial made by the College, at the request of Sampson Wyvell, Gentleman, concerning theire repaireinge to the tombe of Hugh Ashton, sometime Archdeacon of the Cathedrall Churche of York, and reading of the words ingraven upon the sayd tombe; the 12th day of Julye, 1522.

To all Christian people to whom these presents shall come to be sene, hard, or redde; know you that we, M1 George Bullock, Doctor of Divynytye, and M' of the colledge of St John the Evangelist in the University of Cambridge, the Fellows and Scholars of the same colledge, at the attend closer to the King's business, and leave Winchester to the care of her Bishop. The aged Prelate died in 1528, and was interred in his own Chapel in Winchester Cathedral, where his tomb still exhibits an exquisite specimen of the richest style of Gothic sepulchral architecture. A small oratory within the Chapel retains the name of Bishop Fox's Study'. (Surtees' Durham, Vol. I. p. lxiii.)

request of Sampson Wyvell gentleman of the paryshynge of Martham in the county of York, do testify and declare that, the xii day of July in the third and fourth yere of our Souerayne lord and lady the Kyngs and Queens majestyes most godly reygnes, we, the said M2, Fellows, and Scholars before named, do go and repaire to the tombe of one Heugh Ashton, somtyme archedeacon of the cathedrall church of York; upon whose tombe lyeth one great marble stone, whereupon is graven in romaine letters, and that in brasse, these words followyng; that is to say,-Hic situs est Hugo Ashton archidiaconus Eboracensis qui ad Christianæ religionis augmentum socios ii e Lancastria totidemque scolares, sociumque et scolarem Eboracensis, sociumque et scolarem Dunelmiensis diocesis oriundos, suis impensis pie instituit, atque singulis a se institutis sociis supra consuetum sociorum stipendium solidis quadraginta adauxit; obiit nono Calend. decembris anno Domini 1522. -which words all we, the day and yere aforesaid, did reade in the presence of the said Sampson Wyvell, and do testifye that the said words do remain ther in maner and forme aforesaid; and that the said towmbe is ane auncyent tombe; and neither the said words nor the said tombe hath not been altered changed or removed sythens it was fyrst laid ther. In witness whereof we have to these presents putte the common seale of our Colledge the day and year above wrytten.

No. V.



In the name of Almighty God, Amen. We Margarete Countes of Richmond and Derby, Moder to the most excellent Prince King Henry the VIIth, by the g'ce of GOD King of Englond and of Fraunce, and Lorde of Irlande, our most dere Son, have called to our remembrance the unstabilnesse of this transitory worlde, and that ev'ry creatur here lyving is mortall, and the tyme and place of deth to ev'y creatur uncerteyn. And also calling to o'r remembrance the great rewards of eternall lif that ev'y Cristen creatur' in stedfast faith of holy church shal have for their goode deeds doon by theym in their present lif, We therefore beyng of hole and goode mynde, &c. the vi day of Juyn, the yere of our LORD GOD a thousand five hundreth and eight, and in the xxIII yere of the reigne of our saide most dere son the King, make, ordeyn, and declare our testament and last will, in man’ and forme folowing, that is to saye, First, we gif and bequeth our soule to Almighty GoD, to o'r blissed Lady Seynt Mary the Virgyn, and to all the holy company in heven. And our body to be buried in the monastery of Seynt Peter of Westm', in suche convenable place as we in o'r lif, or our executors aftir our decesse, shall provide for the same within the Chapell of o'r Lady which is nowe begon by the said o'r most deer son. It'm, we woll, that placebo and dirige w't lauds and w't all divine s'vices, prayers, and observants belongyng thereunto be solemply and devoutly songen and said in the daye of o'r decesse, by all the preests, mynisters, and children, of o'r chapell; and mass of requiem w't note, in the

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