Claudius, 871 Clearchus, 866 Clement VII, Pope, 869 Cleon, 128, 535, 780 Clergy, Machiavelli on, 49 Experiment with, 346 Clodius, 866 Cloisters, influence of, on mental habit, 205, 209 "Coal Bags," the, 696, note; 698 Coelum, fable of, 639 sq., 647 sq., 836 sq. Cogitata et Visa, date and contents of, 206, 216, 220 Coke, on the Star Chamber, 618, note Stories of, 875, 888 Cold 312, 315, 318 Transmission of, 360 Telesius on, 350, note; 657 sq., 661 sq. Proposed investigation of, 380, 508 sq. Peripatetic view of, 508 Colleges (=Collections of data) greater and lesser, 422 Collins, Dr. S., on Bacon, 10 Colonies, planting of, 776 sq. Colours of Good and Evil, 537 sq. Columbus, 287, 293, note; 732 Comines, De, quoted, 768 Comets, 311, 336, 341, 688, 692 sq., 805 Commonwealths, effect of, on mental habits, 205 Commonplaces, digest of, needed, 519 Compassion, 586 Composition, in Nature, 197, 207, 277-8, 679 Conciliation, 589 Conclaves, papal, 143, 573 Cousin, 299, note Cowley, quoted, 36 Crafts, to be studied, 252 Cranfield, Sir Lionel, 866, 896 ; Crassus, story of, 877 Creation, the ancient theories of, 61, 174, 736 Cretans, the, 143-4, 573 Critics and criticism, 130-1, 558-9 Croesus, 162, 608, 771, 876, 879 Antitheta as to, 550 Cunning, essay on, 762 Cupid, fables of, 20, 442, 446, 639 sq., 647 sq., 824. Dante, cited, 66, note Referred to, 346, note Daphne, myth of, 817 Concrete bodies, in Bacon's system, 16, 200, 305, D'Argentré, quoted, 622 Darwin, on instinct of bees, 502, note Daunus, 834 David, military laws of, 77, 423 Davy, on heat, 322, note Death, to be made easy by physicians, 106, 487 219, 221, 232 Deity, incapable of virtue and vice, 147, 177 Delay, antitheta as to, 556 Delays, essay on, 762 Deluges, effect of, 804 Demetrius, stories of, 877 Democritus, Bacon's esteem for, 26, 34, 96, 191 Bacon not a follower of, 27, 376, note On atoms, 97, 271, 351, 509, 648, 649 and note, Referred to, 126, 197, 267, 269, 271, 342, 376, 682 Praised, 471-2, 648, 650 Materialism of, 532, note Demonstration, modes of, 120, 225, 249, 274, 518 Demosthenes, quoted, 48, 51, 84, 133, 156, 161, Prefaces of, 116, 512 Referred to, 148, 297, 535, 541 Dendamis, 168, 632 Density and rarity, 354, 668 De Principiis atque Originibus, 647 sq. Ellis's preface to, 639 sq. De Sapientia Veterum, 825 sq. Spedding's preface to, 815 sq. Author's dedication and preface to, 821 sq. Descartes, 27, 265, note; 267, note; 643 Descriptio Globi Intellectualis, 677 sq. Ellis's preface to, 670 sq. Date and purpose of, 670 Original plan of, 255, 415 Desiccation, 353 Despair. See Diffidence De Thou, quoted, 616, note Deucalion, fable of, 844 Devonshire, Earl of, on Bacon, 9 Diagoras, quoted, 119, 265, note; 517 Referred to, 755 Dialectic, divine, 169 Dialogue of a Holy War, Bacon's, referred to, 413 Diamond and magnet, 407 Diascordium, 107, 487 Dichotomy, 225, 530 Diet, superstitions concerning, 102, 481, 490 Reform of, 490 sq. Diffidence, harm done by, in science, 203, 210, 244, Duty, public, 139, 564 Domestic, 140, 571 Dutch, the, 753 Ear, the, 333 Earth, myths of the, 807, 826 Exploration of the, 276, 282 Motions of, 305 Telesius' theory of, 658 Interior of, 691 Floating of, 696 Rotation of, rejected by Bacon, 364, 375, 461, 675, 705, 709 Earthquakes, 691, 804 Ecclesiastical history, 79, 80, 86, 431, 438 Echo, fable of, 442, 447, 824 Ecphantus, 683, and note Education, defects and reforms of, 76, 77-9, 205, 210, 286, 422-4, 559 sq., 783 Edward II, 867 Egg, the cosmogonic, myth of, 647 Idols of, 112 Opinion of, on Greeks, 276 Inventors, deified by, 277 Elections, in astrology, 465 Elements, doctrine of the, 119, 269, 272 Elenches, doctrine of, 117 sq., 515 sq. Samples of, 129 Elephant, the, 335 Elizabeth, Queen, and Bacon, vii, ix, 1-3 Character of, 67, 75, 84, 421, 762 Stories of, 865, 869, 872, 885, 889, 893 Ellis, R. E., general preface by, 13 sq. On the Novum Organum, 212 sq. Illness of, 212, note On force and matter, 304, note; 305-6, note On Bacon's investigation of Heat, 322, note; On the De Pincipiis, 6,9 sq. On the, Discriptio Globi Intellectualis, 670 sq. Eloquence, undue concern for, 54 Masters of 127, 535 Seneca on, 133 Cicero on, 192, 535 On the moon, 697, 850 Empirical school, 270 Endowments, need of, for arts of nature, 77 Endymion, 447, 817 sq., 833 sq. England, history of, 83, 434 And France, 608, 771 Ennius, quoted, 336, 425 Envy, antitheta as to, 549 Epictetus, quoted, 72, 158, 541, 597, 884 Anthropomorphism of, 119, 199, 517 On virtue, 135 On fate, 444 On the popular gods, 446 On the atom, 840 Epicureans, the, 135, 137, 565, 568, 571, 683, 880 "On the Stoic theory, 542 Epimetheus, 753, 848, 851 Epitomes, corruptions of history, 433 Equilibrium, theory of, 477, note Equinoxes, precession of the, not known to Bacon 373, note; 705-6. Equity, aphorisms on, 613 sq. Erasmus, quoted, 54, 507, note; 585, 590 Erichthonius, fable of, 843 Erigena. See Scotus Error, modes of, 194 Apotheosis of, 272 Causes of, 278 sq. Eros, fable of, 639 sq. Eruptions, 311, 691 Esdras, second book of, cited, 281, nole Essays, Bacon's, 736 sq. Spedding's preface to, 733 Essex, Earl of, Bacon's connection with, vii Stories of, 865, 889 Essences, 455 Eternity of matter, 666, 695, 837 Ethelwald, Bishop, 873 Ether, proposed investigation of, 404 Phenomena of, 688 Ethics, 134 sq., 144 sq., 455 Divisions of, 499 Aristotle's, 139, 144 sq. Eucatalepsia, 299 Excises, 608 Origin of, 608, note Euclid, propositions of, 58 No addition to work of, 476, 852 Eunuchs, 789 Euripides, quoted, 876 Exclusion, method of, in Bacon's system, 20, 321 sq., 641 Not obeyed by him, 345, note Exhalations, Aristotle's theory of, 701 Exercise, medical value of, 485 Existences, Bacon's conception of, 18 Expansion, motion of, 348, 354, 364 Of colours, scents, etc., 358-9 Expectation, in rhetoric, 193, 335 Food, of flame, air, etc., 358 Force, fundamental nature of, 304, note; 305-6, Forms, use of term by Bacon, 16 sq., 25, 198, 302, Doctrine of, extraneous to his philosophy, 23 Discussion of, 94-5, 272, 277, 302 sq., 307, 320 The only means of anticipating chance, 337 Formulæ, 130 Fortitude, antitheta as to, 550 Fortune, burdens laid by, 155 Mind to be adjusted to, 161 Essay on, 784 Architecture of, 162, 164, 594, 602 Democritean doctrine of, 472 Antitheta as to, 548 Fossils, 382 Fountains, medicinal, 107 Warm, 312 Fowler, Prof., cited, 261, note; 270, note; 272, notes; 275, note; 299, note Fracastorius, invention by, 341 Referred to, 101, 348 Galileo, continued. And Grassi, 645 Discoveries of, 670, 674, 689, 698, 702, 709 Quoted, 517, note Galla, J. C. La, quoted, 352, note Games, 108, 169, 633 Gardiner, Bishop, 865 Garlic, and the magnet, 407 Gaston de Foix, 787 Gassendi, 643, 684, note Gems, Bacon's theory of, 333 And corruption, theories of, 273, 660 Telesius on, 658 Genesis, vanity of attempts to found science o 272 Gentlemen, in a state, 608 Geometry, progress in, 476, note Georgics of the mind, 134 sq., 563-77 Germination, heat in, 308, note Process of, 356 Gerard, Balthazar, 479 Gestures, language of, 121 Giants, the, sin of, 166 Signification of, in fable, 807, 836 Gilbert, W., Bacon's attitude to, 32, 268, nole His theory of magnetism, 342, note; 444, nole Astronomy of, 673, 683, 685, 686, 687, 696, 697 Disparaged by Bacon, 268, note; 271, 275, 66 Praised, 699, 708 Globe, of matter and of form, 155 Our, how seen by God, 166 Of the intellectual world, 175, 282, 677 sq. God, Bacon's view of, 33 Attributes of, 61, 91, 174, 186, 320 Man's duty to, 165 Nature of works of, 174 Not to be known from nature, 186, 456 Power of, known through nature, 209, 456 Only self-like, 187 Knows forms, 320 And nature, 209, 564 Beginning of Science, 287 Incapable of virtue or vice, 147, 577 Goeppert, cited, 308, note Gold, nature of, 16 Fable of buried, 59 Gondomar, stories of, 890, 894, 898 Passive and active, 136 sq. Simple and comparative, 563 sq. Private and common, 564 Individual, two aspects of, 566 sq. Goodness, essay on, 749 Gorgons, the, 448 sq., 832 Government, the science and arts of, 150, 154, 16 sq., 287 sq., 606 sq. See Civil Knowledge. Grææ, the, 450, 832-3 Grafting, too little tried, 505 Referred to, 473 Herodicus, 136, 566 Herschel, quoted, 400 Hexameters, 123, note; 525, and note Hiero and Pythagoras, 135, 565 Hieroglyphics, 122, 522, and note Hippias, 81, 274, 429 Referred to, 480, 485 Historia Densi et Rari, Bacon's, cited, 376, note Is basis of natural philosophy,95, 289, 307, 402 Civil, 79, 81-2, 83, 431, 432, 437 Ecclesiastical, 79, 80 Literary, 79, 431 Perfect, three kinds of, 433 sq. Method of, 403 sq. Appendices to, 86, 439 Medicinal, 105, 485 Catalogue of proposed series, 409 sq Of Henry VII, Bacon's, 415 Hitcham, Sir Robert, 891 Hobbes, 613, note Holland, commerce of, 753 Taxes in, 771 Weather cycles in, 805 Homer, source of livelihood to many, 73 Quoted, 478, 779 Homœomera, doctrine of, 443, 643 Honour and Reputation, essay on, 801 Honour, power of, in war, 163, 602 Hooke, Dr., expositor of Bacon, 15 Hopkins and Joule, experiments of, 356 Horace, quoted 474, 531, 542, 596, 605 Hothouses, 340 |