"author. And as I did euer hold there mought be as great a vanitie in retyring and withdrawing mens "conceits (except they be of some nature) from the "world, as in obtruding them: So in these particu"lars I haue played my selfe the inquisitor, and find "nothing to my vnderstanding in them contrary, or "infectious to the state of Religion, or manners, but "rather (as I suppose) medicinable. Onely I dis"liked now to put them out, because they will be "like the late newe halfepence, which though the "siluer were good, yet the pieces were small. But "since they would not stay with their master, " but wold needs trauel abroad, I haue preferred "them to you, that are next myself, dedicating them, " such as they are, to our loue, in the depth whereof " (I assure: ou) I somtimes wish your infirmities " transslated upon my selfe, that her maiesty mought " haue the seruice of so active and able a mind, and "I mought bee with excuse confined to these contem"plations and studies for which I am fittest, so com" mende I you to the preseruation of the diuine "Maiestie. From my Chamber at Grayes Inne, "this 30. of Ianuary. 1597. "Your entire louing brother It consists of ten Essays. 1. Of Studie. 2. Of Discourse. 3. Of Ceremonies and Respects. 4. Of Followers and Friends. 5. Of Sutors. "Fran. Bacon." 6. Of Expence. 7. Of Regiment of Health. 9. Of Faction. 10. Of Negotiating. These Essays, which are very short, are in octavo, in thirteen double pages, and somewhat incorrectly printed.* They are annexed to this volume.† Of this edition there is a manuscript in very ancient writing in the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum.‡ The next edition was in the year 1606. It is entitled 66 " Essaies. Religious Meditations. "Places of perswasion "and disswasion. "Seeneand allowed. "Printed at London for Iohn Iaggard,, "hand and Starre neere * The Essay (for instance) in the table of contents is " Of Suters," in the body of the book it is "Of Sutes:" + See note L. page 445. ‡ The reference to it is in vol. ii. of Catalogue, page 173, as follows: Essays by Lord Bacon, viz. on Studies, Discourses, Cere"monies and Respects, Followers and Friends, Suitors, Expense, Regimen of Health, Honor and Reputation, Faction, " and Negotiating." The Catalogue then adds, "These Essays will be found to vary in some degree from the printed copies This edition, which is in 12mo,* and not paged, is, except a few literal variations, a transcript of the edition of 1597.† The next edition was in 1612. It is entitled, "The Essaies "Of Sr Francis Bacon Knight, "Imprinted at London by " Iohn Beale, "1612." It was the intention of Sir Francis to have de and especially from an expensive edition of Lord Bacon's works, in which the Essays appear to be greatly mutilated." " if It is probable that this (although groundless) relates to the edition of 1730, published by Blackburn. It may, perhaps, be doubtful whether this is a MS. of the edition of 1597 or of 1606; but the first Essay in the edition of 1587 says, "he conferre little, he had need of a present witt:" but the words "he had need of" are omitted in the edition of 1606. They are however in the MS. in the Museum. There is also in the Harleiam MSS. 6797, a MS. of two Essays, of Faction and of Negotiating, with cross lines drawn through them. * I have a copy in my possession, with a very bad engraving. of Lord Bacon prefixed above the following lines: "Bacon, his Age's Pride and Britann's Glory As this volume, published 1606, (three years after the death of his brother Anthony), contains the dedication to Anthony and these lines, and as I do not find the edition mentioned in any of his letters: query, was it published by the author or by some bookseller? + For instance; the dedication in 1597 is to M. Anthony dicated this edition to Henry Prince of Wales, but he was prevented by the death of the Prince on the 6th of November in that year. This appears by the following letter: "To the most high and excellent prince, Henry, "Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Earl " of Chester. "It may please your Highness, "Having divided my life into the contemplative " and active part, I am desirous to give his majesty "and your highness of the fruits of both, simple "though they be. "To write just treatises, requireth leisure in the " writer, and leisure in the reader, and therefore are "not so fit, neither in regard of your highness's "princely affairs, nor in regard of my continual ser"vice; which is the cause that hath made me choose "to write certain brief notes, set down rather signi"ficantly than curiously, which I have called Essays. "The word is late, but the thing is ancient; for "Seneca's epistles to Lucilius, if you mark them " well, are but essays, that is, dispersed meditations, "though conveyed in the form of epistles. These " labours of mine, I know, cannot be worthy of your "highness, for what can be worthy of you? But my "hope is, they may be as grains of salt, that will " rather give you an appetite, than offend you with "satiety. And although they handle those things " wherein both mens lives and their persons are most Bacon, and in 1606 it is to Maister Anthony Bacon: and the signature in 1597 is Fran. Bacon; in 1606 is Francis Bacon. " conversant; yet what I have attained I know not; " but I have endeavoured to make them not vulgar, " but of a nature, whereof a man shall find much in * experience, and little in books; so as they are " neither repetitions nor fancies. But, however, I "shall most humbly desire your highness to accept "them in gracious part, and to conceive, that if I " cannot rest, but must shew my dutiful and devoted " affection to your highness in these things which " proceed from myself, I shall be much more ready "to do it in performance of any of your princely " commandments. And so wishing your highness "all princely felicity I rest "Your Highness's most humble servant, "1612. It was dedicated as follows: "FR. BACON." "To my loving Brother Sr IOHN CONSTABLE Knight.* "My last Essaies I dedicated to my deare brother "Master Anthony Bacon, who is with God. Looking "amongst my papers this vacation, I found others " of the same Nature: which if I myselfe shall not "suffer to be lost, it seemeth the World will not; " by the often printing of the former. Missing my "Brother, I found you next, in respect of bond both " of neare alliance, and of straight friendship and so"cietie, and particularly of communication in studies. * Francis Bacon married Alice Burnham, and Sir John Constable married her sister Dorothy Burnham. In Lord Bacon's will, he says, Sir John Constable, Knight, my brother-in-law; and he nominates him as one of his executors. |