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I. This Work will be printed in the best manner upon superfine laid paper, demy 8vo and will be comprised, as nearly as can be ascertained, in twelve volumes, each containing about four hundred and eighty pages.

II. Each volume will be charged to Subscribers 8s. in extra boards. III. The first volume containing the Advancement of Learning, &c. will be published on the 10th of May, 1825; and will be continued on the 10th of every alternate month, until the work be completed.

IV. To the work will be prefixed a Life of Lord Bacon, and an examination of his Writings, Portraits, Fac-similes, &c.

V. One hundred copies will be printed on the finest imperial paper, forming a a magnificent library edition, price 11. 1s. each volume: Subscribers to the large paper must engage to take the whole



His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, Chancellor of the Uni

versity of Cambridge, LARGE PAPER.

His Royal Highness Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg, L. P.

His Grace the Lord Archbishop of York, L. P.

The Rt. Hon. Earl of Verulam, L. P.

The Honorable Society of Gray's-Inn, L. P.

The Right Hon. Countess of Sandwich, L. r.

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[blocks in formation]

Edward Higgs, Esq.
T. H. Holberton, Esq.

20 Thomas Hornby, Esq.
Rev. E. Irving.
Rob. S. Jameson, Esq. L. P.
Rev. Thomas Jameson.

P. Johnston, Esq.

Rev. J. Jones, L. P.
J. Kerrich, Esq.

Mr. Kidd.

Mr. C. Lacy

30 Thomas T. Lewis, Esq. B. A.

J. F. Lambert, Esq.



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THIS Volume contains

1. The Essays.

2. Meditationes Sacræ.

3. The Colours of Good and Evil.

4. Miscellaneous Tracts upon Human Philosophy.

1. In Praise of Knowledge.

2. Valerius Terminus, or the Interpretation

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§ 1.


The first edition of the Essays was published in

the year 1597. It is entitled *


"Religious Meditations.

"Places of perswasion and


"Seene and allowed.


" Printed for Humfrey Hooper, and are
"to be sold at the blacke Beare

" in Chauncery Lane.

" 1597."


"To M. Anthony Bacon his deare Brother. "Louing and beloued brother I do now like some that haue an Orcharde il neighbored, that "gather their fruit before it is ripe, to preuent " stealing. These fragments of my conceits were "going to print: To labour the stay of them had " bene troublesome, and subiect to interpretation : " to let them passe had bin to aduentur the wrong " they mought receiue by vntrue Coppies, or by some " garnishment which it mought please any one that "shold set them forth to bestow upon them. There"fore I helde it best discretion to publish them my " selfe as they passed long agoe from my pen with" out any further disgrace, then the weakenes of the

* There is a copy of this edition at Cambridge, and in the


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