THE ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF ART: CONTAINING SELECTIONS FROM THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF PAINTING, SCULPTURE, ARCHITECTURE, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, ART-INDUSTRY, MANUFACTURES, SCIENTIFIC INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERIES, LOCAL AND DOMESTIC SCENES, ORNAMENTAL WORKS, ETC. ETC. VOLUME III. NEW YORK: ALEXANDER MONTGOMERY, 17, SPRUCE STREET. 1854. |. A HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY GIFT OF THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORICAL SOCIETY FEB 15 1938 THE third volume of the ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF ART, now completed, has peculiar claims to a favourable reception on the part of that numerous body of readers who honour the work with their patronage. Besides a fund of valuable materials upon almost every variety of topic, it contains several well-written and richly-illustrated articles upon subjects in which every citizen of the United States cannot but feel a special interest. Among others belonging to this class may be mentioned those on American Art, Bank-note Engraving in America, American Scenery, John James Audubon, the eminent naturalist, Cyrus Durand, the machinist and bank-note engraver, the highly-gifted but ill-fated Margaret Fuller, Hiram Powers, the great sculptor, William Seward, the distinguished statesman and lawyer, John Marshall, formerly Chief Justice of the United States, and M. Pierre Soulé, our present ambassador at the Court of Spain. In the present volume, as the reader will perceive, the interesting story, entitled "The School of Life," from the pen of the accomplished Miss Howitt, is brought to a close, and only a chapter or two is wanting to complete "The Dead Bridal," a tale in which one of the most popular writers of the day has managed to convey, in an attractive form, a large amount of information upon the history and manners of Venice in the fourteenth century. With regard to the future, it is unnecessary to say more than that the publisher hopes to make the ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF ART keep full pace with the rapid progress of the age in every department. |