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" Yet even these bones," are to me original; I have never seen the notions in any other place, yet he that reads them here persuades himself that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame and useless to praise him. "
Philosophical Essays: To which are Subjoined, Copious Notes, Critical and ... - Page 220
by James Ogilvie - 1816 - 279 pages
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prefaces biographical and critical to the works of the english poets

SAMUEL johnson - 1781 - 292 pages
...notions in any other place ; yet he that reads them here, perfuades himfelf that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ufelefs to praife him. A LONG A LONG STORY*. IN Britain's ifle, no matter where, .£ An antient pile...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: Pope. Pitt. Thomson. Watts. A ...

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1781 - 522 pages
...notions in any other place ; yet he that reads them here, perfuades himfelf that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ufelefs to praife him. LYTTELTON, LYTTELTON. GEORGE LYTTELTON, the fon of Sir Thomas Lyttelton of Hagley...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets; with critical ..., Volume 4

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 pages
...notions in any other place ; yet he that reads them here, perfuades himfelf that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ufelefs to praife him. LYTTELTON. LYTTELTON. EORGE LYTTELTON, the fon VJT of Sir Thomas Lyttelton of...
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Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of the English Poets ...

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1781 - 294 pages
...notions in any other place; yet he that reads them here, perfuades himfelf that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ufelefs to praife him. A LONG ALONG STORY*. IN Britain's ifle, no matter where, ^ An antient pile of...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets (concluded). Miscellaneous lives

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 650 pages
...notions in any other place; yet he that reads them here perfuades himfelf that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ufelefs to praife him. LYTTELTON. GEORGE LYTTELTON, the fon of Sir Thomas Lyttelton of Hagley in Worceflerfhire,...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets (concluded). Miscellaneous lives

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 650 pages
...notions in any other place ; yet he that reads them here perfuades himfelf that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ufelefs to praife him. LYTTELTON. GEORGE LYTTELTON, the fen of Sir Thomas Lyttelton of Hagley in Worcefterfhire,...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volume 6

English poets - 1790 - 312 pages
...notions in any other place. ; yet he that reads them here perfuades himfelf that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ulclcfs to praife him. YTTELTO N. GEORGE LYTTELTON, the ton of Sir Thomas Lyttelton, of Hagley in '\Vorcefterfhire,...
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The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volume 10

Robert Anderson - English poetry - 1795 - 1036 pages any other place ; yet he that reads them here, perfuades himfelf -.lit he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ufelcl* Wprafehim." 0 '»j THE WORKS 01? GRAY. ODE ON THE SPRING. , LO' where the rofy-bofom'd hours,...
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Johnson's Lives of the the English Poets: Abridged: with Notes and Illustrations

Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1797 - 278 pages
...notions in any other place ; yet he that reads them here perfuades Iiimfelf that he kas always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame and ufelefs to praife him." ' THE END. I 4HK. MAR15MI . OF MICH. LIBRARY ...
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The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray: With the Life of the Author

Thomas Gray - Elegiac poetry, English - 1798 - 130 pages
...notions in any other place; yet he that reads them here, perfuades himfelf that he has always felt them. Had Gray written often thus, it had been vain to blame, and ufelels to praife him." THE TEARS OF GENIUS: AN ODE, TO THE MEMORT OF MR. GRAY. (By J. T .) ON Cham's...
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