P. 29, 1. 24. "That now, one boundless present shall endure.' P. 30, 1. 6. And the columnar cactus towers unto the skies. "The hill of calcareous breccia which we have just regarded as an island in the ancient gulf, is covered with a thick forest, of columnar cactus and opuntia. Some thirty or forty feet high, covered with lichens, and divided into several branches in the form of candelabra, wear a singular appearance. Near Maniquarez, at Punta Araya, we measured a cactus, the trunk of which was four feet nine inches in circumference."-HUMBOLDT's Personal Narrative. P. 31, 1. 1. This gifted being, to the haunts of men Preferr'd the mountain's height, or lonely glen. The following beautiful lines, extracted from the tragedy of COUNT JULIAN, are applicable to a great Poet, and excellent Man, who is shadowed out under the character of Eumolpus. No airy or light passion stirs abroad To ruffle or to soothe him; all are quell'd COUNT JULIAN, Act. V. Scene 2, by Walter Savage Landor. P. 31, 1. 7. One might his highly polish'd wit compare To the snow-diamond, beautiful and rare. "The most frequent colours of the diamond, as already mentioned, are the white and grey; and of these the most highly prized by the jeweller are the snow-white."-JAMIESON's Mineralogy. P. 31, 1. 23. Yet praise is dear to all-the world's, alas, The spirits; 'tis for that we act and think. "Sic leve, sic parvum est, animum quod laudis avarum P. 32, 1. 17. Antimachus, since such a name the Muse Reluctant for the wayward youth must choose. Antimachus in the "Nubes" of Aristophanes, according to the scholiast, is a very handsome and profligate youth. P. 33, 1. 5. But with alternate colours dark and bright, The glaring contrast shocks the moral sight. Such a contrast of colours was exhibited in the character of the Alcibiadeses, Cæsars, Whartons, and Bolingbrokes of their day the character of Lord Bolingbroke is so admirably painted by Lord Chesterfield, that I will make no apology for introducing it here, though it be well known. "Here the darkest, there the most splendid colours, and both rendered more shining from their proximity. Impetuosity, excess, and almost extravagancy, characterised not only his passions, but even his senses. His youth was distinguished by all the tumult and storm of pleasures in which he most licentiously triumphed, disdaining all decorum. His fine imagination has often been heated and exhausted with his body, in celebrating and deifying the prostitute of the night; and his convivial joys were pushed to all the extravagancy of the most frantic Bacchanals. Those passions were interrupted but by a stronger -Ambition." P. 34, 1. 22. Happy as Demonax, and quite as sage. Demonax was the good Philosopher of Cyprus, as described by Lucian he lived to the age of a hundred. He was a wit, a man of genius, and a virtuous citizen. NOTES ON THE FOURTH EPISTLE TO A FRIEND IN TOWN. P. 36, 1. 4. Till in the sun her crisped smiles she wreathes. That o'er the interminable ocean wreathe Your crisped smiles. POTTER'S Translation of the Prometheus Vinctus of Eschylus. Non avea per Natura ivi dipinto, Ma di soavità di mille odori Vi facea incognito indistinto.-DANTE. P. 40, 1. 5. A Ballet at the Opera it seems. There is nothing certainly in the artificial world more attractive than an Opera ballet, where for a time you seem to be transported among "amoretti alati," scenes worthy of Paradise, roseate clouds gay creatures of the element." and ، Quæ nec mortales dignantur visere cœtus, Fresh as the rose, her limbs impearl'd with spray, MS. P. 42, 1. 7. Though timid cocknies scorn, a nerveless race. In spite of the ridicule of Fielding and other writers, I will venture to say, that they only depreciate the pleasures of the chase who know not how to enjoy them: the songs of Tyrtæus, who roused his countrymen to battle, and infused into them an unconquerable courage, are not more spirit-stirring than the verses on the Epwell hunt.— Vol. iii. page 457, Daniel's Rural Sports, 4to edition. Even the greatest philosophers have enjoyed, and the greatest poets have extolled, the pleasures of the chase. Diogenes Laertius describes Xenophon as fond of the sports of the field. Virgil's fine lines in the third book of his Georgics are well known : Sæpe etiam cursu timidos agitabis onagros, Et canibus leporem, canibus venabere damas. And Dryden in his letter to his Cousin, with more poetical animation perhaps, than knowledge of sporting, says, With crowds attended of your ancient race You seek the champaign sports, or sylvan chase; With well-breathed beagles you surround the wood, And often have you brought the wily fox To suffer for the firstlings of the flocks; Chased even amid the folds, and made to bleed Like felons, where they did the murderous deed. Sir Francis Burdett, perhaps the most eloquent speaker in the House of Commons, is not the worse orator for being "a good Meltonian."How changed now! 1838. P. 42, 1. 21. Some book, it matters not in prose or rhyme. In a "priced Roxburghe catalogue," are the following books or tracts: No. 3268. The Passetyme of Pleasure, by Stephen Hawys. 4to. very rare. London, Wynken de Worde, 1517. 817. No. 3284. The Castell of Pleasure. 4to. very scarce. Wynken What earthly pleasure these "Castells and Passetymes❞ give to the possessor, it is not perhaps very easy to determine; but as the noble author of "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers" justly observes, "A book's a book although there's nothing in 't." P. 47, 1. 7. Political economy! how few. Political economy is a study as yet in its infancy; and so it will continue to be, as long as men are not agreed about the precise terms by which they would convey their ideas on this most interesting subject. Is value absolute or relative? Are values of commodities to each other as values of their labours? Is labour or money the most accurate measure of value? Can there be such a thing as an invariable measure of value ? The disciples of Ricardo and Malthus differ upon points of essential importance. Are profits solely governed by the value of the last lands that are taken into cultivation? May not saving from revenue, to add to capital, be carried to too great an extent? Is it true that if one branch of trade be overstocked, some other must necessarily be understocked? Are a body of unproductive consumers necessary to stimulate demand and to increase production? P. 47, 1. 17. Would Mitchell's great Apollo dart his gibe, &c. Aristophanes see his "Vespa," in which the courts of justice at Athens are severely satirized. But, after all, who would form his opinion of those courts from the lively, caustic representations of a satirical comic poet? As well might posterity form its opinion of a House of Commons in the reigns of Queen Anne or the first George, from Swift's famous description of the "Legion Club.” Great praise is due to Mr. Peel and Mr. Brougham (in the great work of reforming the law they may be classed together as fellow-labourers |