NOTES ON LINES ADDRESSED "TO THE REV. WILLIAM WAY." P. 353, 1. 1. Great wits in this our iron age may mourn That country gentlemen write not like Bourne. The Reverend Sydney Smith, in his witty and clever pamphlet on the Ballot, makes the following comfortable remarks, which, no doubt, the "Gentlemen of England" will know how to appreciate. "I long for the quiet times of King Log, when all the English common people are making calico, and all the English Gentlemen are making long and short verses, with no other interruption of their happiness than when false quantities are discovered in one or the other.”Ballot, by the Rev. Sydney Smith, page 21. Vincent Bourne, the well-known admirable writer of Latin Poems, original and translations. The Poet Cowper had a very high opinion of his merits as a writer and as a man. His Thyrsis and Chloe (a translation of the William and Margaret of Mallet) is an exquisitely finished production. P. 353, 1. 5. Maturing taste, that in thy early years Gave thee distinction 'mong thy bright compeers. Some of the most beautiful contributions to the "Musa Etonenses" are from the pen of Mr. Way. P. 354, 1. 3. Gell in thy muse had seen the maiden Greek, So beautiful her dress is, à l'antique. The late Sir William Gell, a most accomplished Hellenist. P. 354, 1. 15. All, in thy spirit-stirring odes survive, Gratia te, Venerisque lepos, et mille colorum, Formarumque chorus sequitur, motusque decentes. GRAY, De Principiis Cogitandi. Such forms as glitter in the Muse's ray GRAY, Progress of Poetry. P. 355, 1. 7. Then strike the Theban lyre with master-hand, Fidibusque Latinis Thebanos aptare modos studet, auspice Musâ? HORAT. |