P. 345, 1. 12. Thank Heaven! we have no Camelfords at school. The late Lord Camelford was the terror of hackney coachmen and coffee-house loungers, being equally celebrated as a duellist and pugilist. P. 345, 1. 15. Whether they were herbivorous, or ate Dirt, like an Otomac, I cannot state. There is a singular account of the Otomacs in Humboldt's Narrative, vol. v. p. 639, (Helen Maria Williams's translation :) "They reside in the mission of Uruana, and eat earth; that is, they swallow every day during several months very considerable quantities to appease hunger, without injuring their health." P. 346, 1. 3. Perchance, as Waterton a crocodile, &c. See WATERTON's Wanderings. P. 346, 1. 12. As Spenser's dragon threw the gorgeous w See SPENSER'S Faery Queen, book i. canto viii. stanza 17. P. 346, 1. 19. Singing in chorus marshy songs. As harmonious as "The Frogs" of Aristophanes. P. 346, 1. 23, 24. Ere Alorus they lived; or, to go higher, Ere lived forefathers of a Cambrian 'squire. We learn from the fragments of Berosus, Apollodorus, Abydenus, and Alexander Polyhistor, preserved by Eusebius and Georgius Syncellus, that the first king of Babylon was named Alorus; that nine kings succeeded him in a direct line, and that the last of these was named Xisuthrus, in whose time happened the great deluge.-DRUMMOND's Origines, vol. i. p. 8. "Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona Multi, sed omnes illacrymabiles Nocte, carent quia vate sacro." HORAT. lib. iv. ode ix. Mr. Cadwallader's family in Foote's "Author" was older than the Creation. P. 346, 1. 25-27. They may, sublimed into another sort Of beings, through ethereal space transport Themselves. "These beings who are before you, and who appear almost as imperfect in their functions as the zoophytes of the Polar Sea, to which they are not unlike in their apparent organisation to your eyes, have a sphere of sensibility and intellectual enjoyment far superior to that of the inhabitants of your earth: each of these tubes, which appears like the trunk of an elephant, is an organ of peculiar motion and sensation.” -DAVY's Consolations in Travel, pp. 47, 48. P. 347, 1. 12. Would puzzle Heard. Sir Isaac Heard, late Garter King at Arms, a very pleasant old gentleman, who at the age of eighty could kiss his own toe, and used to perform several agile feats in his old age to please His late Majesty George the Fourth. TO THE REV. WILLIAM WAY, WITH A COPY OF THE AUTHOR'S POEMS. Præsenti tibi maturos largimur honores.-HORAT. GREAT wits in this our iron age may mourn Maturing taste, that in thy early years Gave thee distinction 'mong thy bright compeers, (Thine is the wit of Atticus, the verse Horace might own, thine Martial's language terse,) Where flower-crown'd mirth is; in her robe of hues Various plays Fancy sages to amuse. Thy genius loves before our minds to place "Ex re fabellas," with a classic grace; A A As around Grecian vases figures clear Are grouped, the narratives distinct appear. Fresh from the spring, and not through channels wrought By pedantry to rust its virtues brought, Flows of thy song the stream in rapid tide : Though oft the cheering cry of "gone away Thessalian Tempe of thy mind the home Charm thee, or Horace genial friends among ; By thy example taught we strive to hold, Snatch'd from time's stream descending, grains of gold. It is perchance a crime, since life is short, 'Mid vivid recollections to disport Of all that was in bygone ages fair, And dream of Greece while breathing British air. Thought on our modern projects-with thy taste. The scholar and the gentleman combin'd, Then lay aside thy criticism's spear, Its touch a worthier muse than mine may bear. Thee I propitiate,-if thou canst, protect These leaves from blasts of scorn, blight of neglect. March 6, 1839. |