TAGLIONI. How gracefully she now advances ! see Her lovely limbs-no effort hers to please! The grace and energy of life reveal'd; While sylph and sylphid, beauteous girl and boy, Hover around her, prodigal of joy. This union of repose and power combined Once co-existed in the Sculptor's mind, When at his call divinities awoke From marble, and to hearts, though silent, spoke. A COMPARISON. A SUN impurpled glow Is on the waveless sea, And not a breeze doth blow, And not a sail I see. Like heaven's own pavement bright,* Is now the placid deep, On which the farewell light Of sunset loves to sleep. TO A LARK. THE hymeneal chant While youthful hearts do pant, Rising like incense rich around a bridegroom king, Its strains cannot compare With thine for notes so rare, That from thy joyous heart exultingly do spring. Thy music is thine own; A soul-enchanting tone, By ecstacy inbreathed, when thou wast born, to be A soaring song of Love Embodied, that above Mocks our most vivid joys with its aërial glee. ON THE FALL OF THE LEAVES. THEY lie commingling with the earth that late Others will be as beautiful, and sear. My friends around me fall, by death's rude blast Of verdant youth. And are they lost amid That they shall be again as flourishing As e'er on earth, in heaven, and happier far. I hail the omen, sorrow for the loss Of dearest friends, but joy that they are blest. *"A sylvan scene, and as the ranks ascend Shade above shade, a woody theatre Of stateliest view."-MILTON. My good old mansion, shall resound no more And head-ache, and the "numerous ills that flesh Smiling with wonted cheerfulness on me : I know that manly form, but, Oh! how pale Those cheeks, that once with health's rich colour glow'd! Mild as the moon in the deep blue of heaven Looks gentleness above the quiet grove, He looks, dear I'll remember thee And thy society,-alas, how brief! And hope for thy companionship again In worlds which here conjecture vainly strives October, 1830. |