PSEUDO-PATRIOTISM. How few there are who well deserve A traitor's name doth stain the fame Of Wallenstein the brave; The honours which he could not claim Adorn his rival's grave.* Rienzi, thou didst promise well, Yes! when the traitor-tribune fell *The great Gustavus Adolphus. TO BERNARD BARTON. UNLIKE indeed the meteor light Thou art a star to bless our sight, And lead us on our way. Mild are the breathings of thy lyre, Thou gentle bard, yet strong Thy verse, whene'er thy "muse of fire" To heaven directs her song. Thou hast not drunk, as others have, How stainless thy poetic wreath! How beautiful its hue! Unsullied by the world's gross breath, It looks for ever new. WILLERSLEY. TREES (how majestical!) along the glade How graceful is the mountain's sweep! E'en the projecting crags are dight In the rich hues of morning light! * Willersley is the seat of Richard Arkwright, Esq. It is situated on a beautiful eminence about a mile from Matlock, just above the romantic village of Cromford. The tangled shrubs creep o'er yon distant hills, Whose soil more rugged seems; and there, 'Mid giant stones uncouth and bare, Leap out unnumber'd rills. Their course the lively waters take Rush with collected fury down. How sparkling are the streams! how bright The glorious falls where they unite! Where trees, fantastically wove, Form a green canopy above! And then the spray, that dews the bower Tradition says that yon bold rocks Work out their wonders far and near. Spirits of air and water, ye Act with portentous energy, |