An Abridgement of the History of England: Being a Summary of Mr. Rapin's History and Mr. Tindal's Continuation : From the Landing of Julius Caesar to the Death of King George I ... Illustrated ... on Seventy Copper Plates, Volume 2J. and P. Knapton, 1747 - Great Britain |
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An Abridgement of the History of England: Being a Summary of Mr ..., Volume 3 M. ). Rapin De Thoyras (Paul No preview available - 2018 |
An Abridgement of the History of England: Being a Summary of Mr. Rapin's ... M ) Rapin De Thoyras (Paul No preview available - 2015 |
An Abridgement of the History of England: Being a Summary of Mr. Rapin's ... M ) Rapin De Thoyras (Paul No preview available - 2018 |
Common terms and phrases
affiftance afterwards againſt alfo Ambaffador anſwer April Archbishop army Baron Bishop Caftle caufes City of London Commiffioners Cromwell Crown declaration defign defire Duke of York Earl of Effex Earl of Warwick Emperor England English fame fecond fent feveral fhips fhould fiege figned fince firft flain fome fpeech fubfidy fuch George grants Guife Henry VIII himſelf Houfe of Commons Houſe iffued Ireland July June King Charles King Edward King Henry King James King of France King of Scotland King's Kingdom laft London Lord mafter Majefty Marquifs marriage occafion paffed Papifts Parliament meets Parliament of Scotland peace perfons petition Pope prefent prifoner Prince of Orange proclamation Proteftant publiſhes purpoſe Queen Elizabeth Queen Mary raiſe refolves reftored refufes Reign Richard Robert Scotland Scots Sept Sir John Sir Thomas Sir William Spain Suffolk theſe thofe thoſe treaty Viſcount Yorkſhire
Popular passages
Page 422 - second, having endeavoured to subvert the constitution of " the kingdom, by breaking the original contract between " king and people — and, by the advice of Jesuits and other " wicked persons, having violated the fundamental laws, " and having withdrawn himself out of this kingdom — has " abdicated the government, and that the throne is thereby
Page 424 - ... of the submission due to priests. He was naturally a man of truth, fidelity and justice ; but his religion was so infused in him, and he was so managed in it by his priests, that the principles which nature had laid in him had little power over him when the concerns of his church stood in the way. He was a gentle...
Page 422 - having endeavoured to fubvert the conftitution of the kingdom, •' by breaking the original contract between king and people ; " and, by the advice of jefuits and other wicked perfons, having " violated the fundamental laws ; and having withdrawn himfelf " out of this kingdom ; has- abdicated the government, and that the
Page 424 - In a word, if it had not been for his popery he would have been, if not a great, yet a good prince.
Page 98 - He exercised so much severity on men of both persuasions, that the writers of both sides have laid open his faults, and taxed his cruelty. But as neither of them were much obliged to him, so none have taken so much care to set forth his good qualities, as his enemies have done to enlarge on his vices: I do not deny that he is to be numbered among the ill princes, yet I cannot rank him with the worst.
Page 114 - All the graces were in him. He had many tongues when he was yet but a child : together with the English...
Page 373 - IN the midft of all his remiflhefs, fo in* duftrious and indefatigable on fome particular occafions, that no man would either toil longer, or be able to manage it better. HE was fo liberal, as to ruin his affairs by it ; for Want in a ixing of England, turns turns things juft upfide down, and expofcs a Prince to his people's mercy.
Page 373 - G health, health, tho' alas the one prov'd unable to make his life long, the other had not failed to have made it famous.
Page 213 - Baronett aforesaid and by force of these presents as well in all Commissions Writs Letters Patent Writings Appellations Nominations and directions as in all sessions meetings assemblies and places whatsoever next and immediately after the younger sons of Viscounts and Barons...
Page 369 - He shewed what errors they committed, and how they ought to be corrected, as if he had been a viceroy to France, rather than a king that ought to have watched over and prevented the progress they made, as the, greatest of all the mischiefs that could happen to him or to his people.