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ADAMS, President, his account of Otis'
speech against Writs of Assistance,341.
Adams, Samuel, his character by Mr Tu-
dor, 347.

Aiken, Miss, her account of the venality
of the age of Elizabeth, 335.
Alfieri, partakes of the Greek and French
taste, 409.

America, town of, 245-Major Long's
anticipations of its great increase, ib.
Arkansa Territory, description of, 64 et
seq.-town of, 65-river till lately
little known, 59.

Arrowsmith, has copied M. de Humboldt's
map of Mexico, 24.
Astronomical observations and admeas-
urements, by baron Humboldt, 17.

Bacon, lord, his life by Mallet reviewed,
300 et seq.-Mr Hume's opinion of
him controverted, ib.-first praised by
the learned of foreign nations, 301
lord Bacon's moral courage, 303-his
relation with the earl of Essex, 305-
defends the popular side in the house of
commons, 310-lord Bacon acceptable
to the house of commons,ib.-the causes
of his downfall examined, 311 et seq.
-instances of his having received mon-
ey stated on his trial, 313, 4, 5-mes-
sage of James relative to him, 316-
Bacon's letter to the house of lords, 318

their answer, ib.-his letter to James
319 gives up his defence, 320-
the confession of lord Bacon extracted,
324-326-house of lords dissatisfied,
ib.-his fuller confession, 328-sen-
tence pronounced, 329-king remits
part of his sentence, 330-pardons him


Baillie, Miss, approaches nearest the an-
cient drama, 284.

New Series, No. 14.

Baldwin, Dr, botanist of the expedition to
the Rocky mountains, his death la-
mented, 243.

Beaumont and Fletcher, their strong and

correct pictures of nature, 131.
Bichat, his remark on the materia medica,

Bonpland, M. a distinguished botanist, 10
-describes forty-two new genera of
plants, 17.

Butler, bishop, his Analogy, 357.
Butler, his history of the United States
reviewed, 156 et seq.

Catiline, tragedy of Croly, reviewed, 124
et seq.-subject attempted by three
masters unsuccessfully, 149-favora-
ble view of the character of Catiline by
the poet, ib.-finely conceived, ib.-
extracts, 150-154.

Cassis cornutus, Linnæus' and others'
opinions of, 246.

Charleston, S. C., the conduct of the
magistrates and citizens of commended,


Clavigero exposed Buffon's errors in A-
merican zoology, 21.

Clio, reviewed, 102 et seq. See Percival.
Coal, its existence in the western territory,

Coke, sir Edward, his conduct at the trial
of lord Essex, 306.

Commodus, the Roman emperor, contends
in the gladiatorial games for an enor-
mous salary, 172.

Cuvier, his memoir on the Axolotl of the

lake of Mexico, 21-has recognized
two new species of Mastodontons and
one true elephant, among M. de Hum-
boldt's fossil collections, ib.

Dalberg, baron, patronises Schiller, 405
-his family, ib.


Drama, The, 124-considered a lost
art in England, 284-Miss Baillie ap-
proaches nearest the old drama, ib.
Ducis, his translations from Shakspeare
described, 141.

Duelling, remarks on by a citizen of Vir-
ginia controverted, 57.


Education, classical, arguments against it
refuted, 51 et seq.-examples of dis-
tinguished men without it alluded to, 51
-not a study of words merely, 52 et

Emigration, appearance of, on the river
Ohio, 63.

Essays on various subjects, by a citizen of
Virginia, reviewed, 45 et seq.-sub-
jects of the Essays, 47-their charac-
teristics, ib.-their style, 48—views of
classical education commended, 50-
favorable opinion of duelling contro-
verted, 55.

Essex, earl of, his trial, 306.

Medea, ib.-nature of the poem, 286
-extracts from 289 et seq.-of the
Argonauts, 290—of Medea, 292—ex-
tracts from the poem, 293 et seq.
Grassi, a Jesuit, his present state of A-
merica reviewed, 229 et seq.-carrica-
tures and scandal originate with our-
selves, 231-Catholicism not danger-
ous in a temporal view in America, 240
its utility when well administered, 241.
Greek language, Mr Pickering's Memoir
on its pronunciation praised, 51-Dr
Rush's acquaintance with it alluded to,


Hancock, Governor, extract from his
speech, 185-his character unduly
qualified, 186.

Harris, the late Mr, the greatest profi-

cient in Oriental literature in America,
an engraver, 51.

Hopkinson, judge, his biography, 192—
letter from, 193.

Etruscans, account of, by Mr Niebuhr, Humboldt, M. de, his works reviewed, 1



Fessenden, his Essay on the Law of Pa-
tents reviewed, 199 et seq.-law of
patents becoming more important, ib.
a good treatise on much wanted, 200
-objections to Fessenden's 201.
Fisheries, Captain Smith's idea of their
importance, 283.

Flint Island, the residence of some tribe

expert in Indian manufactures, 244.
Franklin, his biography, 187-his style,
ib.-anecdotes of, 188-is afflicted
at the commencement of hostilities, 189
-anecdotes of at Paris, ib.
Franklin, town of, its description by Ma-
jor Long, 248.


Goethe, his character little known to us, 285

—his acquaintance with Schiller, 410.
German poets, enumerated and charac-
terized, 285.

Golden Fleece, The, a dramatic poem, by
Grillparzer reviewed, 283 et seq.-
English drama, state of, ib.-German
drama entirely new, 284-German po-
ets described, 285- their language
praised, ib.-Mr Grillparzer commend-
ed, ib.-character of his poem 286
---comparison of his and Corneille's

et seq.-his birth, 2-projects a voy-
age to Egypt, 3-a voyage of circum-
navigation, ib.-conceives the project
of exploring the alpine region of central
Africa, ib.-repairs to Spain, 4—is
presented to the king, and obtains per-
mission to explore the Spanish colonial
possessions, ib.- -M. de Humboldt's

collection of instruments excellent, 6
-explores New Andalusia, 7-repairs
to Cuba, ib.-departs for the western
coast of South America, and arrives at
Quito, ib.-projects an expedition to
the heights of the Andes, ib.-repairs
to Lima, ib.-to New Spain, ib.—his
Political Essay on New Spain describ-
ed, ib. et 12.-arrives at Philadelphia,
ib.-prepares triplicates of his speci-
mens, 9-account of his works, 13 et
seq.-his Personal Narrative described,
22-extracts from the last volumes of,
25 et seq.

Hutchinson, Governor, his many offices
enumerated, 341.


Ideal, The, in poetry, thought by the con-

tinental critics the highest excellence,
133-this opinion controverted, ib.
Indians, North American, their character
and relation to the white population

discussed, 32 et seq.-the substitution
of a civilized for an Indian population
not a melancholy spectacle, 36-39—
thirty Indian churches formerly at one
time near Boston, 38.

Insects, the suffering from, in South A-
merica described, 25 et seq.-form a
constant subject of conversation, 26-
inhabitants bury themselves in the sand
to avoid them, 27-passage of Dante
applied to them, 27-missionaries' and
monks' complaints of them, 28-dif-
ferent species sting at different hours,
29-some species said to present im-
portant obstacles to civilization, ib.-
destroy archives and libraries, 30.
Italian painter, anecdote of, 131.

[blocks in formation]

Lee, Ann, a leader of the sect of Shakers,
history of, 81 et seq.- -embarks for
America, 82-stays two years at New
York, 83-goes to Albany, and fixes
a settlement a few miles thence, ib.-
visits for two years different societies of
the sect, ib.dies September 1784,86.
Lewis and Clarke, their expedition gave
the first correct information in regard
to the western territory, 59-full of
romantic incident, 61.
Long, Major, his account of the expedi-
tion to the Rocky mountains reviewed,
242 et seq.-
-Cumberland road des-
eribed, ib.-arrives at Louisville, 244
arrives at the mouth of the Ohio, 245-
passes the Grand Tower, ib.-the lands
in Kaskaskias unjustifiably obtained, ib.
-arrives at St Louis, 246-identity
supposed of Asiatic & American shells,
ib.-connexion of the native American
population with that of the Asiatic isles,
247-prize question relative to the sub-
ject, by the Society of Geography at
Paris, ib.-account of the dog-dance,

252-winter quarters, 253-Indians
not alarmed by martial music and guns,
255-extracts from winter journal of
the party at the garrison, 256 et seq.-
the Snake Indians devour ants, ib.-
torments suffered as expiations by the
Minnetarees, 259-human sacrifices
among the Pawnees, 260-language of
signs described, 262- -Major Long
returns to the Council Bluff, 263-ex-
cursion to the source of the river Platte,
ib.-description of bison herds, 264—
obtains a view of the Rocky mountains,
265-the mirage seen, ib.


or 'James' Peak visited, ib.-descent
of the river Arkansa, 266-loss of their
manuscripts, 267- -execution of the
work commended, ib.parsimony
which defeated the original conception
of the expedition censured, 268-com-
parative resources of foreign nations
with ours, ib.

Louis XIV, the effect of his character on
French and English poetry, 136.


Materia Medica, treatise on, by Dr Bige-
low reviewed 365 et seq.-
-nature of
the work, 366-considered as complete,
ib.-adulteration of medicines, 367-
misapplication of medical names, 369-
Dr Bigelow's opinion on the importance
of chemical relations in drugs, 371-
uses and exhibition of medicines, 372
-reasons for preferring Dr Bigelow's
work, 373 et seq.-account of the na-
tional pharmacopoeia, 375 et seq.-
general convention of medical delegates
at Washington, 376 -- its imperfections,
-objects of the national pharma-
copœia, 377- its merits, 978.
Macquerrie, river in New Holland, 60.
Metcalf, see Yelverton.


Mexican pyramids, 14-method of com-
puting time, 17.

Mexico, M. de Humboldt's account of
strongly recommended, 13-our most
important frontier, ib.

Micale, his Italy before the Romans, 429.
Missionary establishments to the Indians

praised, 42 et seq.-the instruction of
the Indians in the arts of life recom-
mended, ib.-school at Cornwall prais-
ed, 43—at Harmony for the Osages
relinquished, 44,

Missouri, spoken of as the largest river
known, 60-brings to the common chan-
nel four times as much water as the Mis-
sissippi, ib.-its length more than four
thousand miles, ib.
Mockbird, animated description of by Mr
Nuttall, 66.

Moore, Thomas, his Loves of the Angels
reviewed, 353 et seq.-nature of the
subject, 356-story of, and extracts
from the poem, 359 et seq.
Morse, Dr, his report to the Secretary of
War on Indian affairs reviewed, 31 et
seq-his excursions to Green bay and
York, 31-objections to the arrange-
ment of the work, 32-Dr Morse's
opinion on the extinction of the Indian
tribes, 35--combatted, 36 et seq.
Morse, his modern geography reviewed,

176 et seq.portion relating to the
United States commended, ib.-intro-
duction relating to astronomy unneces
sary, 177-tables of weights, measures,
&c. wanted, ib.- -comparison of the
mile of different countries, 178-deci-
mal notation recommended, 180.


New-Hampshire Historical Collections
commended, 86.

Niebuhr, his Roman History reviewed,
425 et seq.-has exploded vulgar
errors regarding Roman history, 426
opinion of the Quarterly Review, 427
Mr Niebuhr's early life, ib.--professor
at Berlin, ib.appointed minister to
Rome, ib.--discovers the institutions
of Gaius, 428-Mr Niebuhr's situation
at Rome, ib.-his plan in the work, ib.
account of the tribes which preceded the
Romans, 429-of the Etruscans, 431
et seq.
-the arrival of Æneas, ib. et
seq.-his conjectures on the foundation
of Rome, 437-supposed to be of Etrus-
can origin, ib.-discovery of ruins in the
Coliseum of extreme antiquity, 438-
sketches of the laws and institutions of
Rome, 437-account of the agrarian
laws seq.-errors of Montesquieu
and Adam Smith, 440- true view
of them by Mr Niebuhr, 441 et seq.
Nuttall, his journal of travels into Arkan-

sa Territory reviewed, 59 et seq.-ar-
rives at Pittsburgh, 63-descent of the
Ohio, 63-arrives at the mouth of the
Arkansa, 64-ascent of the Arkansa

described, ib. et seq.-wild appearance
of the scenery, ib.-sets off to the Red
river, 66-prairies described, ib.-loses
his party, 67-difficulties in regaining
Fort Smith, ib.-continues his voyage
up the Arkansa, ib.-salt works des-
cribed, 68-begins a journey by land
up the Arkansa, 69-journal, 69 et seq.
-taken ill, 70-discovers a multitude
of new plants, 75-his genera of North
American plants, 75- -his geological
sketch of the valley of the Mississippi,

[blocks in formation]

gallons produce a bushel, ib.
Otis, James, life of, by Mr Tudor review-
ed, 337 et seq.- -little known of his
private character and social habits, 339

idea of forcible resistance to the min-
istry supposed to have arisen in Massa-
chusetts, 340-Writs of Assistance,
341- -President Adams' account of
Mr Otis' speech against them, 342—
author's style commended, 345-his
power in drawing characters great, 346
-his character of Franklin, 347—of
Otis, ib.-of Samuel Adams, ib.-

merits of the work, 348- abstract of
the life of Otis, 349 et seq.

Patents, Essay on the Law of, reviewed,
199 et seq. See Fessenden.
Percival, J. G. his Clio reviewed, 102 et
seq.-attractive qualities of his poetry,
107-beauty of his language, ib.-
command of language, rhyme, 108-
intimacy with classical literature, ib.—
descriptions of American scenery, 109
extracts, 109–123.
Pharmacopoeia of the United States, ac-
count of 375 et seq.
See Materia

Pike, General, his courage in the expedi-
tion praised by M. de Humboldt, 24
- his map a copy of M. de Humboldt's,
25-his journey has given a new as-
pect to the western country, 59.
Plants, tropical, work of Messrs Hum-
boldt and Bonpland upon them, 17——
geography of, 18-North American
genera of, by Mr Nuttall, commended,

[blocks in formation]

Robertson, Dr, acquiesces in the errors of

the Spanish historians, 2.
Romans, Sketches of their domestic man-
ners and institutions reviewed, 163 et
seq.-object of the author, 166-his
arrangement commended, ib.-details
of their manners, 168 et seq.-
dramatic entertainments, 169-masks
of the actors, ib.-division of a part
between recitation and gesture, ib.-
vast size of the Roman theatres, 170
gladiatorial combats, 172-boxing
matches in England, 173-Roman
habits at dinner, ib. et seq.-healths,
anecdote of Cleopatra, 175-Roman
History reviewed, 425 et seq. See

Rush, Dr, an error in a former number in
regard to his classical attainments cor-
rected, 54 his translation of the apho-
risms of Hippocrates, ib.-his attach-
ment to the classics, ib.


Sanderson, his Biography of the Signers,
&c. reviewed, 184 et seq.-account of
the contents, ib.-errors in arrange-
ment and taste, ib.extracts from
Governor Hancock's oration, ib.-
his character, 187-Franklin, his bi-
ography and character, 188-anecdotes
of, 189-Wythe, biography of, 191—
violent death, 192-Hopkinson's biog-
raphy, 192-letter from extracted, 193
- plan of the work commended, 195.
Schiller, little known in America, 284-
Doering's life of, reviewed, 397 et seq.
necessity of a biographer to the poet,
397-character of the work, 398-

birth and parentage, ib.—his early life,
399-his early productions, ib.-his
opinion of Shakspeare in early life, ib.
youthful estimates of character incorrect,
400-the Robbers described, 401-its
value consists principally in its style,
ib.-unnatural character of the hero,
402-Schiller forbidden by the duke of
Wirtemberg to write on any but medical
subjects, 404-remarks on the charac-
ter of Schiller's later productions, 406
no resemblance between Schiller and
Shakspeare, 408 et seq.-Carlos, 410
History of the revolution in the Neth-
erlands, ib.- is chosen professor at
Jena, ib-his acquaintance with, and
opinion of Goethe, ib.-is attacked by
a pulmonary complaint, 411-his man-
ner of study, ib.-slow in composition,
412 removes to Weimar, ib.-his
History of the Thirty years' war, ib. et
seq.-conceives the plan of an epic,
414-tragedy of Wallenstein, 415—
his plan of an epic on Frederic the Great,
416-a plan of an Idyll, ib.-enume-
ration of his poems written at Weimar,
417-his Maid of Orleans, ib.-Mr
Southey's Joan of Arc, 418-Maid of
Orleans receives flattering applause, 422
minor works of Schiller, ib.-his death,
423-particulars regarding, ib.
School fund of Connecticut, report of the
commissioner of reviewed, 379 et seq.
-history of the school fund in Con-
necticut, 380 et seq.-primitive pro-
visions for education, 380-schools in
the colony of New Haven, 381-in
Connecticut, 381 et seq.-successive
laws and grants detailed, 384 et seq.
-origin and history of Yale College,
386-prejudice in Connecticut in fa-
vor of exclusive patronage of the com-
mon schools, 388- -account of the
school fund, 389-rule of its distribu-
tion, ib.―manner of managing schools,
ib.-number of schools, ib.-advan-
tages derived from the fund not impor-
tant, 391-proposition for a different
application of the fund, 392-remarks
on the zeal of our ancestors for educa-
tion, 393- -opinion with respect to
higher establishments for education con-
troverted, 394-not a tax on the poor
for the rich, ib.-Public Latin School

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