Brutus, his felf-de bate upon Cafar's Death. -opens himself free ly to the Confpi rators. -declares for faving Antony. -importun'd by his Wife Portia. -his Speech to the People, to juftify Cafar's Murder. -quarrels with Caf fius. -relates the Death of Portia. -feesCafar'sGhoft. -takes his laft farewel of Caffius. -refolves to die, and kills himself. -prais'd by Antony. Banquo, hisCharacter (for the reft, vid. Macbeth.) C. Conftance, aMother Macbeth. paffionately fond K. John. Cade, John, a bold 26 28 30 50 63 68 72 77 84 85 6 318 Mac. 3 crafty Rebel. 2 Hen. 6. Clifford, bold and re vengeful. 3 Hen. 6. Cajar, Julius. Richard 3. 239 Prince. Henry 8. Catharine, Queen to -pitied by Anne Bullen. |