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faith, and ostentatious profession, sooner or later will come to nought: And those who receive it among thorns, who are so attached to and encumbered by worldly things, that they bear no fruit, having no grace can persevere in nothing but open sin or specious hypocrisy. The word of God gives us reason to suspect, that even of those professors who stand very high in the estimation of the most experienced and judicious servants of God, some will end no better than Ahithophel, Judas, or Demas; whether they persevere in their unsound profession or apostatize from it. God alone can see the heart; and though he hath given us such rules of judgment, as suffice to direct us in our duty, yet he never meant to communicate his divine prerogative of certainly knowing others to be true christians. How then can we certainly know of any man that he will infalliby so persevere as to be saved? "Let God be true, though every man be a liar." If any professor, however eminent, apostatize, and live and die an apostate (which by the way is not very easy for another man to be sure of;) let us not bring it as a matter of fact to overturn the truth of God, by saying, 'A child of God has fallen away finally;' nor let us rashly suppose an impenitent apostate has been saved; rather let us say, a very specious hypocrite has been unmasked.

But though we cannot certainly know concern

ing others whether they have real grace, because we have no consciousness of what passes in their hearts; yet, as conscious of what passes in our own, we may, in some cases at least, certainly know that we have true grace, and therefore shall finally persevere. Whilst grace is very small, and the discerning faculty very dim, and sin prevails very much, the minuteness of the object, the imperfection of the organ, and the surrounding obstacles, must make it difficult to decide absolutely; but when the judgment is matured, and grace increased, and corruptions more brought under, I apprehend we may determine in a more confident


This premised, the matter comes to an issue. The true christian shall finally persevere. He who is sure of his christianity, may thence certainly infer his perseverance. Now true christians perceive a vast importance in eternal things, and judge temporal, comparatively, worthless.

True christians see great hatefulness in sin, and much sin in their past lives, present conduct, and in their hearts, which produces deep humiliation, sorrow for sin, and unfeigned repentance; and causes them to set themselves against all sin, especially that sin which is most customary to them; to watch against it, to pray against it, to dread it, and consider sin as the worst thing that can come to them.

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walk by a realizing belief, that things are, have been, and will be, as the word of God declares them.

True christians especially believe the whole testimony of God concerning Jesus Christ, and humbly conscious of their need of such a salvation, and its suitableness, freeness, and sufficiency, renounce all other hopes to flee to, lay hold of, apply for, and trust in Jesus Christ, and God's grace and mercy through him.

True christians count every personal endowment, attainment, or performance, and every worldly interest, connexion, and comfort, worthless in comparison of Christ; and are thus prepared to part with any or all of them, when they come in competition with him, and have actually given up many things for his sake.

True christians receive him unreservedly in all his offices, and live by faith in him, as their Prophet, Priest, and King, for the pardon of all their sins, and the supply of all their wants,

True christians have the law of God written in their hearts, inwardly delight in it, though they cannot obey it as they would; they are then most in their element, and happiest when they are engaged in religious exercises and holy services. They allow of no known sin, and neglect no known duty; but "by the grace of God, which 'bringeth salvation, are taught to deny ungodli

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"ness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righ"teously, and godly in this present world."

Now as far as any man is inwardly conscious that this is his experience, these his desires, this his daily aim, his character, and conduct, he may be sure that he possesses what no hypocrite ever yet attained to; and he may be sure that the same distinguishing grace which hath wrought this decisive difference, will preserve and perfect its own good work. But whilst this matter remains doubtful, the other cannot be certain; for how can he be sure of perseverance who is not sure of conversion? Such should be exhorted to "give diligence, to make their calling and election sure;" and be encouraged by the promise, that "they who seek shall find." But let them not prematurely grasp at what neither belongs to them, nor would yet be profitable to them. Nay if the established christian grows very slothful, or sinks into allowed sin; by thus weakening his evidence of conversion, he loses the warranted comfort of this doctrine; which, in this case, would operate as a most dangerous opiate, when stimulants alone are requisite. It is the wise appointment of God, that when love declines fear should rouse the torpid soul; none should counteract this appointment. Is the backslider alarmed and distressed? It is well. Let him repent and do his first works, and in due time God will restore his former consolations; but let none encourage themselves in

sloth and sin by this doctrine, lest, being deceived, they perish with a lie in their right hand.

The true believer then, in the habitual exercise of grace and practice of his duty, is the only person who can warrantably be confident of perseverance. Having so fully resolved this first question, the others will more readily be dispatched.

2. What need has the person above described of this encouragement, seeing he may be supposed otherwise comforted?

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The more a man values spiritual blessings, the greater will be his dread of losing them. The more conscientious, circumspect and watchful he is, the greater will be his acquaintance with the treachery of his own heart, the fascinations of the world, and the artifice of Satan. The falls of others, whom he has preferred far before himself, will much alarm and distress him. He will not always, even when most diligent, walk in light and comfort; and he will be conscious of much sloth and evil, though he cause no scandal to the gospel, nor much bring the reality of his conversion into doubt. On all these accounts he will be anxious about the future, and distressed about the event of the important warfare, even to the discouraging his heart, and weakening his hand at some times. But this doctrine is sweetly suited to encourage him to commit the keeping of his

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