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[blocks in formation]

203-213. Alphabetical List of all the

Irregular and Defective Verbs



214-240. Illustrations of Moods and

Tenses: use of the Infinitive

mood; use of the Indicative pre-

sent, imperfect, preterperfect,

past indefinite, etc.; use of the

Conditional, Imperative and

Subjunctive moods



Le premier homme raconte ses pre-

miers mouvements, ses premières

sensations, ses premiers jugements

après la création.-BUFFON....... 238

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Page 11, line 4 from bottom, for Prenons-en-un read Prenons-en un.
41, line 22, for grosselles read groseilles.

APOCOPE, or cutting-off from the end.

AMICUS, ami, friend; AN|NUS, an, year; ARGENT|UM, argent,
silver; BONUS, bon, good; CAMPUS', camp; CAPUT, cap (de pied
en cap), head; CENTUM, cent, hundred; COLLUM, col (cou), neck;
CRUDUS, cru, raw; DEVOTUS, dévot, dévoué, devotee, devoted;
DOLUS, dol, deceit or cheat; DONUM, don, gift; DURUS, dur,
hard; FATUUS, fat, a fool, a coxcomb; FERRUM, fer, iron;
FIL|UM, fil, thread; FINIS, fin, end; FORT IS, fort, strong;
JUMENTUM, jument, a mare; GRANDIS, grand, great; LACUS,
lac, lake; LONG|US, long; MAIUS, mai, May; MALUM, mal,
evil; MANDATUM, mandat, mandate; METAL LUM, métal; MOLLIS,
mol (mou), soft; NIDUS, nid, nest; NOMEN, nom, name; NULLUS,
nul, none; NUDIUS, (nud, then) nu, naked; PORC|US, porc, pork,
hog; PORT US, port; PRINCEPS, prince; PORT US, port, harbour;
PROMPT US, prompt; PURUS, pur, pure; QUANDO, quand, when;
SANG UIS, sang, blood; SOLUM, sol, soil; SOLIDUS2, sol (sou3);
SONUS, Son, Sound; SUPERFLU US, superflu; VAN NUS, van, fan (in
agriculture); VENTUS, vent, wind; VINUM, vin, wine.

Apocope appears also with some further change:—AURUM, or,
gold; BRACHIUM, bras, arm; BREVIS, bref, short; CERVUS, cerf,
stag; CHORUS, chœur, choir; CIRCULUS, cercle, circle; CŒLUM,
ciel, heaven; EDICTUM, édit, edict; FRENUM, frein, curb; GRÆCUS,
grec, Greek; MONSTRUM, monstre, monster; оVUM, œuf, egg;
ORACULUM, oracle; PALATIUM, palais, palace; PALLIDUS, pâle,
pale; REGNUM, règne, reign; RIGIDUS, rigide, rigid; SIGNUM,
signe, sign; SINUS, sein, bosom; TRUNCUS, tronc, trunk; UNQUAM,
oncques, ever.

SYNCOPE, or cutting-out from the middle.

ANIMA, ame, soul; CONSANGUINEUS, cousin; CORPUS, corps,
body; FUNDUS, fonds, ground, land, soil; LEGERE, lire, to read;
MAGIS, mais, but; NUBES, nue, cloud; PONDUS, poids, weight;
SACRAMENTUM, serment, oath.

Syncope appears with various further changes, especially those
which result from the omission of final consonants of syllables in
the Latin words: AUCTOR, auteur, author; DORSUM, dos, back;
FENESTRA, fenétre, window ; INSULA, île, island; MAGISTER, maître,
master; MASCULUS, male, male; NATALIS, Noël, Christmas; PAS-
CHA, Páques, Easter; SUBJECTUM, sujet, subject; TRAJECTUM,
trajet, passage. Observe in âme, fenêtre, île, maître, mále, Páques,
the compensating circumflex accent (see page 3).

Other changes resulting from the ejection of consonants are
also frequent: CAUDA, queue, tail; CRUDELIS, cruel; CULTELLUS,
couteau, knife; GLYCYRRHIZA (yλvkòs, glukus, sweet, píča, rhiza,
root), réglisse, licorice; LACRIMA, larme, tear; PLUVIA, pluie, rain;
PREDA, proie, prey; VITA, vie, life.

1 Champ, field. 2 A shilling. 3 Halfpenny. 4 For Christi natalis dies.

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