Que j'eusse aperçu, etc., That I might have perceived. Exercise. Conjugate like apercevoir the verbs given in page 125. FOURTH CONJUGATION. 174. Models of Verbs of the Fourth Conjugation, Infinitive Mood ending in RE. This conjugation has four classes : 175. NOTE. The very distinct termination of the infinitive mood of verbs of the fourth conjugation, will enable the pupil to perceive with facility the model or class to which the verbs he may meet with in his exercises belong. Thus, 176. Class I. Conjugate like RENDRE: Attendre, to expect, wait for; condescendre; descendre, to go down; confondre, to confound; correspondre; entendre, to hear, understand; étendre, to stretch out; fendre, to split; fondre, to melt; mordre, to bite; morfondre, to cause to become cold; pendre, to hang; perdre, to lose; suspendre; refondre, to melt again, to cast; prétendre; répandre, to spill; pondre, to lay eggs; répondre, to answer; vendre, to sell; tondre, to shear, etc. 177. Class II.—Conjugate like PARAÎTRE: Apparaître; disparaître; comparaître. Connaître, to know; méconnaître; reconnaître. Croître*, to grow; accroître; décroître; recroître. 178. Class III.-Conjugate like CONDUIRE : Reconduire; cuire, to bake or cook; recuire; enduire, to plaster ; induire, to induce, to lead; produire, to produce; réduire, to reduce; séduire, to seduce; traduire, to translate; construire, to construct, build; détruire, to destroy; déduire, to deduct; introduire, to introduce. 179. Class IV.-Conjugate like CRAINDRE: Astreindre, to tie down, to confine to; atteindre, to reach; aveindre, to take out, fetch; ceindre, to gird; contraindre, to compel; enceindre, to inclose; enfreindre, to infringe; enjoindre, to enjoin; éteindre, to extinguish; feindre, to feign; joindre, to join; oindre, to anoint; peindre, to paint; plaindre, to pity; restreindre, to limit; teindre, to dye. * According to the dictionary of the French Academy, the verb croître takes the circumflex accent on the í or ú, as given in the following in stances: INFINITIVE PRESENT. Croître. PARTICIPLE PRESENT. Croissant. PartiCIPLE PAST. Crû masc., crue fem., crus masc. pl., crues fem.pl. INDICATIVE PRESENT. Je croîs, tu croîs, il croît; nous croissons, vous croissez, ils croissent. IMPERFECT. Je croissais, etc. PAST DEFINITE. Je crûs, tu crûs, il crut; nous crûmes, vous crûtes, ils crurent. FUTURE. Je croîtrai, etc. CONDITIONAL. Je croîtrais, ete. IMPERATIVE. Croîs, qu'il croisse, croissons, croissez; qu'ils croissent. SUBJUNCTIVE PRESENT. Que je croisse, etc. IMPERFECT. Que je crusse, que tu crusses, qu'il crût; que nous crussions, que vous crussiez, qu'ils crussent. Je crois, je crús, etc., of the verb croître, have the circumflex accent evidently to be distinguished from Je crois, I believe; je crus, I believed, etc. (See note, page 4, and croire in the list of irregular verbs.) In accroître, décroitre, and recroître, the circumflex accent, which is no longer required as a mark of distinction, is only used in the tenses formed from the Infinitive present (195.), and in the third person singular of the Indicative present: Il accroît, il décroit, il recroit, according to the conjugation of paraître, which serves as a model. |