To avoid repetition, the Idiomatic tenses are not given in this conjugation, and only occasionally in the following. The pupil will supply the omission by forming them himself, from the model of the first conjugation (page 114 et seq.): thus, instead of saying, Je viens d'aimer, etc., he will conjugate, Je viens d'agir, de sentir, d'ouvrir, de tenir, and so on in these and the subsequent conjugations. I should have acted. ... felt. ... ouvert. ... tenu. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Act (thou). feel. open. hold. Agis. Sens. Ouvre. Tiens. Qu'il agisse. sente. ouvre. tienne. Agissons. Sentons. Ouvrons. Tenons. Agissez. Sentez. Ouvrez. Tenez. Qu'ils agissent. sentent. ouvrent. tiennent. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. PRESENT OR FUTURE. That I may act. feel. Que j' agisse. sente. open. hold. Que tu agisses. sentes. ouvres. tiennes. Qu'il agisse. sente. ouvre. tienne. Que nous agissions. sentions. ouvrions. tenions. Que vous agissiez. sentiez. ouvriez. teniez. Qu'ils agissent. sentent. ouvrent. tiennent. Conjugate like the above the verbs mentioned in pages 120, 121 and 122 (168, 169, 170 and 171). THIRD CONJUGATION. 173. Model of Verbs of the Third Conjugation, Infinitive Mood ending in OIR. This conjugation contains only seven regular verbs; namely, concevoir, to conceive; décevoir, to deceive*; devoirt, to owe; redevoir, to owe again; percevoir, (a law term,) to collect; recevoir, to receive; and apercevoir, to perceive, which serves as a model. The other verbs ending in oir, in the infinitive mood, are conjugated hereafter in the list of irregular verbs. INFINITIVE MOOD. PRESENT. Apercevoir, To perceive. * Décevoir is principally used in the compound tenses. The verb tromper supplies it in simple tenses. † Devoir has a circumflex accent on the 4 of the past participle dû (10.), but the accent is not used when the participle du is feminine or plural; as, due, dus, or dues. |