Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Three, by The Bradley-Garretson Co., Limited, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered, according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Three, by The Bradley-Garretson Co., I imited, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. All Rights Reserved. PREFACE. To discuss in a single volume the progress of science in the nineteenth century has been no easy task, and the author craves the reader's indulgence. It must be remembered that the book does not pretend to be a history of nineteenth century science; it is designed simply as an introduction to many histories some still unwritten. It is not a consecutive story of the marvellous progress of knowledge which the century witnessed; it is simply a record of some of the great scientific events. Many famous names and many important discoveries have been left unmentioned, for any attempt at exhaustiveness would have made a volume of this size a mere catalogue. On the other hand, there has been a serious attempt to discuss the great theme so as to give prominence to the salient steps of progress. To have attempted this in an easy-going mood would have been irreverent to the past and insulting to the serious reader; therefore no apology is offered for the difficulty of some of the pages, nor does it seem necessary to apologise for the numerous quotations from expert authorities,-they help to give personal reality to some of the pages, and they were needed as acknowledgments of the author's indebtedness. J. A. T. UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN, SEPTEMBER, 1902. CONTENTS. The Meaning of Science.-A Contrast of Moods.-Charac- teristics of the Scientific Mood.-(a) A Passion for Facts. (b) Cautiousness.-(c) Clearness of Vision.- PAGE Classification of the Sciences.-Correlation of Knowledge. The First Condition of Progress.-The Fact of Progress.- Its Necessity. Scientific Conclusions of the First Mag- 207673 Search for the Elements.-The Theory of Combustion and the Conservation of Matter.-The Atomic Theory.- Developments of the Atomic Theory.-Development of Organic Chemistry.-The Periodic Law.-Co-operation of Chemistry and Physics.-The Problem of Chemical Introductory.-The Newtonian Foundation.-Conserva- tion of Energy.-Heat as a Mode of Motion.-Kinetic Theory of Gases.-Undulatory Theory of Light.—Theory |