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Therefore he will rather have us to choose the sword, that is, to strive and withstand their wickedness, than to agree unto them. Latimer, Serm. p. 377.

And this faith is a persuasion and belief in man's heart, whereby he knoweth that there is a God, and agreeth unto all truth of God's most holy word contained in holy Scripture. Homilies, p. 36, 1. 18.

That which agreeth to the one now, the other shall attain unto in the end. Hooker, Eccl. Polity, 1. 6, § 1.

Aim at (Wisd. xiii. 9). To guess at, form conjectures about. Hence 'to aim at the world' is to frame theories about the constitution of the universe.

Her speech is nothing,

Yet the unshaped use of it doth move

The hearers to collection: they aim at it,

And botch the words up fit to their own thoughts.

Shakespeare, Haml. iv. 5. 9.

You may think I love you not: let that appear hereafter, and aim better at me by that I now will manifest.

Id. Much Ado, III. 2. 99.

Alarm, to cry (2 Chron. xiii. 12). This phrase without the article goes back to the origin of the word 'alarm' as an interjection (Ital. all' arme, to arms!), before it became a substantive.

Much like to some of those Players, that come to the scaffoid with Drum and Trumpet to proffer skirmishe, and when they haue sounded Allarme, off go the peeces to encounter a shadow, or conquere a Paper monster. Gosson, Schoole of Abuse (ed. Arber), p. 21.

Albeit, conj. (Ezek. xiii. 7; Philem. 19). This word, though somewhat antiquated, can hardly be called obsolete. The meaning is 'although it be,' in which sense Chaucer uses the simpler forms 'albe' and 'al,' as well as 'albeit.'

Al telle I nat as now his observances.

Chaucer, Knight's Tale, 2266.
Bitwixe you ther moot som tyme be pees,
Al be ye nought of oo complexioun,

That ilke day causeth such divisioun. Ibid. 2477.

Al be it that this aventure was falle. Ibid. 2705.

Shylock, albeit I neither lend nor borrow,
By taking nor by giving of excess.

Shakespeare, Mer. of Ven. 1. 3. 62. In this passage the first Quarto reads 'although.'

A fuller form is found in Chaucer :

And al be it so that God hath create all thing in right ordre and nothing withouten ordre. Parson's Tale (Tyrwhitt's ed.).

Aliant (Job xix. 15; Ps. lxix. 8; Lam. v. 2) and Alient (Is. lxi. 5), the old forms of 'alien' in the ed. of 1611. Compare 'tyrant' from rúpavvos, 'margent' for 'margin.'

For, saith St. Paul, he that speaketh in a tongue unknown shall be unto the hearer an alient. Homilies, p. 358, l. 11. In the edition of 1574 and subsequently Mr Griffiths says the reading is 'aliant.'

So Shakespeare (Mer. of Ven. IV. 1. 349),

If it be proved against an alien

That by direct or indirect attempts,
He seek the life of any citizen.

Alien, sb. in this form occurs five times in the A.V.; it is from the Lat. alienus, belonging to another country, a foreigner.

Iewerie had Herode to their kyng beeyng an aliene, or outlandishe man borne. Udal's Erasmus, Luke xxiv. 27, fol. 184 b. And Wiclif (ed. Lewis), John x. 5; 'But thei suen not an alien, but fleen fro him: for thei han not knowen the vois of aliens. 'Alien' has gone out of common use, but 'to alienate'= to estrange, still remains. Latimer has a substantive, ‘alienate'; 'that they may...keep us from invasions of alienates and strangers.' Serm. p. 390.

All, in the phrase 'without all contradiction' (Heb. vii. 7), is literally from the Greek. It appears however to be used in conformity with English idiom for 'any' or 'every.'

The trade of monkery, which was without all devotion and understanding. Latimer, Serm. p. 339.

Our tyme is so farre from that olde discipline and obedience, as now, not onelie yong jentlemen, but even verie girles dare without all feare, though not without open shame, where they list, and how they list, marie them selves in spite of father, mother, God, good order, and all. Ascham, The Scholemaster,

But it is altogether the pure gift of God poured into us freely, without all manner doing of us, without deserving and merits. Tyndale, Doctrinal Treatises, p. 53 (Parker Soc. ed.).

So in Deut. xxii. 3, 'and with all lost thing of thy brother's'; for which Coverdale has 'with euery lost thinge'; and the Geneva, followed by the Bishops' Bible, 'with all loste things.'

All hail (Matt. xxviii. 9) a form of salutation, by which a wish for all health (Icel. heill) or prosperity is expressed,

All hail, great master! grave sir, hail!

Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1. 2. 189.

Cæsar, all hail! good morrow, worthy Cæsar.

Id. Julius Cæsar, II. 2. 58.

All one (1 Cor. xi. 5). All the same.

For I take it to be all one, to reproue Hercules cowardlines, and Catoes couetousnes. North's Plutarch, Cato Utican,

p. 833.

'Twere all one

That I should love a bright particular star

And think to wed it, he is so above me.

Shakespeare, All's Well, 1. 1. 96.

Were 't not all one, an empty eagle were set

To guard the chicken from a hungry kite,

As place Duke Humphrey for the king's protector?
Id. 2 Henry VI. III. I. 248.

For say, that a malefactour should suffer the space of thirtie yeres for some hainous fact that he hath committed, it is all one, as if a man should stretch him upon the racke, or hang him upon a jibbet in the evening toward night, and not in the morning betimes. Plutarch's Morals (trans. Holland), p. 546. All the whole. A redundant expression, which is found in the remarks 'Concerning the service of the Church' prefixed to the Prayer-Book. For they so ordered the matter that all the whole Bible (or the greatest part thereof) should be read over once every year.' See also Ps. xcvi. 1, Pr.-Bk.

All the whole armye worketh vpon it: excepte them that kepe watche and warde in harneis before the trenche for sodeine auentures. More, Utopia (ed. Arber), p. 141.

All the whole beautye of them eyther vanisheth & perisheth out of hand, or els withereth away. Calvin on the Psalms, trans. Golding, fol. 2a.

All the whole army stood agazed on him.

Shakespeare, 1 Hen. VI. 1. 1. 126.

If Richard will be true, not that alone,
But all the whole inheritance I give,
That doth belong unto the house of York.

Compare The Merchant of Venice, III. 4. 81:

Ibid. III. 1. 164.

But come, I'll tell thee all my whole device.

Allege, v. t. (Acts xvii. 3). To adduce proofs, to prove by quotation, and hence to quote, from Lat. allegare, a law term. Not as now simply 'to assert.'

For shame, nay for conscience, either allege the scriptures aright, without any such wresting, or else abstain out of the pulpit. Latimer, Řem. p. 321.

Declaring, that the dissention among the Grecians did increase king Philips power, alledging these verses:

Where discord reignes in Realme or towne,
Euen wicked folke do win renowne.

North's Plutarch, Alex. p. 746.

And Ambrose Thesius allegeth the Psalter of the Indians, which he testifieth to have been set forth by Potken in Syrian characters. The Translators to the Reader, p. cxi.

Allied, pp. (Neh. xiii. 4). Connected by marriage. From the Fr. allié, Lat. alligatus.

The others called him [Leonidas] Alexanders gouernour, because he was a noble man, & allied to the Prince. North's Plutarch, Alex. p. 719.

Allow, v. t. (Luke xi. 48; Baptismal Office; 'He favourably alloweth,' &c.). From the Fr. allouer, which is derived from the Lat. allaudare, 'to praise.' To praise, approve; which is the common sense in old writers. It is not to be confounded with allow, 'to assign,' which is from the Med. Lat. allocare through the Fr. allouer.

And some lakkede my life,

Allowed it fewe.

Vision of Piers Ploughman, 9594.

The which opinion.......Pomponius Lætus.......dothe well alowe. Polid. Verg. Hist. i. p. 27.

Notwithstanding that Nathan had before allowed and praised the purpose of David. Latimer, Rem. p. 308.

The less he is worthy, the more art thou allowed of God, the more art thou commended of Christ. Homilies, p. 139, l. 34.

Thou shalt hold the opinion of Pythagoras ere I will allow of thy wits. Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, IV. 2. 63.

Authentic in your place and person, generally allowed for your many war-like, court-like, and learned preparations. Id. Merry Wives, II. 2. 236.

The word is used in a kindred sense (Rom. xiv. 22; 1 Thess. ii. 4) as the translation of what in Greek signifies 'to approve after trial.' So also in Pr.-Book, Ps. xi. 6, 'The Lord alloweth (A.V. 'trieth') the righteous.' In Acts xxiv. 15 the original means 'to expect,' and in Rom. vii. 15, acknowledge with approbation,' following a Hebrew idiom. See Shakespeare, Rich. II. V. 2.40:

To Bolingbroke are we sworn subjects now,
Whose state and honour I for aye allow.

Allowable, adj. Worthy of approval.

Surely, as the Apostle reasoneth to the Hebrews, that if the former Law and Testament had been sufficient, there had been no need of the latter: so we may say, that if the old Vulgar had been at all points allowable, to small purpose had labour and charges been undergone about framing of a new.

The Translators to the Reader, p. cxiv.

In the Homilies (p. 116, l. 23) 1 Tim. ii. 3 is quoted as follows for that is good and accepted (or allowable) in the sight of God our Saviour.'

Allowance, so. Approval.

Humbly craving of your most Sacred Maiestie, that since things of this quality haue euer bene subiect to the censures of ill meaning and discontented persons, it may receiue approbation and Patronage from so learned and iudicious a Prince as your Highnesse is, whose allowance and acceptance of our Labours, shall more honour and incourage vs, then all the calumniations and hard interpretations of other men shall dismay vs. The Epistle Dedicatorie.

Item, you sent a large commission

To Gregory de Cassado, to conclude,

Without the king's will or the state's allowance,

A league between his highness and Ferrara.

Shakespeare, Hen. VIII. III. 2. 322.

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