Published by the fame Editor. I. AN HISTORICAL MISCELLANY, -The Second Edition, Price 3. II. THE POETICAL MISCELLANY: Confifting of SELECT PIECES from the Works of the following POETS, viz. FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. The Second Edition, Price 3 s. ADVERTISEMENT. TH HE Editor's principal defign in this MISCELLANY, was to collect from fome of the best modern writers fuch parts of their works, as feemed beft adapted to form the minds of youth to just and proper fentiments on the most interesting subjects. Such a collection, he imagined, would be very ufeful in schools, and not only fo, but peculiarly fuited to fuch perfons as cannot afford to purchase those works from which the collection is made. To render it as entertaining as poffible, and to convey instruction in the most agreeable manner, he has taken care to infert feveral Stories, Visions, and Allegories, which impress the imaginations, and fix the giddy. roving minds of youth more than any other fpecies of compofition. With the fame view he has likewife inferted feveral pieces. of Poetry, which he hopes will be acceptable to every clafs of readers. In a word, he can't help thinking that this collection may be of confiderable fervice to form the minds of youth to knowledge and virtue, and likewife to give them some notion of the beauty, ftrength, and elegance of our own language, which, though an important branch of education, is, in general, too much neglected. THE CONTENT S. ON N the Omnifcience and Omnipresence of the Deity, together with the immenfity of his Works Page 1 Motives to Piety and Virtue, drawn from the Omniscience and Omniprefence of the Deity Reflections on the Third Heaven 5 9 The prefent Life to be confidered only as it may conduce to the Happiness of a future One On the Immortality of the Soul On the Animal World, and Scale of Beings Providence proved from Animal Inftin&t 14 17 21 25 The Atheist inexcufable in endeavouring to make Con On Cruelty to Brutes, with an Elegy on a Black Bird 41 A Parallel between Alcxander and a Highway-Man 48 On Chastity 53 On Natural and fantaftical Pleasures 57 The Obfervance of Sunday recommended. An Allegory 62 Religion and Superftition. A vifion 65 On Lying 70 How far the Precept to love our Enemies is practi cable 75 |