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Compensation from April 30, to June 30, 1789,

62 days,

Compensation from July 1, 1789, to Sept. 30, 1795, 6 years 3 months,

Advanced till the end of 1791, per printed state



Total due Dols. 160,496


Ditto in 1792,

Ditto in 1793,

Ditto in 1794,

Ditto in 1795, to Sept. 30,







* Balance due the President,


Dols. 160,496


Register's Office, Nov. 13, 1795

Extracted from the Books of the Treasury,


* This abstract establishes one unpleasant and embarrassing fact; to wit, that General Washington, instead of refusing to accept of any salary (which his admirers have said was the case), actually overdrew his salary, and had, from June 1790 to June 1795, constantly several thousands of dollars of the public money in his hands. Whether he really did let this money out at usuL'ious interest, as it was asserted, will, perhaps, never be known.


The following Article, which was published in BACHE'S Paper of the 21st December 1796, will prove that there were other reasons for the Gene. ral's retiring, which he did not think proper to


"The President seems to arrogate great merit to himself on account of his disinterestedness, and in this he no doubt includes his declension to serve again. The disinterestedness on this latter score is rather questionable; for his unwillingness to be a candidate seems to have arisen rather from a consciousness that he would not be re-elected, than a want of ambition or lust of power. It was well understood that many of the republicans of the constitution were determined to give him opposition, and the nature of the United States promised success to the plan. Nothing was more easy than to make him a Vice-President by uniting the republican suffrages in favour of JOHN ADAMS and subtracting even a few votes from him-He was probably apprized of the scheme, and to save himself from the mortification and disgrace of being superseded, he cunningly declined. It may be thought singular, that JOHN ADAMS, who is a professed aristocrat, should be preferred by republicans to GEORGE WASHINGTON; but an examination into the case will make the preference appear very plain and desirable. There can be no doubt that ADAMS would not be a puppet-that having an opinion and judgment of his own, he would act from his own impulses rather than the impulses of others -that possessing great integrity, he would not sacrifice his country's interests at the shrine of party -and that being an enemy to the corruptions which have taken place by means of funding and

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