Uric Acid Diathesis, Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Bright's Disease and Calculi. Dr. Algernon S. Garnett, Springs, Ark., says: "My experience in the use of Surgeon (retired) U. S. Navy, Resident Physician, Hot BUFFALO LITHIA WATER is limited to the treatment of Gout, Rheumatism and that hybrid disease, Rheumatic Gout' (so-called), which is in contradistinction to the Rheumatoid Arthritis of Garrod. "I have had excellent results from this Water in these affections, both in my own person and in the treatment of patients for whom I have prescribed it. Of course the remedial agent is its contained Alkalies and their solvent properties. Hence it is a prophylactic as well as a remedy in Nephritic Colic and forming Calculi, when due to a redundancy of Lithic Acid." Dr. Wm. B. Towles, Department of the University of Virginia, former Resident Professor of Anatomy and Materia Medica in the Medical Physician, Hot Springs, Va., says :-"I feel no hesitancy whatever in saying that in Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Stone in the Bladder, and in all Diseases of Uric Acid Diathesis, I know of no remedy at all comparable to BUFFALO LITHIA WATER. "Its effects are marked in causing a disappearance of Albumen from the urine. In a single case of Bright's Disease of the Kidneys I witnessed decided beneficial results from its use, and from its action in this case I should have great confidence in it as a remedy in certain stages of this disease. The late Dr. Wm. F. Carrington, Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark., Sur geon (retired) U. S. Navy, said:-BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, Spring No. 2, has signally demonstrated its remedial power in Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Uric Acid Gravel and other maladies dependent upon the Uric Acid Diathesis. 64 It not only eliminates from the blood the deleterious agent before it crystallizes, but dissolves it in the form of Calculi, at least to a size that renders its passage along the ureters and urethra comparatively easy. Send twenty cases No. 2." Dr. T. B. Buchanan, five cases BUFFALO LITHIA WATER, Spring No. 2. Resident Physician, Hot Springs, Ark., says:—“ Send me I have made use of this Water for Gout in my own person and prescribed it for patients similarly suffering, with the most decided beneficial results. I take great pleasure in advising Gouty patients to these Springs." Water for sale by all druggists. Pamphlets sent to any address. THOMAS F. GOODE, THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW. JANUARY, 1894. Professor Tyndall. By the Right Hon. Professor Huxley. The Manchester Ship Canal. (With a Chart.) By the Right Hon. Lord Egerton of Tatton. The Revolt of the Daughters. By Mrs. Crackanthorpe. Sanitary Insurance: a Scheme. By G. Walter Steeves, M.D. Zoroaster and the Bible. By the Rev. Dr. L. H. Mills. The Scramble for Gold: (1) By Sir Julius Vogel. (2) By J. P. Heseltine. Chats with Jane Clermont, (Concluded.) By William Graham. A Word for Our Cathedral System. By William Chinese Poetry in English Verse. By Herbert A. Giles. Chartered Government in Africa. By Arthur Silva White. Protection for Surnames. By the Right Hon, the Earl of Dundonald. Recent Science. By Prince Kropotkin. Charles the Twelfth and the Campaign of 1712-13. By His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway. |