STS OF CHURCHES SUPPLIED AND ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. VENEER SEATING AND CHURCH FURNITURE COMPANY, 129-135 Degraw St., and 48-60 Tiffany Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. "LADY BABY," and Joint Author of "REATA." LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 231 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Advertising Department. W. BAKER & Co.'s from which the excess of Is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals Mahogany, Cherry, Ash, are used in its prepara Oak, Maple, Walnut AND costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, Pink, Blue and White Enamel. nourishing, strengthening, EASILY DIGESTED and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. W. BAKER & CO., DORCHESTER, MASS. INCORPORATED 1847. Penn Mutual Life OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. $20,808,692.29 2,623,648.81 The Policy Contracts of this Company embrace all the liberal features of every other. They become INCONTESTABLE two years from date. They are absolutely NON-FORFEITABLE, the entire "reserve" at lapse being applied either to the EXTEN SION of the original sum insured, or to the purchase of PAID-UP insurance. CASH VALUES GUARANTEED. EDWARD M. NEEDLES, President. HENRY O. BROWN, Secretary and Treasurer. Advertising Department. The best baking powder made is, as shown by analysis, the "Royal." Queer Eleven من ли Com'r of Health, New-York City. best manufactured. Marion Harland Author of "Common Sense in the Household." 5 Supreme is its Rule! Neglect it, and Punishment is Certain ! Injure it, and its Vengeance is Premature Death! Intelligence as well as science teach that if the Stomach is in What Will Put the Stomach in Order and The experience of a quarter of a century and the testimony of hundreds of thousands prove that the best Remedy and Preventive for All such diseases is HOLMAN'S LIVER AND AGUE PAD. This acts upon the principle of Absorption which Dr. Holman was the first physician to successfully demonstrate. It absorbs the poison from the Stomach and Liver, which, in turn, absorb from the Pad its beneficent and tonic properties. Read What Others Have Experienced : "I have for some time been using the HOLMAN LIVER PAD, with very beneficial results, and most willingly recommend them to any who are suffering from disease of the liver or want of digestion." CALEB SAUNDERS, of Lawrence, "I had a severe attack of Rheumatism. I used one of Dr. HOLMAN'S PADS, and obtained speedy relief." Dr. G. W. Holman, KENTLAND, INDIANA. DEAR SIR: Having been cured by your LIVER AND STOMACH PAD AND ABSORPTIVE PLASTERS of a very obstinate case of liver complaint, female weakness, and general debility after doctoring for years, I will never be able to tell how happy I am in being raised from a sick-bed, where I had lain six years more than half my time. I am doing all I can to proclaim the wonderful Holman treatment. Yours gratefully, PRUDENCE J. JONES. THE HOLMAN LIVER PAD COMPANY, New York City, P. O. Box 2112. Offices: 61 CORT STREET NEW YORK. |