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African Exploration, review of books concerning, 267-Count Teleki's
journey in East Africa, 268-discovery of Lakes Rudolf and
Stephanie, 269-Mount Kilimanjaro, 271—Masai and Kikuyu tribes,
272-Mount Kenia, 273-Lake Baringo, 274-waterless region, 275
-Turkana plateau, 276-Lakes Company and Blantyre Mission,
277-Captain Lugard, 278, 281-German territory, 280-troubles
in Uganda, 282-Sir Gerald Portal's mission, 291-East Africa
Company, 292-ivory and slave trade, 295- retention' of Uganda,
296-Italians in Abyssinia, 297-Matabeleland, 298.
Ainu, the Hairy, review of books concerning, 180-Yezo, 180-Ainu
village, 182-dangers of portrait-taking, 183-Ainu hospitality, 185
-Benry, chief of Piratori, 186-native cookery, 188-mosquito
jungle, 189-black bear, 190-eagles, 191-origin of Ainu, 193-
aboriginal pit-dwellers, 194-tribal customs, 195-dress, 196-
women, 196-religious notions, 197-cosmological ideas, 199-
drunkenness, 199-tribes under Russian rule, 200.

Angling, Progress of, review of works upon, 226-protection of fisheries,
227-artificial hatching, 231-river pollution, 233-angling litera-
ture, 234-dry fly fishing, 237-winged and hackle flies, 239-
riverside naturalists, 240-salmo ferox, 243-Loch Leven trout, 245.


Batchelor, Rev. J., his book on Ainu of Japan reviewed, 180.
Bent, J. T., his book on 'Sacred City of Ethiopians' reviewed, 267.
Brentano, L., his book on 'Wages' reviewed, 33.

Burghersh, Lady, review of the letters of, 382-birth and marriage,
387-adventures during campaign against Napoleon, 389
interview with Emperor Alexander of Russia, 390--captured by
French soldiers, 393-joins her husband in Paris, 394.


Canning, Charlotte Countess, review of Mr. Hare's life of, 382-her
parents, 394-Talleyrand, 395-marriage, 396-visit to Louis
Philippe, 397-Paris under the Second Empire, 398-India during
the Mutiny, 399-Lord Canning as Viceroy, 400-death, 404—
death of her husband, 405.

Crusades, see Jerusalem, Kingdom of.


Derby, Earl of, the late, review of his speeches and addresses, 201—
character of, 201-opinion on war, 203-retirement from Conser-
vative party, 205-not a Home Ruler, 206-on land question, 207—
game laws, 209-small holdings, 210-agricultural wages, 211-
education, 212-Education Act, 216-school boards, 219-art, 220
on John Bright, 222-on conduct of life, 223-on physical
exercise, 224-on literary culture, 225.

Dewar, Prof., his books on liquefaction of gases reviewed, 361.
D'Urban, W. S. M., and Rev. M. A. Mathew, their 'Birds of Devon'
reviewed, 61.


Furneaux, H., his edition of Tacitus'' Annals' reviewed, 76.


Grusse, Capt. F., his book on Prusso-Austrian campaign reviewed,


Halford, F. M., his book on dry fly fishing reviewed, 226.

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Hamilton, Dr. E., his Riverside Naturalist' reviewed, 226.

Hare, A. J. C., his 'Story of Two Noble Lives' reviewed, 382.
Hitchcock, R., his book on Ainos of Yezo reviewed, 180.

Höhnel, L. von, review of translation of his book on discovery of
Lakes Rudolf and Stephanie, 267.

Howard, B. D., his book on 'Trans-Siberian Savages' reviewed, 180.
Hymnology, review of Dr. Julian's book on, 300-what is a hymn?
302-hymns of Ephraem Syrus, 303; Gregory of Nazianzus and
Hilary, 304; St. Ambrose, 305; Prudentius, 306; St. Bernard,
307; Abælard, 308- Stabat Mater,' 308-Dies Iræ, 309-Marot's
psalms, 310-Sternhold and Hopkins, 311-Hunnis' verses, 313-
Luther's hymns, 314-Barton's psalter, 315-Tate and Brady, 316
-George Wither, 317-Bishop Ken and Addison, 318-Dr. Watts,
319-John and Charles Wesley, 320—' Olney Hymns,' 323-Keble,
323 Hymns Ancient and Modern,' 324.


Italian Popular Literature, review of some modern specimens of, 103
-D'Annunzio's tales, 103-Verga's Under the Medlar Tree,' 106—
Signora Serao's sketches of Naples, 109-De Nino's legends of the
Abruzzi, 113-Capuana's fairy tales, 114-Di Giacomo's works, 114
-Farina's Sardinian sketches, 115- De Amicis' books, 116- Fogaz-
zaro's stories, 117-Neera's novels, 119-Marchesa Colombi, 119-
Barrili, 120-Rovetta, Cavagnari, Fucini, 121.


Jerusalem, Kingdom of, review of books upon, 158-Muhammad's
toleration of Christians, 159-Turkish and Egyptian tyranny, 160—

Godefroy de Bouillon, 161-Baldwin I. and II., 162-Fulk of
Anjou, 163-Baldwin III., 164-Amaury, 164-Baldwin IV. and
Guy de Lusignan, 165-Richard Lion Heart, 166-St. Louis and
Edward I., 167-fiefs of Kingdom of Jerusalem, 168-mixed popu-
lations, 169-power of the bourgeoisie, 170-trade and manufactures,
171-agriculture, 172-Syrian Latin Church, 173-contact of
Moslem and Christian faiths, 174-Frederic II., 175-papal nego-
tiations with Tartars, 176-loss of Christian possessions in Palestine,
178-results of crusades upon Europe, 179.

Julian, Dr., his Dictionary of Hymnology reviewed, 300.


Kebbel, T. E., his 'Sport and Nature' reviewed, 61.

Kidd, B., his book on Social Evolution reviewed, 479.

Kühne, General von, his book on Prusso-Austrian campaign reviewed,


Landor, A. H. S., his book on Hairy Ainu reviewed, 180.
Lang, A., his 'Angling Sketches' reviewed, 226.

Leslie, G. B., his 'Letters to Marca' reviewed, 61.

Liquefaction of gases, review of Prof. Dewar's works upon, 361-
invention of term 'gas,' 361-molecular structure of matter, 363-
thermal energy, 365-Faraday's liquefaction of chlorine, 366-
oxygen liquefied, 367-atmospheric air and nitrogen liquefied and
solidified, 368-ethylene as cold-producer, 370-vacuum-vessels,
371-spectra of oxygen, 372-magnetic property of oxygen, 373—
'death of matter,' 375-scientific uses of liquid air, 376-life under
intense cold, 378-hydrogen not yet liquefied, 379.

Lugard, Capt. F. D., his book on East Africa reviewed, 267.


Maitland, Sir J. R. G., his 'History of Howietoun' reviewed, 226.
Moltke, Von, review of works concerning his campaign against Austria,
412-new elements in modern warfare, 413-criticism of his strategy,
415-diplomatic and geographical difficulties, 416-hostility of
smaller German States, 419-obstacles to concentration of troops,
421-captures the Austrian order of battle,' 427-disposition of
Prussian armies, 428-success over Hanover and Hesse, 437-battle
of Königgrätz, 439-his strategy vindicated, 440.

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Montrose, James, Marquis of, review of Wishart's memoirs of, 122—
relations between him and Charles II., 123-made field-marshal by
Emperor Ferdinand and raises troops in Germany, 124-resolves to
avenge Charles I., 124-Captain-general in Scotland for Charles II.,
126-Argyll's rival policy, 127-visits Denmark and Sweden on
behalf of Charles II., 133-lands in Kirkwall, 134-Charles's letter
to Montrose, 136-Montrose's invasion of Scotland, 139-battle of
Carbisdale, 142-Strachan's ambush, 145-Montrose's flight, 147—
taken prisoner by Macleod, 148-Charles's order to Montrose to lay

down arms, 154-Charles's alleged disavowal of Montrose's invasion,
155-execution of Montrose, 157.

Morris, W. O'C., his study of Moltke reviewed, 412.


Naval Armaments, review of books concerning, 447-Russian fleet at
Toulon, 447-increase in French Navy, 448-development of
Russian Black Sea fleet, 451-Russian port in Mediterranean, 453—
French military harbour at Biserta, 456-relative strength of
French, Russian, and English fleets, 457-Mr. Gladstone on ade-
quacy of English navy, 459-historical development of our navy,
460-evil influence of party government, 464-Government pro-
gramme, 467-strength of navy the guarantee of peace, 474-fleet
undermanned, 475; remedy suggested, 477.


Parliament, review of the session, 246-legislative paralysis, 248-
qualities of a leader of the House, 249—Home Rule, 250, 260, 532-
Parish Councils Bill, 252-Employers' Liability Bill, 253-Ireland
under Unionist government, 254 Mr. Morley's attack on House of
Lords, 258-Mr. Gladstone's promises, 261-six years' Parliamentary
experience, 262-a pre-occupied Prime Minister, 264-Mr. Glad-
stone's resignation, 512; his characteristics, 513-Lord Macaulay
on Mr. Gladstone, 515-deficiencies of Mr. Gladstone's writings and
speeches, 517; speeches on Disestablishment, 518-Lord Rosebery
as Premier, 521; views on the Empire, 525; conduct as Foreign
Secretary, 528-new Ministry, 530-Sir William Harcourt, 531-
Registration Bills, 534-over-representation of Ireland, 535-
agitation against the House of Lords, 537-Socialist party, 539—
difficulties before the new Ministry, 539.

Pasquier, Chancellor, review of memoirs of, 1-early life, 3-
magistrate, 4-splendours of old Paris, 5-councillor of Grand
Chambre, 6-Parliament and States-General, 7-first phases of
Revolution, 8-the Gironde, 9-execution of Louis XVI., 10-in
prison of St. Lazare, 11-his father's fate, 12-Joséphine, 12, 26-
revolt against the Convention, 12-his opinion of Bonaparte, 13-
the Concordat, 14-unjust comments upon England, 15-fate of
Duc d'Enghien, 16-obtains office in Council of State, 18-Fouché
and Talleyrand, 20, 24-functions of Conseil d'Etat, 21-
Cambacérès, 22-commission on legal status of Jews, 23-invasion
of Spain, 24-Napoleon's sisters, 28-Prefect of Police, 29-
Pius VII., 30-supply of bread to Paris, 31-Napoleon's invasion
of Russia, 327-Malet's conspiracy, 329-Napoleon's quarrel with
the Pope, 332-campaign of 1813, 333-contest of 1814, 343-
entry of Allied Army into Paris, 352-plot against Napoleon's life,
355 - Napoleon's abdication, 357- the Emperor's opinion of
Pasquier, 358-restoration of the Bourbons, 359.

Pritt, T. E., his book on North-country flies reviewed, 226.

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