6. A small portion of the the iny & chapter иг Jof the mipesimis oftmalteig in generall 72 A small portion of the 22 chaptt fas dingosion of captus. 8. Be vjor chaptor Entrit of A portion of the vyte chapso The Abridgut of the 12.13. 14, 15-6-17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 25. 262 chaptong 13. The first chapter of that the same dre a booke of drgunt wrytten in Latino and dostmed for to be baditiollant and Philosophy. Nome of of Amotations of Silla Fac simile of the writing on the Cover. WORKS OF FRANCIS BACON, BARON OF VERULAM, VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN, AND LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND. COLLECTED AND EDITED BY JAMES SPEDDING, M.A. OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; ROBERT LESLIE ELLIS, Μ.Α. LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; AND DOUGLAS DENON HEATH, BARRISTER-AT-LAW: LATE FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. LONGMAN AND CO.; SIMPKIN AND CO.; HAMILTON AND CO.; WHITTAKER 1859 The right of translation is reserved. |