| 1849 - 1152 pages
...the memorial of the Committee : — " Poor Law Board, Somerset House, " 18th Dec., 1846. " Sir,— I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of a Memorial of the Chairman and the Committee of the Medical Officers of the Poor Law Unions, acting... | |
 | 1849 - 1144 pages
...LOUD, Hon. Sec. July 23d, 1849. Гоог Lnw Hoard, Somerset House, 1st August, 1849. GKNTI.EMEX, — I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt ol the sommuniration signed by you on behall of " the Committee of the Convention ol Poor Law Medical... | |
 | 1850 - 400 pages
...Secretary. The Poor Law Board to the Guardians of the Honiton Union. Somerset House, Aug. 8, 1850. Sir, — I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant, together with the documents therewith enclosed, namely, " Copy Minutes of the Guardians... | |
 | 1851 - 126 pages
...CLERK had yet another letter to read : — Poor Law Board, Somerset House, Januar}* 11, 1851. SIR, — I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt, on the 13th ult., of the form of queries relating to the appointment of Mr. Thomas Hall to the office... | |
 | Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - Bills, Legislative - 1855 - 456 pages
...Clerk to the Guardians. &c. &c. &c. LETTER from the Poor Law Board to the Clerk of the Glossop Union. Poor Law Board, Whitehall, Sir, 12 March 1853. I AM...Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th ultimo, in which you apply for their consent to the Guardians of the Glossop Union sending... | |
 | Great Britain. Civil Service Commission - 1859 - 470 pages
...hereof to the Poor Law Board, From the Poor Law Commissioners to the Treasury. SIR, 25th November, 1853. I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this day's date, in which you transmit to them a Copy of the Minute of the Lords Commissioners of... | |
 | Great Britain. Poor Law Board - Poor - 1860 - 638 pages
...next, between half-past twelve and two o'clock. Poor Law Board, Whitehall, SIR, 19th January 1861. I AM directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 16th instant, in which, by direction of the Governors and Directors of the Poor... | |
 | Law reports, digests, etc - 1863 - 804 pages
...1862. T. ELY." "No. 2200B, 1863. " Poor Law Board, Whitehall, SW, " 20th January, 1863. " Sir. — I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16th inst., and to inform you that they see no objection to the appointment of the Rev. Edward... | |
 | General Medical Council (Great Britain) - 1863 - 446 pages
...Secretary to the " Poor Laic Board." " Poon LAW BOARD, " WHITEHALL, SW " September 2, 1859. " SIR, " I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16th ult., and to beg that you will be so obliging as to thank the General Medical Council for... | |
 | John Hunter (of Uxbridge.) - 1864 - 180 pages
...Poor Law Board, Whitehall, SlR, 12th March, 1853. I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th ultimo, in...Board consent to the proposal of the guardians being carried into effect; but, before they finally sanction the arrangement, they request that the draft... | |
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