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What must 27. pay towards a tax when 6507. 13s. 4d. is assessed at 837. 12s. 4d.?

Reduce 1257. 10s. into francs and centimes, exchange at 23 francs 6 centimes per 17. (100 centimes 1 franc). Divide 747. 13s. 6d. by 17.


Salary 281. 78. a-year, what is due for 95 days?


What is the income of a person who pays 221. 7s. 5d. for income tax, at the rate of 7d. per pound?

If an officer's pay is 12s. 3d. per day, what is that per year ? A banker owes 24687., and he could pay 15s. 6d. in the pound, what were his effects worth?

There were 377 labourers employed in the Royal Exchange and the New Houses of Parliament, what were their whole wages per week at 1s. 8d. per day each ?

A bankrupt owes 47267. 10s., and his effects are worth 11817. 12s. 6d.; how much will he be able to pay in the pound? The charge of carrying the mails by railway to Birmingham is 287. 4s. 4d. per day; how much is that in 365 days?


As 6507. 13s. 4d. : 837. 12s. 4d. : : 21.

Divide 747. 13s. 6d. by 17.

Salary 281. 78. a-year, what is due for 95 days?

Reduce 1257. 10s. into francs and centimes, exchange at 23 francs 6 centimes per £ (100 centimes=1 franc).

Divide 851. 6s. by 72.


In 35 guineas how many farthings?

28 yards of cloth at 19s. 4d. a-yard.

If a horse cost 1s. 11d. a-day, what will be the charge of 11 horses for one year?


Divide 7,652,1947. Os. 9d. by 30767.

What is the interest of 3877. 14s. 21d. at 34 per cent. per annum for five years and three months?

Multiply 2487/l. 14s. 21d. by 3,0767.

From 4,768,9547. 138. 74d. take 2,989,7677. 18s. 11åd.

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Write in figures one million four hundred and eighty-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-three bales of cotton.


Materials for Précis, Subjects for English Composition, and Correspondence.

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"WITH reference to the correspondence that has passed between the Poor Law Board and the Lords of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade on the subject of the collection of agricultural statistics, I am directed by their Lordships to acquaint you, for the information of the Poor Law Board, that the Lords of the Treasury have been pleased, upon the application of my Lords, and in consideration of the success which last year attended the experiments for the collection of the agricultural statistics of Norfolk and Hampshire, conducted with so much zeal and ability by Sir John Walsham and Mr. Hawley, to authorise the insertion in the estimates of the present year of a sum of 4,000l., for the purpose of instituting similar experiments, on a considerably extended scale, in England and Wales. This estimate will probably be submitted for the sanction of Parliament within a few days.

"My Lords feel assured, from the experiments already made, that there is no Department of the State so well calculated to bring this further important experiment to a successful issue as

the Poor Law Board, and I am therefore to request that your Lordship will express to the Board their Lordships' hope that it will be willing to undertake the task of conducting it. In this case, my Lords presume that on the present occasion the agency of the Boards of Guardians and their officers would be again employed, under the superintendence of the Poor Law Inspectors.

"Should the Poor Law Board be disposed to concur with my Lords in this view, their Lordships direct me to request that, considering the importance of losing no time in setting the necessary machinery in motion, they may be favoured with an early intimation of the number and names of the counties which the Board may decide upon selecting for the purpose of the present experiment, having regard to the amount which it is proposed to devote to it, and to the experience derived from the cost of the previous experiment. Their Lordships will also be glad to receive and consider any alterations in the schedules which it may be proposed to make, and in all other respects to give every assistance in their power towards furthering this important object.

"I have the honour to be, my Lord,

"Your Lordship's obedient servant,

"The Viscount Courtenay,

"Secretary to the Poor Law Board."

And write an answer to Mr. Booth,—

Acknowledging the receipt of the above.

The Board accede, but wish the inquiry to be considered as experimental.

Suggest Norfolk and Suffolk under Sir J. Walsham, Hants and Wilts under Mr. Hawley, and Leicester under Mr. Wale. Have requested Sir J. Walsham to revise forms and instructions, which he has done: copy of them enclosed.


Write a short Abstract of the substance of the following correspondence and papers :


Glossop Union, 26 February, 1853.

In consequence of there being no schoolmaster at the union

workhouse, the board of guardians contemplate sending what few children there are in the workhouse to the Swinton school connected with the Manchester union; application has been made for that purpose, and it appears they can be received into that establishment, clothed, maintained, instructed, and provided with medical attendance, at a charge of 3s. 3d. per week, provided the consent of the Poor Law Board be obtained thereto. I have therefore been requested to obtain the consent of your honourable board to the proposition of the guardians to send the children to the said school.

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I am directed by the Poor Law Board to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th ultimo, in which you apply for their consent to the guardians of the Glossop union sending the children from the workhouse to the Swinton school.

The board consent to the proposal of the guardians being carried into effect; but, before they finally sanction the arrangement, they request that the draft of the contract which the Glossop guardians may propose to enter into with the Manchester guardians, for the education and maintenance of the children in the school, may be submitted for their inspection.

G. Bowden, Esq.,

Clerk to the Guardians.

I am, &c., (Signed)


COURTENAY, Secretary.

Glossop Union,
15 March, 1853.

In compliance with the request contained in your letter of the 12th instant, I beg to forward for your inspection the draft of the contract which the guardians of this union propose to enter into with the Manchester guardians for the education and maintenance of the children from the workhouse here in the Swinton school.

I am, &c.,


The Poor Law Board, &c.

GEORGE BOWDEN, Clerk to the Guardians.

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