120 dozen of candles at 9s. 93d. per dozen 144 reams of paper at 13s. 4d. per ream Answers. £46 15s. Od. 96 0 0 Multiply 24m. 3f. 20p. 2y. by 6. Multiply £1 9s. 4d. by 28. In 6169 pence how many pounds? In 35 guineas how many farthings? How many fourpenny-pieces in 37,689 shillings? How many half-sovereigns in 7,642 guineas?. What is the value of 19 per chaldron ? chaldrons of coals at 17. 11s. 6d. £ At 10 d. per pound, what is the value of a firkin of butter containing 56lbs.? £ A bankrupt owes 4,9687.; he has only money sufficient to pay 9s. 7d. in the pound; how much money has he to pay his debts? £ If 100 men can finish a work in 12 days, how many men are sufficient to do the same in 3 days? What is the half year's rent of 547 acres of land at 15s. 6d. án acre? Write down in figures 1 Two millions five thousand and eighty-seven. 2 Four hundred and sixty-one thousand and one. 17 How much land at 16s. an acre shall be given in exchange for 480 acres at 15s. an acre? 18 A person fails for 1,078., and his effects are worth 370l. 18s. 5d. what will be the dividend on 787. 10s.? 19 If 6007. gain 457. in 18 months, how much will 1007. gain in a year ? 20 If 70%. 16s. 4d. is the cost of 16 cwt. 4 lbs., what would 1 ton 2 cwt. 3 qrs. cost? Practice. 21 The value of 1,245 at 4d. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 653 at d. 328 at 8s. 5d. 674 at 41. 8s. 4d. 3 cwts. 2 qrs. 17 lbs. at 17. 5s. 8d. per quarter. EXPECTANTS OF EXCISE. Add together '0007, 1.0109, 01 & 9. Add together 14-3712, 001, 5·0001 & 100. From 10154271. take 9178965.8742. From 991742865-010101 take 881745522-201002. Multiply 91000-41 by 7101. Multiply 7310-8001 by 0089. Divide 218051.081884 by 2.00099. Divide 81642 by 276.804. Add and together. Add, and together. Subtract from 10. Divide by i. Divide by 43. Divide by • Divide by . 20 |