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(Age 18 to 25.)

1 Writing from Dictation.

2 Arithmetic (including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions) 3 Correspondence.

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Arithmetic (including Vulgar Fractions and Decimals). 4 English Composition.

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Papers set by Officers of Customs, Excise, and Post Office, for local Examinations.



Single Proportion Direct.

1 A wedge of gold weighing 14 lb. 3 oz. 8 dwts. cost 5147. 4s., required the rate per ounce.

2 Required, the cost of 17 hogsheads of tobacco, each weighing 11 cwt. 2 qrs. 19 lbs., at 197. 8s. per cwt.?

Single Proportion Inverse.

3 If a pasture can maintain 7 horses 6 weeks, how long can it

maintain 35 horses?

4 If 1007. gain 10. in 12 months, how much will gain the same in 9 months?

Double Proportion.

5 If 100l. in 12 months gain 77. interest, what is the interest of 5711. for 6 years?

6 If 939 men consume 351 quarters of wheat in 168 days, how many will consume 1404 quarters in 56 days?

Profit and Loss.

7 By selling cloth at the rate of 12s. per yard, 157. per cent. was gained, what per cent. would be gained when it was sold at the rate of 10s. 6d. per yard?

8 Silk sold at 12s. 6d. per yard gained 71. 10s. per cent., what did it cost per yard?

Vulgar Fractions.

9,, and .

Add the following:

10 ths of a pound to ths of a shilling.

Deduct the following:

11 From ths take ths of ths.

12 From th of a yard take frds of an inch.

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Decimal Fractions.

Add the following, and bring them to their proper values:

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Multiply the following and bring them to their proper values:

19 54.321. by 4·7.

20 5987 cwts. by 99.

Divide the following and bring them to their proper values: 21 880-76437. by 5.48.

22 476-532 tons by 60.


1 Add 367443; 52421; 1671; 2596; 924; 34853; 684; 24835; 87; and 72 together.

2 Add 1917. 16s. 9d., 2727. 15s. 61d., 8897. 17s. 101d., 6477. 19s. 2 d., 3981. 16s. 7d., 5631. 16s. 101d., 770l. Os. 5 d., 945l. 17s. 7d., 2407. 13s. 94d., and 1507. 10s. together.

3 Subtract 868704368 from 7648200069.

4 Subtract 169 lbs. 6 oz. 14 dwts. 17 grs. from 187 lbs. 9 oz. 12 dwts. 20 grs.

5 Multiply four millions, forty-nine thousand and three, by thirty-six thousand and twenty-nine.

6 Multiply 49 tons 13 cwt. 2 qrs. 26 lbs. 10 oz. 7 dwts. by 9. 7 Divide 5946784379 by 492.

8 Divide 467 tons 3hhd. 26 galls. 2 qrts. 1 pint by 5.

9 In 34 lbs. 10 oz. 12 dwts. 16 qrs. troy, how many grains? 10 In 2,160,000 cubic inches, how many loads of hewn timber? 11 Reduce 159 quarters of corn to quarts.

12 In 4005 deals how many great hundreds?

13 In 150,000 eggs how many gross?
14 In 50 acres how many square inches?
15 In 3 leagues how many inches?
16 Reduce 564 English ells to nails.

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