The Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth, Volume 4T. Cadell, 1827 |
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A.Pont A.Pont.IX afterwards Aleandro animo anno appears apud Aretino artist atque autem authority Bramante cardinal Cardinalis Castiglione celebrated CHAP Christ church Clement VII Count Bossi death duke Ecclesiæ ejus eminent enim eorum Erasmus erat etiam favour Ferrara fidei Florence Francesco fuit Giulio Guicciardini hæc honour illa illi ipse Ital Italian Italy Julius Julius II labours Latin Leo X Leonis letter Lionardo Luther Machiavelli manu Medici Michelagnolo mihi Milan modo neque nihil nobis nostris nunc occasion omnes omnia omnibus omnium opinions Papa papal papal bull Pietro Aretino Pont Pont.IX pontiff pope præ principal quæ quale quam quibus quid quidem quod Raffaello reformation Roma Romæ Roman Rome sanctæ semper sive sunt talents tamen tibi tion Trento tuæ tuam tutto Vasari Vatican vero vita Leon whilst writings XXII XXIV
Popular passages
Page 9 - Freely they stood who stood, and fell who fell. Not free, what proof could they have given sincere Of true allegiance, constant faith, or love, Where only what they needs must do appear'd, Not what they would ? what praise could they receive ? What pleasure I from such obedience paid ? When will and reason, reason also is choice, Useless and vain, of freedom both despoil'd, Made passive both, had served necessity, Not me?
Page 60 - This grew speedily to an excess ; for men began to hunt more after words than matter ; and more after the choiceness of the phrase, and the round and clean composition of the sentence, and the sweet falling of the clauses, and the varying and illustration of their works with tropes and figures, than after the weight of matter, worth of subject, soundness of argument, life of invention, or depth of judgment.
Page 60 - So that these four causes concurring, the admiration of ancient authors, the hate of the schoolmen, the exact study of languages, and the...
Page 111 - LeoX., cannot be uninteresting. He was born at his family villa of Casatico, in the territory of Mantua, in the year 1478, and was the son of the Count Cristoforo Castiglione, by his wife Louisa Gonzaga, a near relation of the sovereign family of that name. In his early years he was sent to Milan, where he was instructed in the Latin language by Giorgio Merula, and in Greek by Demetrius Chalcondyles. Having there distinguished himself by his personal accomplishments, and particularly by his skill...
Page 229 - Mosè quando scendea dal monte , E gran parte del Nume avea nel volto. Tal era allor che le sonanti e vaste Acque ei sospese a se d' intorno/, e tale Quando il mar chiuse e ne fé
Page 416 - Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostrae absolutionis, approbationis, confirmationis, suppletionis, constitutionis, mandati, voluntatis et derogationis infringere, vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei, ac beatorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum eius se noverit incursurum.
Page 70 - ... it. Luther, Calvin, Cranmer, Knox, the founders of the reformed church in their respective countries, inflicted, as far as they had power and opportunity, the same punishments, which were denounced against their own disciples by the church of Rome, upon such as called in question any article of their creed.
Page 185 - J'ay aussi remerqué cecy, que de tant d'âmes et effects qu'il juge, de tant de mouvemens et conseils, il n'en rapporte jamais un seul à la vertu, religion et conscience, comme si ces parties là estoyent du tout esteintes au monde...
Page 60 - Then grew the flowing and watery vein of Osorius, the Portugal bishop, to be in price. Then did Sturmius spend such infinite and curious pains upon Cicero the orator and Hermogenes the rhetorician, besides his own books of periods and imitation and the like. Then did Car of Cambridge, and Ascham, with their lectures and writings, almost deify Cicero and Demosthenes, and allure *' all young men that were studious unto that delicate anpolished kind of learning.
Page 16 - God, and can command and require whatever you please. This, I assure you, will be of no avail. You are the servant of servants, and of all mankind, are seated in the most deplorable and perilous place. Be not deceived by those who pretend that you are lord of the earth, that there can be no Christian without your authority, and that you have any power in heaven, in hell, or in purgatory.