RAY'S ARITHMETIC, PART FIRST. 48 pages, 12mo. THIS is intended as a first book in arithmetic, for quite young pupils, and contains very simple lessons, illustrated with numerous pictorial counters. RAY'S ARITHMETIC, PART SECOND. 144 pages, 12mo. CONTAINS copious, progressive exercises in intellectual Arithmetic, designed to employ the mind and fingers, to go before the slate and prepare for it. It is believed to be unsurpassed as a text book in mental Arithmetic. RAY'S ARITHMETIC, PART THIRD. 264 pages, 12 mo. • THIS work contains a full and complete treatise on Practical Arithmetic, from the elementary rules, up to Geometrical Progression, Mensuration, &c. The examples and rules are arranged on the inductive and analytic methods of instruction. The reason of each rule is clearly shown, -the pupil is made to understand the "why and wherefore" of all his operations. The examples are such as to render him a thorough arithmetician, and to qualify him for the business pursuits of life; great attention being given to the more practical rules. This work contains nearly twice the quantity of matter usual in works of this class, and by judicious arrangement in printing, is rendered the cheapest work extant in this department of education. RAY'S ARITΗΜΕΤΙCAL KEY. CONTAINS solutions to the questions in Ray's Part Third, and to some of the more difficult questions in Part Second; also valuable suggestions to teachers, &c. RAY's Arithmetical Course, compiled for the Eclectic Educational Series by DR. JOSEPH RAY, Professor of Mathematics in Woodward College, comprises the most methodical, philosophical, and complete text books on Arithmetic ever before offered to American teachers. In excellence and durability of manufacture they are inferior to none, while in price they are much cheaper than any others extant. RAY'S ALGEBRA, PART FIRST: An elementary treatise, commencing with the first principles, and leading the learner, by gradual and easy steps, to a knowledge of the elements of the science. The design has been to present these in a brief, clear, and scientific manner, so that the pupil should not be taught merely to perform a certain routine of exercises mechanically, but to understand the reason of every step. Throughout the work it has been attempted to combine the clear, explanatory methods of the French mathematicians, with the practical exercises of the English and German, so that the pupil should acquire both a practical and theoretical knowledge of the subject. From the Repository: Edited by Professor TEFT. RAY'S ALGEBRA, Part First, is a work of sterling merit. We are not disposed to bestow upon any work undeserved adulation; but must say of this treatise that it is in advance of any elementary Algebra which we have yet examined. DR. RAY, who has been Professor of Mathematics in Woodward College for the last fifteen years, is the man, above all others, prepared to give the world a work embracing the modern, most approved, and really rational methods of teaching the subject. The work is characterized by great clearness and simplicity, but there are things in it which will furnish ample opportunity to try the best powers of analysis and thought. It ought to have, and doubtless will have, an extensive circulation. From MR. GREEN, of the English and Classical Academy, Madison. I HAVE carefully examined RAY'S ALGEBRA, Part First; the arrangement of the fundamental principles of the science, adopted in it, is no doubt the best one. The demonstrations accompanying the rules are lucid and accurate, and the examples copious enough to impress them indelibly upon the mind of the pupil. From the character of the author's Arithmetic, the public had reason to expect that an Algebra from the same author would be a valuable contribution to this department of science, and, in the judgment of the writer, this expectation will not be disappointed. JAMES GREEN. From MR. ZACHOS, Professor of Mathematics in Dr. Colton's Academy. I HAVE examined RAY'S ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA, and the best recommendation 1 can give it, is the FACT, that I have adopted it in my younger classes. J. C. ZACHOS. From В. С. Нонвs, Superin't of Friends' Boarding School, Richmond I CONSIDER RAY'S ALGEBRA, Part First, worthy a place in every school. The author has fallen upon an ingenious method of securing a mental preparation, before the more difficult exercises of the slate are required. The work is clear and comprehensive, and a selection of superior formulæ has been made for the solution of difficult problems. Could an objection be made to the work, it would be that the subject is too much simplified. The cheapness of the work brings it within the means of every one. Ninth Month, 20th, 1848. В. С. НОВBS. From Professor C. E. STOWE, of Lane Seminary. [Author of a Report to the Legislature on the Prussian System of Education.] I HAVE carefully examined MCGUFFEY'S READERS, and shall use them in the instruction of my own children, in preference to all others. I have never examined a series of School Books with such entire approbation. CALVIN E. STOWE. From the REV. N. L. RICE, D. D. [Extract from an Editorial in the Presbyterian of the West.] RESPECTING Professor MCGUFFEY, with whom he is intimately acquainted, Dr. Rice says, "We know of no one better qualified by talents, learning, and experience as a teacher, to prepare suitable books for the instruction of youth.". From the Rev. DR. BIGGS, President of Woodward College. My pra tical acquaintance with McGUFFEY'S ECLECTIC READERS, allows me to recommend them as in all respects very excellent works. While they are admirably adapted for instilling into the mind of the pupil pure religious principles, the author has happily avoided the introduction of any sectarian matter. This is, I think, the only true plan in works of this kind. I can cordially recommend them to all. THOMAS J. BIGGS. From the Professors in the Baptist Institute, Covington. We have carefully examined McGUFFEY'S ECLECTIC READERS, and take pleasure in bearing testimony to their peculiar excellence. We cordially concur in the opinion above expressed by the Rev. DR. BIGGS. [The Eclectic Educational Series) is used in the Baptist Institute. S [KEV.] ASA DRURY, From the Rev. MR. MAGOON: Of the Baptist Church. AFTER a careful perusal of MCGUFFEY'S ECLECTIC READERS, a hearty commendation of their merits is demanded by the convictions of my mind. All who are en gaged in education may use them with the greatest benefit. With especial emphasis I commend them for their elevated moral and religious tone. E. L. MAGOON. From The (Methodist) Wn. Christian Advocate. In behalf of general education, we have carefully examined the whole of McGurFEY'S ECLECTIC READERS, without the omission of a single lesson. They have been used by our children in their schools, and have become familiar to us by being read in the family circle. During the thorough and careful examination we have given them, they have risen in our esteem. They endure scrutiny and sound criticism, We consider them admirably adapted in matter and manner to the instruction of youth, and with a desire to benefit general education, we recommend them highly. From the Rev. DR. LYMAN BEECHER, FROM the knowledge which I have of MCGUFFEY'S ECLECTIC READERS, as well as from the testimony of eminent practical Teachers, I can say that I am not a little gratified to know that our youth have access to so perfect a series of Reading Books. They are excellent for educational purposes-their religion is unsectarian, true religion-their morality the morality of the Gospel. I commend this series to the Christian, the Teacher, and the Philanthropist. LYMAN BEECHER. M°GUFFEY'S NEWLY REVISED ECLECTIC FOURTH READER: CONTAINING ELEGANT EXTRACTS, IN PROSE AND POETRY; WITH RULES FOR READING, AND EXERCISES IN ARTICULATION, DEFINING, &c. Revised and Emproved. BY WM. H. MCGUFFEY, LL.D. PERMANENT STEREOTYPE EDITION. NEW YORK: CLARK, AUSTIN & SMITH, 205 BROADWAY. CINCINNATI: W. B. SMITH & CO. 1849. |