MCGUFFEY'S NEWLY REVISED FOURTH READER. LESSON I. REMARK.- Every syllable should be pronounced distinctly, and the joining of words together carefully avoided. Exercises, under this rule, should be practiced upon by all the pupils, till a distinct and easy articulation is secured. EXERCISES. - He was incapable of it. (Here take care not to join ble and of.) He was amiable, respectable, formidable, unbearable, intolerable, unmanageable, terrible. (Here utter distinctly the sound ble.) He was branded as a traitor. Thou prob'st my wound. He was stretched on the floor. But Ruth clave unto her. Words to be Spelled and Defined. 3. Re-du'-ced, p. brought to poverty. 4. Vi'-o-late, v. to break, to transgress. 5. In-vest-i-gate, v. to inquire into. Di'-a-lect, n. a particular form of speech. 6. Con-front', v. to stand face to face. 7. Im-pos'-tor, n. a deceiver. At-tor'-ney, n. a lawyer. I-den-ti-ty, n. sameness. RESPECT FOR THE SABBATH REWARDED. 1. In the city of Bath, not many years since, lived a barber, who made a practice of following his ordinary occupation on the Lord's day. As he was pursuing his morning's employment, he happened to look into some place of worship, just as the minister was giving out his text, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy." He listened long enough to be convinced that he was constantly breaking the laws of God and man, by shaving and dressing his customers on the Lord's day. He became uneasy, and went with a heavy heart to his Sabbath task. (39) 2. At length he took courage, and opened his mind to his minister, who advised him to give up Sabbath dressing, and worship God. He replied, that beggary would be the consequence. He had a flourishing trade, but it would almost all be lost. At length', after many a sleepless night spent in weeping and praying, he was determined to cast all his care upon God', as the more he reflected, the more his duty became apparent'. 3. He discontinued Sabbath dressing', went constantly and early to the public services of religion', and soon enjoyed that satisfaction of mind which is one of the rewards of doing our duty, and that peace of God which the world can neither give nor take away'. The consequences he foresaw, actually followed. His genteel customers left him, and he was nicknamed a Puritan', or Methodist'. He was obliged to give up his fashionable shop, and, in the course of years, became so reduced', as to take a cellar under the old market house, and shave the common people'. 4. One Saturday evening, between light and dark, a stranger from one of the coaches, asking for a barber, was directed by the hostler, to the cellar opposite. Coming in hastily, he requested to be shaved quickly, while they changed horses, as he did not like to violate the Sabbath. This was touching the barber on a tender chord. He burst into tears; asked the stranger to lend him a half-penny to buy a candle, as it was not light enough to shave him with safety. He did' so, revolving in his mind the extreme poverty' to which the poor man must be reduced'. "William 5. When shaved, he said, "There must be something extraordinary in your history, which I have not now time to hear. Here is half a crown for you. When I return, I will call and investigate your case. What is your name'?" Reed'," said the astonished barber. "William Reed'?" echoed the stranger: "William Reed'? by your dialect you are from the West." "Yes, sir, from Kingston, near Taunton." "William Reed', from Kingston', near Taunton'? What was your father's' name?" "Thomas.” "Had he any brother?" "Yes, sir; one after whom I was named; but he went to the Indies', and, as we never heard' from him, we supposed him to be dead." 6. "Come along', follow me'," said the stranger, "I am going to see a person who says his name is William Reed, of Kingston, near Taunton. Come and confront' him. If you prove to be indeed he who you say you are', I have glorious news for you. Your uncle is dead', and has left an immense fortune, which I will put you in possession of, when all legal doubts are removed." 7. They went by the coach'; saw the pretended William Reed', and proved him to be an impostor'. The stranger, who was a pious attorney', was soon legally satisfied of the barber's identity, and told him that he had advertised him in vain. Providence had now thrown him in his way', in a most extraordinary manner', and he had great pleasure in transferring a great many thousand pounds' to a worthy man', the rightful heir of the property'. Thus was man's extremity', God's opportunity'. Had the poor barber possessed one half-penny', or even had credit for a candle', he might have remained unknown for years'; but he trusted God', who never said', "Seek ye my face" in vain' EDINBURGH PAPER. QUESTIONS. - What excited the barber's attention on the subject of keeping the Sabbath? To what conclusion did he come? What was the effect upon his business? What circumstance led to his becoming acquainted with the fact that he was heir to a large property? Who evidently brought about all these things? Are men always rewarded for obeying God? Where are they rewarded? In the 5th paragraph, at the words " William Reed," why is the falling inflection used in the first instance (Rule III), and the rising inflection, the three other times the words are used? (Rule V, Note.) In the 6th paragraph, why is the falling inflection used at the words "along," "come," "confront?" (Rule II, 1§.) Why the falling inflection at the words "half-penny," and " candle," in the last sentence? (Exception to Rule IV, also Rule II, 4§.) Why would these words have the rising inflection, if they were not emphatic? (Rule IV.) Give rules for the other inflections marked. (I, II, III, and IV.) PRONUNCIATION. - Oc-cu-pa-tion, not oc-ky-pa-tion: list-en-ed, pro. lis'n'd: cel-lar, not sul-ler: op-po-site, not op-per-site: half-penny, pro. happen-ny or ha-pen-ny. SPELL AND DEFINE.- 1. Practice, occupation, convinced: 2. beggary, consequence, flourishing: 3. services, satisfaction: 4. hostler: 5. extraordinary: 6. confront: 7. pretended, legally, advertised, transferring. TO TEACHERS.-In defining words, that meaning is given, which is appropriate to them in the connection in which they are used. When they are used in a figurative or peculiar sense, the definition here given will not be found in a dictionary. When there is a wide departure from common use, this is sometimes indicated. Words are also added, at the close of the lesson, to be spelled and defined, for the purpose of affording practice to the pupil, and accustoming him to judge, for himself, of their meaning by their connection. In orthography, Dr. Webster's authority is followed, as presented in the last revised edition of his works; this being the well established usage of intelligent educators and literary men. LESSON II. EXERCISES. - To be read over until the difficult sounds are distinctly and easily uttered. The ribs of death. Can you cry, crackers, crime, cruelty, crutches? The orb'd moon. It was the worst act of all acts. It is a mixed government. The idle spindle. their feelings. The length, and highly and holily done. Long droves of cattle. Their deeds show breadth, and depth of the thing. It was Words to be Spelled and Defined. 1. At-test', v. to bear witness to. 3. Ac'-tion, n. a claim made before a court. As-si-zes, n. a court of justice. 6. Plaint'-iff, n. the person who commences a suit at court. 7. Pre-ca-ri-ous. a. uncertain. Ju-ry-man, n. one who serves on a jury. and whose business it is to hear the evidence and decide which party is right. Ex-cept', v. to object. 10. Dex'-trous, a. skillful, artful. [ment. Ad-du-ced, p. brought forward in argu11. Plead'-er, n. one that argues in a court of justice. De-po-sed, v. gave evidence on oath. Ver'-dict. n. the decision of a jury concerning the matter referred to them. 12. Fore'-man, n. the chief man of a jury. 14. Dem-on-stra'-tion, n. certain proof. 15. Soph'-ist-ry, n, false reasoning. THE JUST JUDGE. 1. A GENTLEMAN who possessed an estate worth about five hundred a year, in the eastern part of England, had two sons. The eldest being of a rambling disposition, went abroad. After several years, his father died; when the younger son, destroying his will, seized upon the estate. He gave out that his elder brother was dead', and bribed false witnesses' to attest the truth' of it. 2. In the course of time, the elder brother returned; but came home in destitute circumstances. His younger brother repulsed him with scorn, and told him that he was an impostor and a cheat. He asserted that his real brother was dead long ago; and he could bring witnesses to prove it. The poor fellow, having neither money nor friends, was in a sad situation. He went round the parish making complaints, and, at last, to a lawyer, who, when he had heard the poor man's story, replied, "You have nothing to give me. If I undertake your cause and lose' it, it will bring me into disgrace', as all the wealth and evidence' are on your brother's' side. 3. "However, I will undertake it on this condition; you sh ll enter into an obligation to pay me one thousand guineas, if I gain the estate for you. If I lose' it, I know the consequences'; and I venture with my eyes open'." Accordingly, he entered an action against the younger brother, which was to be tried at the next general assizes at Chelmsford, in Essex. 4. The lawyer, having engaged in the cause of the young man, and being stimulated by the prospect of a thousand guineas, set his wits to work to contrive the best method to gain his end. At last, he hit upon this happy thought, that he would consult the first Judge of his age, Lord Chief Justice Hale. Accordingly, he hastened up to London, and laid open the cause, and all its circumstances. The Judge', who was a great lover of justice', heard the case attentively, and promised him all the assistance in his power'. 5. The lawyer having taken leave, the Judge contrived matters so as to finish all his business at the King's Bench, before the assizes began at Chelmsford. When within a short distance of the place, he dismissed his man and horses, and sought a single house. He found one occupied by a miller. After some conversation', and making himself quite agreeable', he proposed to the miller to change clothes' with him. As the Judge had a very good' suit on, the man had no reason to object'. 6. Accordingly, the Judge shifted from top to toe, and put on a complete suit of the miller's best. Armed with a miller's hat, and shoes, and stick, he walked to Chelmsford, and procured good lodging, suitable for the assizes, that should come on next day. When the trials came on, he walked like an ignorant country fellow, backward and forward along the county hall. He observed narrowly what passed around' him; and when the court began to fill', he found out the poor fellow who was the plaintiff'. 7. As soon as he came into the hall, the miller drew up to him. "Honest friend'," said he, "how is your cause like to go' today?" "Why, my cause is in a very precarious situation', and, if I lose' it, I am ruined for life'." "Well, honest friend'," replied the miller, "will you take my advice'? I will let you into a secret', which perhaps you do not know'; every Englishman has the right and privilege to except against any one juryman out of the whole twelve; now do you insist upon your privilege, without giving a reason why, and, if possible, get me chosen in his room, and I will do you all the service in my power." 8. Accordingly, when the clerk had called over the names of the jurymen, the plaintiff excepted to one of them. The judge on the bench was highly offended with this liberty. "What do you mean'," said he, "by excepting against that' gentleman?" |