: A wood like that enchanted grove, 15. So dense, so still, the Austrians stood, 20. From flank to flank, one brilliant line, 25. Peasants, whose new found strength had broke 30. In many a mortal fray maintained : 35. And now the work of life and death 40. Point for attack was no where found; 45. How could they rest within their graves, And leave their homes the homes of slaves? It must not be: this day, this hour, Few were the numbers she could boast; 55. And felt as though himself were he 60. The echo of a nobler name. Unmarked he stood amid the throng, 65. And by the motion of his form, 70. The field was in a moment won: "Make way for Liberty!" he cried; 75. "Make way for Liberty!" he cried, And through the Austrian phalanx dart, Rout, ruin, panic, scattered all : 85. An earthquake could not overthrow Thus Death made way for Liberty! MONTGOMERY. QUESTIONS. When, and between whom did the battle of Lempach take place? How were the Austrians drawn up? What was the necessity for the self-sacrifice of Winkelried? How did it result? Is war justifiable ?. ARTICULATION. - Articulate the d and t clearly, in words like the following: thou-sands, not thou-sans: dust, not duss: friends, not frien's: points, not poince: con-flict, not con-flic ground, not groun: found, not foun: must, not mus: field, not fiel; dear-est, not dear-es. SPELL AND DEFINI DEFINE. - 1. Liberty: 7. assaults: 14. startle, hide ous; 18. projected: 23. hovering: 27. forged: 62. rumination. LESSON CII. RULE.-Give the poetic pauses their appropriate prominence. In most of the following lines, the cesura is very decidedly marked. THE AMERICAN EAGLE. 1. THERE's a fierce gray bird, with a bending beak, And ruffled, and stained, while loose and bright, 10. Round her serpent neck, that is writhing and bare, Is a crimson collar of gleaming hair, Like the crest of a warrior, thinned in fight, 20. Above the dark torrent, above the bright stream, The voice may be heard Of the thunderer's bird, Calling out to her god in a clear, wild scream, 25. And their winglets are fledged in his hottest rays. Proud bird of the cliff! where the barren yew springs, 30. Over valley and rock, over mountain and wood, 'Tis the bird of our banner, the free bird that braves, 35. Drinks his meridian blaze, his farewell flush; 40. That monarch bird! she slumbers in the night, 45. And bears his lightnings o'er yon boundless arch; Bears her green laurel o'er the starry plain, 50. And sails around the skies, and o'er the rolling deeps, NEAL QUESTIONS. - What is the emblem of our country? Describe the What is the nominative to "soars" in the 46th line? What to "broods" PRONUNCIATION. - Fierce, not ferce: bird, not bud: crim-son, pro. SPELL AND DEFINE.- 4. Perpetual: 15. poised: 16. prey: 28 LESSON CIII. RULE. - Let the pupil stand at a distance from the teacher, and then try to read so loud and distinctly that the teacher may hear each syllable. [Extract from an address delivered at the celebration of the completion of the Bunker Hill Monument, June 17, 1843] 1. Few topics are more inviting, or more fit for philosophical discussion, than the action and influence of the New World upon the Old; or the contributions of America to Europe. 2. Her obligations to Europe for science and art, laws, literature, and manners, America acknowledges as she ought, with respect and gratitude. And the people of the United States, descendants of the English stock, grateful for the treasures of knowledge derived from their English ancestors, acknowledge, also, with thanks and filial regard, that among those ancestors, under the culture of Hampden and Sidney, and other assiduous friends, that seed of popular liberty first germinated, which, on our soil, has shot up to its full hight, until its branches overshadow all the land. 3. But America has not failed to make returns. If she has not canceled the obligation, or equaled it by others of like weight, she has, at least, made respectable advances, and some approaches toward equality. And she admits, that, standing in the midst of civilized nations, and in a civilized age, a nation among nations, there is a high part which she is expected to act, for the general advance of human interests and human welfare. 4. American mines have filled the mints of Europe with the precious metals. The productions of the American soil and climate, have poured out their abundance of luxuries for the tables of the rich, and of necessaries for the sustenance of the poor. Birds and animals of beauty and value, have been added to the European stocks; and transplantations from the transcendent and unequaled riches of our forests, have mingled |