I conjure you by that which you profess, Though bladed corn be lodged, and trees blown down'; Though palaces and pyramids do slope Their heads to their foundations'; though the treasures Even till destruction sicken'; answer me To what I ask you. Such series as the above, whether in the beginning or middle of a sentence, if they do not conclude the sentence, are called commencing series. If, however, they close the sentence, they are called concluding series. Examples of concluding series. They passed o'er many a frozen, many a fiery Alp; Rocks, caves', lakes', fens', bogs', dens', and shades of death'. They, through faith, subdued kingdoms', wrought righteousness', obtained promises', stopped the mouths of lions', quenched the violence of fire', escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight', turned to flight the armies of aliens'. NOTE. When the emphasis on these words or members, is not marked, they take the rising inflection, according to Rule IV; as, They are the offspring of restlessness, vanity', and idleness'. 40. When words, which naturally take the rising inflection, become emphatic by repetition or any other cause, they often take the falling inflection. For examples, see Exceptions to Rules IV. and V. Exception to the Rule. While the tendency of emphasis is decidedly to the use of the falling inflection, sometimes a word to which the falling inflection naturally belongs, when it becomes emphatic, changes this for the rising inflection; as, Three thousand ducats', 't is a good round sum'. It is useless to point out the beauties of nature to one who is blind. Here sum and blind, according to Rule I, would take the falling inflection, but as they are emphatic, and the object of em phasis is to draw attention to the word emphasized, this is here accomplished, in part, by giving an unusual inflection. Some speakers would give these words the circumflex, but it would be the rising circumflex, so that the sound would still terminate with the rising inflection. RULE III.- Questions, which cannot be answered by yes or no, together with their answers, generally require the falling inflection; as, NOTE. If these questions are repeated, the inflection is changed, according to the principle stated under the Exception to Rule II; as, Where did you say he had gone'? QUESTIONS. - What is the first rule for the use of the falling inflection? Give an example. When this occurs at the close of a sentence, what is it called? What is said about the manner of closing a sentence? What is the best guide on this point? Where else may the sense be complete? What inflection must be used in this case? Give an example. What is the exception to the first rule ? Give an example. What is antithesis? What is the substance of the remark ? Explain the example. Repeat the second rule. What is the first particular under this rule? Give an example. What is the second particular? Give an example. What is the third head under this rule? What is a commencing series? What is a concluding series? Give examples. Repeat the note, and give the examples under it. What is the fourth head under this rule ? Repeat the exception. Give the examples. What is supposed to be the reason of the exception? Repeat the third rule for the use of the falling inflection. If these questions are repeated, what inflection is used? III. RISING INFLECTION. As the completeness of the sense forms the first rule for the use of the falling inflection, so the converse of that principle forms a guide for the use of the rising inflection, and may be expressed thus : RULE IV.- Where a pause is rendered proper by the meaning, and the sense is incomplete, the rising inflection is generally required; as, To endure slander and abuse with meekness', requires no ordinary degree of selfcommand. Night coming on', both armies retired froin the field of battle'. The person or object addressed, comes under this head; as, Fathers'! we once again are met in council. My lords'! and gentlemen'! we have arrived at an awful crisis. Rome'! thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods! Exception. Where a word, which, according to this rule, requires the rising inflection, becomes emphatic, it generally must have the falling inflection, according to Rule II; as, When we aim at a high standard, if we do not attain' it, we shall secure a high degree of excellence. Those who mingle with the vicious, if they do not become depraved, will lose all delicacy of feeling. So also, when a child addresses his father, he first says, Father'! but if he repeats it emphatically, he changes the inflection and says, Father'! Father'! NOTE. The principle of this rule will be found to apply especially to the last pause before a cadence, as that is generally the most interesting point of suspension. See examples under Rule II, 30. Harmony of sound, also, seems to require the rising inflection at this place, even when other reasons would indicate the contrary. See Rule I, Remarks. RULE V.-Questions which may be answered by yes or no, generally require the rising, and their answers the falling inflection; as, Has he arrived'? Yes'. Will he return'? No'. Does the law condemn him'? It does not'. Exception. If these questions are repeated emphatically, they take the falling inflection, according to Rule II; as, Has he arrived!? Will he return'? NOTE. When a word or sentence is repeated as a kind of interrogatory exclamation, the rising inflection is used, according to the principle of this Rule; as, Who would venture!! You ask, who would venture in such a cause? His called the friend of vi tae. The fid! ay! the enthusiastic lover, the devoted prot ctor', ra her So, also, when one receives unexpected information, he exclaims, ah'! indeed' ! In the above examples, the words "venture," "friend," ah," &c., may be considered as interrogatory exclamations, because, if the sense were carried out, it would be in the form of question; as, "Do you ask who would venture'?" "Do you say that he is the friend' of virtue?" "Is it possible'?" and thus, they would receive the rising inflection according to this rule. QUESTIONS.-Repeat Rule IV. Of what rule is this the converse or opposite? Give some of the examples under this rule. What inflection has the nominative addressed? Give examples. Give the exception to Rule IV, and examples. To what does the principle of this rule especially apply? Repeat the exception. Repeat Rule V. Give examples. Repeat the note, and explain the examples. IV. BOTH INFLECTIONS. RULE VI. The different members of a sentence expressing wmparison, or contrast, or negation and affirmation, or where the parts are united by or used disjunctively, require different inflections; generally the rising inflection in the first member, and the falling inflection in the second member. This order is, however, sometimes inverted. 10. Comparison and contrast. Examples: This is also called antithesis. By all things approving ourselves the ministers of God; by honor', and dishonor'; by evil report, and good report; as deceivers', and yet true; as unknown', and yet well known; as dying', and behold we live'; as chastened', and not killed; as sorrowful', yet always rejoicing'; as poor', yet making many rich'; as having nothing', and yet possessing all things. Europe was one great battlefield, where the weak struggled for freedom', and the strong for dominion'. The king was without power', and the nobles, without principle. They were tyrants at home', and robbers abroad. 20. Negation and affirmation. Examples: He desired not to injure' his friend, but to protect him. We desire-not your money'. but yourselves'. I did not say a better' soldier, but an elder'. If the affirmative clause comes first, the order of the inflections is inverted; as, He desired to protect his friend, not to injure' him. The affirmative clause is sometimes understood; as, We desire not your money'. I did not say a better' soldier. The region beyond the grave, is not a solitary' land. In most negative sentences standing alone, the corresponding affirmative is understood; hence the following NOTE.-Negative sentences, whether alone or connected with an affirmative clause, generally end with the rising inflection. If such sentences are repeated emphatically, they take the falling inflection, according to Rule II; as, We do not desire your money. 35. Or used disjunctively. Examples: Did he behave properly', or improperly' ? Does God, having made his creatures, take no further' care of them, or does he preserve, and guide' them? NOTE.-Where or is used conjunctively, this rule does not apply; as, Will the law of kindness' or of justice' justify such conduct'? QUESTIONS. - What is the Rule VI? What is the first head under this rule? Give an example. What is the second head? Give examples. If the affirmative clause comes first, in what order are the inflections used? Give examples. Is either clause ever omitted? Repeat the note. If sentences requiring the rising inflection are repeated emphatically, what inflections are used? What is the third head under this rule? Give examples. Repeat the note. V. CIRCUMFLEX. THE circumflex is a union of the rising and falling inflections upon the same sound. Properly speaking, there are two of these, the one called the rising circumflex, in which the voice slides down and then up; and the other, the falling circumflex, |