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And cinnamon and amomum ;

And perfumes, and myrrh, and incense;

And wine and oil;

50. And fine flour and wheat;

And cattle and sheep;

And horses, and chariots, and slaves;

And the souls of men:

And the autumnal fruits of thy soul's desire are gone from


55. And all delicacies and splendors have vanished from thee; And thou shalt never find them any more!

The merchants of these things, who were enriched by her,
Shall stand afar off because of the fear of her torment,
Weeping and mourning; saying,

60. "Woe! Woe! the great city!

She, who was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet,
And was decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls ;
For in one hour is brought to desolation this so great


And every shipmaster, and every supercargo, 65. And mariners, and all who labor on the sea, Stood afar off, and cried aloud,

When they saw the smoke of her burning; saying,
"What city, like the great city!"

And they cast dust upon their heads,

70. And cried aloud, weeping and mourning; saying,
"Woe! Woe! the great city!

Wherein all who had ships upon the sea waxed rich
By her costliness;

For in one hour has she been made desolate!"

75. Rejoice over her thou heaven!

And ye saints! and ye apostles! and ye prophets!

For God hath for her crimes against you passed sentence

upon her!

And a mighty angel took up a stone like a huge millstone, and cast it into the sea; saying,

"Thus with violence shall be thrown down Babylon the great city, and shall be found no more:

80. And the voice of harpers, and musicians, and flute players, and trumpeters shall be heard in thee no more :

And any artificer of any ingenious art shall be found in thee

no more:

And the sound of a millstone shall be heard in thee no more :
And the light of a lamp shall be seen in thee no more:
And the voice of the bridegroom, and of the bride, shall be
heard in thee no more:

85. For thy merchants were the great ones of the earth; For by thy sorceries were deceived all the nations; And in her, the blood of prophets and saints hath been


And of all those who were slain upon the earth."
And after these things, I heard as it were, the voice of a
great multitude in heaven, saying, "HALLELUJAH!

90. Salvation, and glory, and honor,

And power, be unto the Lord our God!
For true and righteous are his judgments;
For he hath judged the great harlot

Who corrupted the earth with her lewdness;

95. And he hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand." And, a second time, they said, "HALLELUJAH!" And her smoke ascendeth forever and ever!


QUESTIONS. - To what city does this prophecy refer? From what book is it taken? Why is evil denounced upon Babylon? Who are represented as lamenting her fall? Who are they that sing "hallelujah" to God? How long ago was this prophecy written? Is it supposed to be yet fulfilled? Is Babylon, here, the real name of the city, or is it used figuratively? Where was the Babylon whose destruction is foretold in the Old Testament? Was that fulfilled?

To what inflections in this lesson is Rule II, §3, applicable? To what, Rule II, §2, and $4?

Which nouns in the lesson specify the merchandise spoken of in the 39th and 40th lines? Parse the sixteen nouns found in lines 47 to 53 inclusive. Parse each word contained in the 60th line.

PRONUNCIATION AND ARTICULATION. Might-i-ly, not might'ly: re-mem-ber'd, not re-mem-bud: lux-u-ri-ous, not lux-u-rous: widow, not wid-der: mourn-ing, not mourn-in: o-dor-ous, not o-d'rous: i-vo-ry, not i-ver-y, nor ivry: del-i-ca-cies, not del ca-cies : trump-et-ers, not trum'p-tuz.

SPELL AND DEFINE.-8. Hateful: 11. merchants: 17. iniquities: 39. merchandise: 47. cinnamon: 48. perfumes, myrrh, incense: 63. desolation: 89. hallelujah: 90. salvation: 95. avenged.


REMARK.- In reading poetry, that does not rhyme, the pauses should be regulated chiefly by the sense, as in prose. The poetic measure, however, should be observed, whenever it is consistent with the sense, and the construction of the sentence.

Words to be Spelled and Defined.

1. Domes, n. buildings.

Dusk'-y, a. dark, gloomy.

Bit'-tern, n. a water fowl.


Boom, n. the sound which the bittern 3. A-e-ri-al, a. placed in the air.

Bask'-ed, v. lay in the sun.
Sanct'-u-a-ry, n. a place devoted to the
worship of God.

[blocks in formation]

Yet wore one dusky hue;

The cranes upon the mosque

Kept their night clatter still;

When through the gate the early traveler passed.

And when, at evening, o'er the swampy plain
The bittern's boom came far,
Distinct in darkness seen,

Above the low horizon's lingering light,
Rose the near ruins of old Babylon.

2. Once, from the lofty walls the charioteer
Looked down on swarming myriads; once she flung
Her arches o'er Euphrates' conquered tide,
And, through her brazen portals, when she poured
Her armies forth, the distant nations looked
As men who watch the thunder cloud in fear,
Lest it should burst above them.

She was fallen!

The queen of cities, Babylon was fallen!
Low lay her bulwarks; the black scorpion basked
In palace courts; within the sanctuary
The she-wolf hid her whelps.

3. Is yonder huge and shapeless heap, what once
Hath been the aërial gardens, hight on hight,

* Of Bagdad.


Rising, like Media's mountains, crowned with wood,
Work of imperial dotage? Where the fane
Of Belus? Where the golden image now,
Which, at the sound of dulcimer and lute,
Cornet and sackbut, harp and psaltery,
The Assyrian slaves adored?

A labyrinth of ruins, Babylon

Spreads o'er the blasted plain.
The wandering Arab never sets his tent
Within her walls. The shepherd eyes afar
Her evil towers, and devious, drives his flock.
Alone unchanged, a free and bridgeless tide,
Euphrates rolls along,
Eternal nature's work.

Through the broken portal,
Over weedy fragments,
Thalaba went his way.

Cautious he trod, and felt

The dangerous ground before him with his bow.
The jackal started at his steps;
The stork, alarmed at sound of man,
From her broad nest upon the old pillar top,

Affrighted fled on flapping wings;
The adder, in her haunts disturbed,
Lanced at the intruding staff her arrowy tongue.

5. Twilight and moonshine, dimly mingling, gave
An awful light obscure :
Evening not wholly closed,

The moon still pale and faint:

An awful light obscure,

Broken by many a mass of blackest shade;

Long columns stretching dark through weeds and moss;

Broad length of lofty wall,

Whose windows lay in light,

And of their former shape, low-arched or square,

Rude outline on the earth

Figured with long grass fringed.

6. Reclined against a column's broken shaft,
Unknowing whitherward to bend his way,
He stood and gazed around.
The ruins closed him in:

It seemed as if no foot of man
For ages had intruded there.

He stood and gazed awhile,
Musing on Babel's pride, and Babel's fall;
Then, through the ruined street,
And through the further gate,
He passed in silence on.


QUESTIONS. - Where was Babylon situated, and of what was it the capital? How could a charioteer look down from the walls? Do you understand what is meant by the aërial gardens? Do you recollect any thing in the Bible about the "golden image" here mentioned? What was formerly the condition of Babylon? What became of the city? What is here represented as the appearance of the place where it stood? Where was its ruin foretold ? PRONUNCIATION AND ARTICULATION.- Ru-ins, not runes : burst, not buss: bul-warks, not bul-wuks: pal-ace, not pal-iss: lab-y-rinth, not lab-er-inth, nor labrinth: wan-der-ing, not wan-d'rin: dan-ger-ous, not dan-g'rous: aw-ful, not awe-fl: col-umns, not col-yums: whith-er-ward, not with-er-wud.

SPELL AND DEFINE.- 1. Mosque, clatter, horizon: 2. myriads, scorpion: 3. imperial, adored, bridgeless: 4. fragments, intruding: 5. obscure, moss: 6. shaft, intruded, musing.


RULE. - Avoid reading in a monotonous way, as if you were not interested, and did not understand what you read.

Words to be Spelled and Defined.

3. Pol'-i-cy, n. the art of governing nations. 4. Stren'-u-ous, a. bold, active.

5. Reg'-is-ter, n. a book in which records

are kept.

Dis'-taff, n. the staff of a spinning wheel, to which a bunch of flax is tied.

6. Pan-e-gyr'-ic, n. praise bestowed on eminent persons.

Chi-me'-ra, n. a vain or idle fancy. 9. Drudg'-er-y, n. hard labor.

10. Ar-tif-i-cer, n. one who makes and contrives.

13. Ef-fem'-i-nate, a. womanish, tender.


1. Hercules. Do you pretend to sit as high on Olympus as Hercules? Did you kill the Nemæan lion, the Erymanthian boar, the Lernean serpent, and Stymphalian birds? Did you

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