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PRONUNCIATION. - Scarce, not curce: fra-grant, not frag-rant: er'-i-sons, not o-ri-sons: hal-le-lu-jahs, pro. hal-le-lu-yahs: beau-te-ous, not beau-che-ous: hal-low-ed, not hal-lerd: o-be-di-ence, not o-be-junce.

SPELL AND DEFINE.- 1. Twilight: 2. sheltered: 3. stately: 4. decked: 5. domestic, fountain: 6. glade: 13. sparkling: 16. excuse: 19. discourse: 28. invoked: 37. toil: 52. hues: 57. priceless: 64. guileless: 81. quivering.


RULE. When similar sounds come at the end of one word and the beginning of the next word, they must not be blended into one.

Examples. Malice seeks to destroy.

The breeze sighs softly.

The ice slowly melts.

Words to be Spelled and Defined.

1. Im-pe' ri-ous, a. urgent, not to be op- | 3. Sanct'-u-a-ry, n. a sacred place, a place posed.

of protection.

An-tag-o-nist. n. an opponent, one 4. An-i-mad-vert'-ed, v. censured, re

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1. HAMILTON yielded to the force of an imperious custom; and yielding, he sacrificed a life in which all had an interest; and he is lost, lost to his country, lost to his family, lost to us. this rash act, because he disclaimed it, and was penitent, I forgive him. But there are those whom I cannot forgive. I mean not his antagonist, over whose erring steps, if there be tears in heaven, a pious mother looks down and weeps.

2. If he be capable of feeling, he suffers already all that humanity can suffer: suffers, and wherever he may fly, will suffer, with the poignant recollection of having taken the life of one, who was too magnanimous in return to attempt his own. If he had known this, it must have paralyzed his arm while he pointed, at so incorruptible a bosom, the instrument of death. Does he know this now, his heart, if it be not adamant, must soften


if it be not ice, it must melt. But on this article I forbear. Stained with blood as he is, if he be penitent, I forgive him; and if he be not, before these altars, where all of us appear as suppliants, I wish not to excite your vengeance, but rather, in behalf of an object rendered wretched and pitiable by crime, to wake your prayers.

3. But I have said, and I repeat it, there are those whom I cannot forgive. I cannot forgive that minister at the altar, who has hitherto forborne to remonstrate on this subject. I cannot forgive that public prosecutor, who, intrusted with the duty of avenging his country's wrongs, has seen these wrongs, and taken no measures to avenge them. I cannot forgive that judge upon the bench, or that governor in the chair of state, who has lightly passed over such offenses. I cannot forgive the public, in whose opinion the duelist finds a sanctuary. I cannot forgive you, my brethren, who till this late hour have been silent, while successive murders were committed.

4. No; I cannot forgive you, that you have not in common with the freemen of this state, raised your voice to the powers that be, and loudly and explicitly demanded an execution of your laws; demanded this in a manner, which, if it did not reach the ear of government, would at least have reached the heavens, and have pleaded your excuse before the God that filleth them: in whose presence as I stand, I should not feel myself innocent of the blood that crieth against us, had I been silent. But I have not been silent. Many of you who hear me are my witnesses; the walls of yonder temple, where I have heretofore addressed you, are my witnesses, how freely I have animadverted on this subject, in the presence both of those who have violated the laws, and of those whose indispensable duty it is to see the laws executed on those who violate them.

5. I enjoy another opportunity; and would to God, I might be permitted to approach for once the last scene of death. Would to God, I could there assemble on the one side the disconsolate mother with her seven fatherless children, and on the other those who administer the justice of my country. Could I do this, I would point them to these sad objects. I would entreat them, by the agonies of bereaved fondness, to listen to the widow's heartfelt groans; to mark the orphan's sighs and tears; and having done this, I would uncover the breathless corpse of Hamilton; I would lift from his gaping wound his bloody mantle; I would hold it up. to heaven before them, and I would ask, in the name of God, I would ask, whether at the sight of it they felt no compunction. Ye who have hearts of pity; ye who have experienced the anguish of dissolving friendship; who have wept, and still weep over the moldering ruins of departed kindred, ye can enter into this reflection.

6. O thou disconsolate widow ! robbed, so cruelly robbed, and in so short a time, both of a husband and a son! what must be the plenitude of thy suffering! Could we approach thee, gladly would we drop the tear of sympathy, and pour into thy bleeding bosom the balm of consolation! But how could we comfort her whom God hath not comforted! To his throne let us lift up our voice and weep. O God! if thou art still the widow's husband, and the father of the fatherless; if, in the fullness of thy goodness, there be yet mercy in store for miserable mortals, pity, O pity this afflicted mother, and grant that her hapless orphans may find a friend, a benefactor, a father in thee!


QUESTIONS.-To what imperious custom did Hamilton yield? What is dueling? Why does the writer forgive Hamilton? What is the duty of the minister in reference to dueling? Of the public prosecutor? Of the judge? Of the governor? Of the public? Why is dueling wrong? What does the Bible teach with regard to our treatment of those who injure us?

Explain the inflections in the 1st, 5th, and 6th paragraphs. In the last sentence of the 3d paragraph (I - committed), how many simple sentences are included? Which is the subject, and which the object of the first? Which is the verb in the last? What word forms the connection between the first and second of the simple sentences? What, between the second and third? Which are the conjunctions in the last paragraph? Which are the interjections?

ARTICULATION. - Articulate distinctly the t in the following words: lost, antagonist, suppliants, duelist, least, last, lift, must, penitent, object, subject, silent, innocent, wept.

SPELL AND DEFINE.-1. Sacrificed: 2. magnanimous. incorruptible, suppliants: 3. remonstrate, successive: 4. explicitly, indispensable: 5. opportunity, disconsolate, bereaved, moldering: 6. sympathy, orphans


RULE.- Be careful to observe the commas and other points, making an appropriate pause at each one of them.

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1. THE love of gambling steals, perhaps, more often than any other sin, with an imperceptible influence on its victim. Its first pretext is inconsiderable, and falsely termed innocent play, with no more than the gentle excitement necessary to amusement. This plea, once indulged, is but too often "as the letting out of water." The interest imperceptibly grows. Pride of superior skill, opportunity, avarice, and all the overwhelming passions of depraved nature, ally themselves with the incipient and growing fondness. Dam and dike are swept away. The victim struggles in vain, and is borne down by the uncontrolled current.

2. Thousands have given scope to the latent guilty avarice, unconscious of the guest they harbored in their bosoms. Thousands have exulted over the avails of gambling, without comprehending the baseness of using the money of another, won without honest industry, obtained without an equivalent: and perhaps from the simplicity, rashness, and inexperience of youth. Multitudes have commenced gambling, thinking only to win a small sum, and prove their superior skill and dexterity, and there pause.

3. But it is the teaching of all time, it is the experience of human nature, that effectual resistance to powerful propensities, if made at all, is usually made before the commission of the first sin. My dear reader! let me implore you, by the mercies of God and the worth of your soul, to contemplate this enormous evil only from a distance. Stand firmly against the first temptation, under whatsoever specious forms it may assail you. "Touch not." "Handle not." "Enter not into temptation."

4. It is the melancholy and well known character of this sin, that, where once an appetite for it has gained possession of the breast, the common motives, the gentle excitements, and the ordinary inducements to business or amusement, are no longer felt. It incorporates itself with the whole body of thought, and fills with its fascination all the desires of the heart. Nothing can henceforward arouse the spell-bound victim to a pleasurable consciousness of existence, but the destructive stimulus of gambling.

5. Another appalling view of gambling is, that it is the prolific stem, the fruitful parent, of all other vices. Blasphemy, falsehood, cheating, drunkenness, quarreling, and murder, are all naturally connected with gambling; and what has been said, with so much power and truth, of another sin, may, with equal emphasis and truth, be asserted of this: "Allow yourself to become a confirmed gambler; and detestable as this practice is, it will soon be only one among many gross sins of which you will be guilty." Giving yourself up to the indulgence of another sinful course, might prove your ruin; but then you might perish only under the guilt of the indulgence of a single gross sin.

6. But, should you become a gambler, you will, in all probability, descend to destruction with the added infamy of having been the slave of all kinds of iniquity, and "led captive by Satan at his will." Gambling seizes hold of all the passions, allies itself with all the appetites, and compels every propensity to pay tribute. The subject, however plausible in his external deportment, becomes avaricious, greedy, insatiable. Meditations upon the card table occupy all his day and night dreams. Had he the power, he would annihilate all the hours of this our short life, that necessarily intervene between the periods of his favorite pursuit.

7. Cheating is a sure and inseparable attendant upon a continued course of gambling. We well know with what horror the canons of the card table repel this charge. It pains us to assert our deep and deliberate conviction of its truth. There must be prostration of moral principle, and silence of conscience, even to begin with it. Surely a man who regards the natural sense of right, laying the obligations of Christianity out of the question, cannot sit down with the purpose to win the money of another in this way.

8. He must be aware, in doing it, that avarice and dishonest thoughts, it may be almost unconsciously to himself, mingle with his motives. Having once closed his eyes upon the unworthiness

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