life? What erroneous opinion respecting strict honesty is common? Is it a well founded opinion? Explain the inflections in the last five paragraphs. PRONUNCIATION. -Oth-ers, not oth-uz: rule, not rool: vir-tue, not vir-too: rec-ti-tude, not rec-ti-tshude: a-dopt, not ud-opt: mer-cy, not mus-sy: com'-plai-sance, not com-plai'-sance: sac-ri-fice, not sa-cri-fis: sec-u-lar, not sec-ky-lar, nor sec-ew-lar: mor-als, not mor-uls: scru-pu-lous, not scru-pylous: sud-den, not sud-din: curse, not cuss. SPELL AND DEFINE. - 1. Insensible: 2. consistently: 3. criminal : 4. emergency: 5. integrity, impulse: 6. hollow-heartedness: 7. deprive: 8. scrupulous: 10. standard, adherence: 11. corrupted: 12. patrons: 13. compensation. LESSON LXV. RULE.-Pronounce the consonant sounds very distinctly. Prolong the sounds of those that are italicized in the following words : or-b, ai-d, a-ll ar-m, ow-n, so-ng, ma-r, sa-ve, ama-ze. Words to be Spelled and Defined. A-ver'-sion, n. dislike. De-ris'-ion, n. the act of laughing at in contempt. In-com-pat-i-ble, a. inconsistent, that cannot exist together. TIT FOR TAT. Mrs. Bolingbroke. I wish I knew what was the matter with me this morning. Why do you keep the newspaper all to yourself, my dear? Mr. Bolingbroke. Here it is for you, my dear; I have finished it. Mrs. B. I humbly thank you for giving it to me when you have done with it. I hate stale news. Is there any thing in the paper? for I cannot be at the trouble of hunting it. Mr. B. Yes, my dear; there are the marriages of two of our . friends. Mrs. B. Who? Who? Mr. B. Your friend, the widow Nettleby, to her cousin John Nettleby. Mrs. B. Mrs. Nettleby? Dear! But why did you tell me? Mr. B. Because you asked me, my dear. Mrs. B. Oh, but it is a hundred times pleasanter to read the paragraph one's self. One loses all the pleasure of the surprise by being told. Well, whose was the other marriage? Mr. B. Oh, my dear, I will not tell you; I will leave you the pleasure of the surprise. Mrs. B. But you see I cannot find it. How provoking you are, my dear! Do pray tell me. Mr. B. Our friend, Mr. Granby. Mrs. B. Mr. Granby? Dear! Why did you not make me guess? I should have guessed him directly. But why do you call him our friend? I am sure he is no friend of mine, nor ever was. I took an aversion to him, as you remember, the very first day I saw him. I am sure he is no friend of mine. Mr. B. I am sorry for it, my dear; but I hope you will go and see Mrs. Granby. Mrs. B. Not I, indeed, my dear. Who was she? Mr. B. Miss Cooke. Mrs. B. Cooke? But there are so many Cookes. Can't you distinguish her any way? Has she no Christian name? Mr. B. Emma, I think. Yes, Emma. Mrs. B. Emma Cooke? No; it cannot be my friend Emma Cooke; for I am sure she was cut out for an old maid. Mr. B. This lady seems to me to be cut out for a good wife. Mrs. B. May be so. I am sure I'll never go to see her. Pray, my dear, how came you to see so much of her? Mr. B. I have seen very little of her, my dear. I only saw her two or three times before she was married. Mrs. B. Then, my dear, how could you decide that she was cut out for a good wife? I am sure you could not judge of her by seeing her only two or three times, and before she was married. Mr. B. Indeed, my love, that is a very just observation. Mrs. B. I understand that compliment perfectly, and thank you for it, my dear. I must own I can bear any thing better than irony. Mr. B. Irony? my dear, I was perfectly in earnest. Mrs. B. Yes, yes; in earnest; so I perceive; I may naturally be dull of apprehension, but my feelings are quick enough; I comprehend too well. Yes, it is impossible to judge of a woman before marriage, or to guess what sort of a wife she will make. I presume you speak from experience; you have been disappointed yourself, and repent your choice. Mr. B. My dear, what did I say that was like this? Upon my word, I meant no such thing. I really was not thinking of you in the least. Mrs. B. No, you never think of me now. I can easily believe that you were not thinking of me in the least. Mr. B. But I said that, only to prove to you that I could not be thinking ill of you, my dear. Mrs. B. But I would rather that you thought ill of me, than that you did not think of me at all. Mr. B. Well, my dear, I will even think ill of you, if that will please you. Mrs. B. Do you laugh at me? When it comes to this, I am wretched indeed. Never man laughed at the woman he loved. As long as you had the slightest remains of love for me, you could not make me an object of derision: ridicule and love are incompatible, absolutely incompatible. Well, I have done my best, my very best, to make you happy, but in vain. I see I am not cut out to be a good wife. Happy, happy Mrs. Granby! Mr. B. Happy, I hope sincerely, that she will be with my friend; but my happiness must depend on you, my love; so, for my sake, if not for your own, be composed, and do not torment yourself with such fancies. Mrs. B. I do wonder whether this Mrs. Granby is really that Miss Emma Cooke. I'll go and see her directly; see her I must. Mr. B. I am heartily glad of it, my dear; for I am sure a visit to his wife will give my friend Granby real pleasure. Mrs. B. I promise you, my dear, I do not go to give him pleasure, or you either, but to satisfy my own curiosity. MISS EDGEWORTн. QUESTIONS. - What traits of temper or feeling does Mrs. B. display? Why is it particularly unwise for a husband or wife to speak to each other in an unfriendly manner? What is the best method of replying to angry words? What will generally be the effect of kind answers? Parse " dear" in the last sentence. Parse" to satisfy" in the same. ARTICULATION. - Sur-prise, not s'prise: di-rect-ly, not d'rec-ly: old maid, not ole maid: just, not juss: un-der-stand, not un-der-stan: slightest, not slight-es: ob-ject, not ob-jec, SPELL AND DEFINE,- Newspaper, finished, paragraphs, provoking, remember, distinguish, compliment, perfectly, apprehension, experience, disappointed, curiosity. LESSON LXVI. RULE.- Let each pupil in the class observe and mention every syllable that is not sounded correctly as each one reads. Words to be Spelled and Defined. 1. Mu'-ses, n. a name given, in the fables of the ancients, to nine sisters, who were supposed to preside over the liberal arts. 18. Un-wont-ed, a. unusual. Gos'-sip, n. one that goes about and 39. Im-per-vi-ous, a. not to be penetrated tattles. 2. Busk'-in-ed, a. tragic, dignified. 15. Quaint, a. odd, fanciful. De-vice', n. contrivance. 71. Elf-in, a. relating to a fairy, or evil 82. Mon-gol-fier, n. the inventor of bal WASHING DAY: 1. THE Muses are turned gossips; they have lost 5. Of farm or orchard, pleasant curds and cream, 10. With bowed soul, full well ye know the day 15. Nor pleasant smile, nor quaint device of mirth, 20. Uninterrupted, save by anxious looks Cast at the lowering sky, if sky should lower. 25. Of sad disasters; dirt and gravel stains And all the petty miseries of life. 30. And Guatimozin smiled on burning coals; 35. Or study swept, or nicely dusted coat, Some snug recess impervious: shouldst thou try 45. Shall mar thy musings, as the wet cold sheet 50. Shall he receive. Vainly he feeds his hopes 55. From cheer deficient, shall his consort's brow 60. I scarce knew why, looked cross, and drove me from them, For me, their petted one; or buttered toast, 65. When butter was forbid; or thrilling tale 70. Anxiously fond, though oft her spectacles |