The Absurdity of the Author's Fundamental Princi- ples, relating to the true Character of JESUS, and SECTION V. SECTION VI. 00 SECTION XL 61 The Author's further Objections against the Old Tef- The Author's Objections to the Conduct of JESUS to- wards the Jews in general, in preaching the Gof- The Author's Treatment of the Clergy, and the falfe- ERRATA. : A DEFENCE OF REVELATION in GENERAL, AND The GOSPEL in Particular, &c. SECT. Ι. The Author's fundamental principles relating to the true character of JESUS and the writings of the New Testament. I T has been the lot of chriftianity, as it was of its author, to be purposely betrayed by those, who even in the very act of betraying it have pretended to be its friends. The real enemies of revelation have hailed the gospel with hypocritical respect, in hopes the more effectually to undermine all revealed religion. The writer before us, who promises, as if it were one professed design of his work, "to vindi cate the character of JESUS from the afperfions " of modern unbelievers *;" fets out professedly, in his work itself, with stripping him entirely of that very authority, which it has been the fole * See the Author's title page. B object |