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11. What are the naval stations of England, France, and Russia?

12. Assign to their respective counties the following cities or towns :-Exeter, Ramsgate, Carlisle, Leeds, Dublin, Nottingham, Paisley, and Winchester.

13. Name the towns in which the following manufactures, &c. are carried on in England :-Machinery, carpets, silks, nails, boots and shoes, and hosiery.

14. State what books on the foregoing subjects, or any standard works in general literature you have read.

The offices in which geography is a prescribed subject, and a more or less considerable knowledge of it is strictly exacted, are the Somerset House branch of the Admiralty, the Civil Service Commission, the General Register Office, the India Board, the Inland Revenue Department, the Metropolitan Police Courts, the National Debt Office, the War Department, and the Chief Secretary's Office for Ireland. In all other cases

the particulars mentioned in the introduction to this subject are adhered to by the Civil Service Commissioners.


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This subject is frequently thrown together with the one described under No. 3 as " Composition." Sometimes, however, "Grammar and 66 Composition" are separated in the examination, in which case the following or a similar paper is given for solution to the candidates.

1. Accent each of the following words in two ways, and construct sentences which shall contain these words:-refuse, desert, protest, compound.

2. Correct, if necessary, the spelling of the following words, and give the reasons for your corrections :— moveable, truely, skillful, blisfull, lodgement.

3. Correct, if necessary, the following, and give the

Divide this among the two.

The man has come, him who you saw.
These books are their's, those are your's.
The captain with his men, were taken.

We laid our money upon camels, concealed in
bales of cheap goods, and travelled to the
shores of the Red Sea.

4. Distinguish between the following words and modes of expression:-acquittal and acquittance, attendance and attention, beside and besides, in course and of course.

5. Put the following sentence into plainer and more modern language:— "Alcidamas, the sorcerer, hath many notable arguments to prove that voluntary and extemporal far exceedeth premeditated speech."

6. What historical events have influenced the composition of the English language? Name the chief writers of the reigns of Anne and George I.

7. Give the derivations of book, protect, adjacent, encamp, projectile, Dublin, Exeter.

8. Put the proper stops to the following passage, and explain it :" For a man to write well there are required three necessaries to reade the best authors observe the best speakers and much exercise of his owne style."

9. Write the following passage in prose, and parse the words in the first and second lines:

"High on a throne of royal state, which far
Outshone the wealth of Ormus and of Ind,
Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand
Showers on her kings barbaric pearl and gold,
Satan exalted sat."


This subject has been divided by the Civil Service Commissioners into several branches, adapted to the requirements of the different departments of the public service for which candidates are examined. The first part of the subject is:

a. History of the British Empire.

No. 1.

1. Mention some of the original sources from which information as to English history may be derived.

2. Give the dates of the following events:-The conquest; the destruction of the Spanish armada; the revolution; the accession of King George III.; the union with Ireland; and the separation of the crowns of Great Britain and Hanover.

3. Trace the descent of the reigning sovereign from King George I.

4. Name the English sovereigns of the house of Stuart, giving the dates of their respective accessions. State any particulars which you recollect as to the last effort made by a descendant of that family to recover the throne.

5. What was the cause of the American war? How did it terminate?

6. Give a short account of the life of one of the following great men :- Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Walter Raleigh, Oliver Cromwell.

7. Mention some of the methods anciently resorted to by English sovereigns for the purpose of raising a revenue. What was the great subject of contest in the time of Charles I.?

8. State roughly the amount of the public revenue in recent years, and the interest of the national debt. To what period is the origin of the debt assigned, and on what occasions has it been increased during the last forty years?

9. Mention the principle articles now subject to duties of customs and excise, and the most important changes which have recently been made.

10. Into what classes may the constituencies represented in the House of Commons be divided? What class of bills invariably originates in that House? What are the ordinary qualifications of voters?

Law?" Mentions some of acts which it prohibits. Whence arises the difficulty of enforcing it?

12 Mention some of the arguments by which the execution of Mary Queen of Scots is condemned or vindicated.

No. 2.

1. What was the Heptarchy? From what is its name derived ?

2. Give, with dates, a list of the English sovereigns from Richard II. to Charles I.

3. Mention which of the kings of England have been deposed, or have met with a violent death.

4. When and under what circumstance was Magna Charta obtained? What were the liberties of the subject secured by it?

5. Mention the principal events which took place in the reign of Richard II.

6. Give a short account of the life of one of the following persons :-Richard, Earl of Warwick, Harley, Earl of Oxford, Sir Robert Walpole.

7. What was the state of England at home and abroad during the protectorate of Cromwell?

8. How has the national prosperity of England been affected by the American war of independence?

9. State very briefly, with dates, the occasions on which the following battles were fought: Flodden, Malplaquet, Salamanca, Dettingen, Culloden, Agincourt, Navarino.

10. What were the chief provisions and alterations introduced by the Reform Bill? What is the right of the House of Commons in regard to taxes; and on what constitutional principle is it founded?

No. 3.

1. When, and by whom, was Christianity introduced into Britain?

2. What is the "Salic Law?" Give any instance of its operation.

3. Trace the descent of the crown, and that of the reigning sovereign, from King George I.

4. "During the 160 years which preceded the union of the Roses, nine kings reigned in England, six of these nine kings were deposed, five lost their lives as well as their crowns; name the sovereigns referred to.

5. When did the union of the kingdoms of England and Scotland take place? How is the Scotch peerage now represented in the House of Lords?

6. A recent historian speaking of an English sovereign says: "In certain respects his reign is an era in our history. It began in revolution and a change in the line of descent. It nearly coincides with the commencement of what is termed modern history, as distinguished from the middle ages, and with the memorable events that have led us to make that distinction, especially the consolidation of the great European monarchies." Mention the name of the sovereign referred to, and explain the allusion.

7. What is the meaning of the constitutional maxim, “The King can do no wrong"?

8. Beginning with the Restoration, mention in chronological order the subjects connected with foreign, colonial, or domestic politics which have successively engrossed the largest share of public attention in England.

9. When did Shakespeare live? Mention the names of his historical plays, and the characters introduced in some one of them.

10. State roughly the amount of the national revenue in recent years, and the sources from which it has been principally derived.

b. History of India.

No. 1.

1. Arranging the history of India under three religious systems, Hindu, Mohammedan, Christian; when may each be considered to have commenced, and when to have sunk under partial subjection to its successor?

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