5. Geography. 6. English history. b. For Indexers, transcribers, statistical abstractors, and sorters: 1. Fair handwriting and orthography. 3. Elementary arithmetic. c. For office-keepers and messengers: 19. The Home Office. Candidates for clerkships to be between eighteen and twenty-five years of age. In the case of candidates already in the public service, the maximum to be extended up to the age of thirty, provided they were under twenty-five when first appointed, and have been continuously in the service. The qualifications required are: 1. Good handwriting and orthography. 2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions. 3. English composition. 4. Geography. 5. Translation from and into Latin. 6. French translation and conversation. 20. The House of Commons. Candidates for clerkships to be between the age of nineteen and twentyfive, and to possess the following qualications : — 1. Good handwriting and orthography. 2. The power of accurate comparison of copies into originals. 3. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions. 4. English composition. 5. History of England and of the English Constitution. 6. Translation from Latin. 7. Translation from French. 8. The elements of the law of evidence.. 21. The House of Lords. Candidates for clerkships to be between eighteen and twenty-five years of age, and to pass examination in the following subjects: 1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography. 2. The power of accurate comparison of copies with originals. 3. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions. 4. English composition. 5. History of England and of the English Con- 6. Translation from Latin or French. 22. The Indian Office. Candidates for established clerkships, in the Home Branch, to be between the age of eighteen and twenty-five; with this exception that candidates who have been writers are eligible up to thirty. Candidates for writerships and other junior situations in India, to be between sixteen and twentysix years of age. Candidates for the post of doorkeeper and office porter at the London office to be between eighteen and thirty-five, and for the post of house messenger between twenty and forty years of age. The qualifications required are: a. For established clerks in the Home Branch: 1. Good handwriting and orthography. 2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions. 3. English composition. 4. Précis-writing; or, for clerks in the department of the Accountant-General, the elements of book-keeping instead. 5. Geography. 6. History of England, or of India, at option of the candidate. 7. Latin, or one modern foreign language. · b. For writers and other officials in India: First examination. 1. Good handwriting and orthography. 3. Geography. 5. Copying manuscripts. 6. English composition. Second Examination. 1. English language and literature: English literature and history, including 2. Language, literature, and history of Greece. 3. Or, 5. Or, Rome. Italy. 7. Mathematics, pure and mixed." 8. Natural sciences; that is, chemistry, electricity and magnetism, natural history, geology, and mineralogy. **No candidate will be allowed to be examined in more than three of the branches of knowledge included under this head, and the total (500 marks) may be obtained by adequate proficiency in any three. 9. Moral sciences; that is, logic, mental and 10. Sanskrit language and literature. Third Examination. Sanskrit. Vernacular languages of India. **Each candidate may name one or two languages. If he names one only, he must name either Sanskrit or a vernacular language current in the presidency which he has selected. 2. The history and geography of India. 3. The general principles of jurisprudence and the elements of Hindu and Mohammedan law. 4. Political economy. 32. The Inland Revenue Department. Candidates for permanent clerkships to be between the age of sixteen and twenty-five, for copying clerkships between sixteen and thirty, and for temporary clerkships between eighteen and forty. Candidates for the appointment of supernumerary surveyor of taxes to be between nineteen and twenty-five, of assistants of excise between twenty and twenty-five, and of office-keeper, messenger, stamper, and packer between twenty and thirty-five. In all cases, any candidate presenting himself within one month after obtaining the prescribed age, will be eligible for examination. The qualifications required are: a. For clerks in the Secretary's Office and the Legacy Duty Office: 1. Writing from dictation. 2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions. 3. English composition. 4. Geography. 5. History of the British Empire. b. For clerks in the Solicitor's Office: 1. Writing from dictation. 2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions. 3. English composition. 4. Geography. 5. History of the British Empire. 6. Latin. 7. General principles of Equity and Common Law. 8. Conveyancing. c. For clerks in the Receipt and Account Office, and for supernumerary surveyors of taxes: 1. Writing from dictation. 2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions. 3. Book-keeping by double entry. 4. English composition. 5. Geography. 6. History of the British Empire. d. For copying clerks and temporary clerks: 1. Fair handwriting and orthography. 2. Elementary arithmetic. e. For assistants of excise. 1. Writing from dictation. 2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions. f. For stampers, packers, office-keepers, and messengers: 24. The Joint Stock Companies Registry. Candidates for clerkships to be between seventeen and thirty years of age. The qualifications required are:1. Writing from dictation. 2. Transcribing. 3. The first four rules in arithmetic, with practice, and the rule of three. 4. Grammatical structure of sentences of a simple character. 25. The London University. Candidates for clerkships to be between eighteen and twenty-five years of age, and to be possessed of the following qualifica tions: |