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7. Translation from Latin, or any modern language; or the leading points of English or modern history; or algebra, Euclid, or any branch of mathematics or science.

c. For clerks in dockyards, victualling yards, or naval establishments at home, and for temporary

clerks :

1. Writing from dictation.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. Book-keeping.

2. The Admiralty Court. Candidates for clerkships to be between seventeen and thirty-five years of age, unless acting as supplementary clerks on the establishment at the time of nomination. Candidates for supplementary clerkships, and clerkships in the Marshal's office to be between the ages of seventeen and thirty. The qualifications required are :—

a. For clerks :

1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Transcribing.

3. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

4. English composition.

5. Précis writing, i.e. making condensed abstracts of papers.

6. Translation from Latin, or any modern language; or the leading points of English or modern history; or geography; or algebra, Euclid, or any branch of mathe

matics or science.

b. For supplementary clerks:

1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Transcribing.

3. The first four rules of arithmetic, with Practice and the Rule of Three.

4. Grammatical structure of sentences of a simple character.

3. The Audit Office.

Candidates for clerkships to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, unless acting as supplementary clerks at the time of nomination. Candidates for the post of messenger to be between twenty-one and thirty-five years of age. The qualifications required are :—

a. For clerks :

1. Writing from dictation.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal. fractions.

3. Correspondence.

4. Précis writing, i. e. making condensed abstracts of papers.

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4. The British Museum. It is understood that all the future appointments at this establishment shall be confirmed only after previous examination; but no limit of age and no course of examination have as yet been fixed on between the authorities and the Civil Service Commissioners.

5. The Charitable Trusts Commission. Candidates for first and second-class clerkships to be between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-five; and candidates for junior clerkships to be between eighteen and thirty. The qualifications required for all classes are :—

1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. English composition.

4. Précis, i. e. making condensed abstracts of


5. Translation from Latin, or a modern foreign

language, or English history, or elementary

6. The Civil Service Commission. Candidates for clerkships to be between eighteen and twenty-five years of age, with this exception, that for candidates who have been previously in the public service the maximum limit shall be considered as extended to five years beyond the ordinary limit, provided they were when first entering the service under the maximum age, and have served continuously since that time. Candi

dates for the post of messenger or porter to be between twenty-one and thirty-five, under the same clause as regards the maximum of age as the foregoing. The qualifications required are:

a. For clerks:

1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions, square root, and the use of logarithms.

3. English composition.

4. Précis writing, including the digest and preparation of tabular statements.

5. Geography.

6. History of England.

7. Translation from and into Latin.

8. French, or another modern language.

b. For office keepers, messengers, and porters: 1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Elementary arithmetic.

7. The Colonial Office. Candidates for clerkships to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five; and candidates for writerships in Ceylon between eighteen and thirty. The qualifications required are:

a. For clerks, in the preliminary examination :

1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. Précis, i. e. abstract of official papers.
4. Geography.

5. Translation from one of the following languages:-Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, or Italian. The selection is left to the candidate.

And in the final examination:

6. Languages and literature of Greece and Rome.

7. Languages and literature of France, Germany, and Italy.

8. Exercises in English composition, designed

to test purity and accuracy of style.

9. Modern history, including that of the British colonies and possessions.

10. Elements of constitutional and international law, and elements of political economy.

11. Pure and mixed mathematics, not including the highest branches.

12. Accounts and book-keeping.

b. For writers in Ceylon at the preliminary examination:

1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. Précis writing.

4. Geography, particularly that of British India and its dependencies.

5. Translation, at the selection of the candidate, from one of the following languages: Greek, Latin, French, German, Spanish, or Italian.

And in the final examination :

6. Languages and literature of Greece and Rome.
7. Exercises in English composition, designed
to test purity and accuracy of style.
8. Modern history, including that of the British

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9. Elements of constitutional and international law, and elements of political economy.

10. Accounts and book-keeping.

11. Pure and mixed mathematics, not including the highest branches.

12. Geology, chemistry, and civil engineering. Gentlemen appointed to writerships are required, after their arrival at Ceylon, to pass an examination in the Rudiments of the Cingalese and Tamul languages before being appointed on the civil establishment of the island; and a further examination, proving a thorough knowledge of these languages, is required for promotion.

8. The Colonial Land and Emigration Office. Candidates for permanent clerkships to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five; but an extra clerk would not be ineligible on the score of age for an appointment on the establishment up to the age of thirty-five years, provided that he had been admitted as an extra clerk before the age of twenty-five, and had since served continuously. Candidates for temporary clerkships to be between seventeen and fortyfive years of age. The qualifications required are:a. For permanent clerks :

1. Writing.

2. Arithmetic, including vulgar and decimal fractions.

3. Précis, i. e. making abstract of official papers. b. For temporary clerks:

1. Exercises designed to test handwriting and orthography.

2. Elementary arithmetic.

3. Correspondence.

9. The Committee of Council for Education. Candidates for clerkships to be between eighteen and twenty-five years of age. The qualifications required


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