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Inhabitants of Genoa to the French, 305
-His note refpecting the reports against
the French, 307

Forbes, General-His proclamation to the
planters in St. Domingo, 95
Foffombroni, Victorio-His anfwer to Buo-
naparte's letter to the Grand Duke of
Tuscany, 40

Franconia, Circle of-Armistice with the
French Republic, v

Frankfort, a Magiftrate of, to his fellow
citizens, 50-Orders addreffed to the
burghers, 50

French Republic-Armistice with the Duke
of Wirtemberg, i-With the Circle of
Suabia, iy-With the Circle of Franco-
nia, v-With the Margrave of Baden,
vii-Treaty of peace with the Duke of
Wirtemberg, ii-With the Margrave of
Baden, viii-Armistice with the Elector
of Bavaria, xii-With Naples, xiv-
Treaty of peace with Naples, xv-Ar-
miftice with Modena, xvii-Treaty, of-
fenfive and defenfive, with Spain, xviii
-Armistice with the Pope, xxii-Treaty
with the King of Pruffia, xxix-Treaty
of peace with the Duke of Parma, xxx-
Conful of the French Republic to the
minister of Marine, refpecting the con-
duct of English fhips, 36.


Genoa-Reply of the Commandant of Fort
La Lauterne, to the French Director
Sucy, 306-Proclamation relative to the
French Republic, 307

Great Britain-Anfwer to the Spanish de-
claration of war, 161-Manifefto against
France, 217

Grand Duke of Tufcany-His answer to
General Buonaparte, refpecting the arrest
of General Spannochi, 47
Grouvelle-His proclamation at Copen-
hagen refpecting the national cockade,



Hanover, Elector of His declaration re-
fpecting the Roman Months, 138-His
declaration to the diet, 217
Hardenberg, Baron-His declaration to the

city of Nuremberg, 46-His declara-
tion to the magiftrates of Nuremberg,

Hoche, General Addrefs to the army of
the coafts of the ocean refpecting Puifaye,
37-His general orders refpecting English
fpies, 98


Jourdan, General-His letter to his foldiers
refpecting the victories in Italy, 36-
His proclamation to the country beyond
the Rhine, 45


The King of Pruffia-His reply to the Ruf-
fian ambaffador, refpecting the marching
of his army to the banks of the Wefer, &

Addrefs and letters of convocation to
the ftates of Germany, defined to enjoy
the advantages of the neutrality,, 10-
His declaration to the city of Nuremberg,
46-His edict refpecting the wearing of
the national cockade at Berlin, 48-His
refcript refpecting the Pruffian territories
on the left bank of the Rhine, 235-
Correfpondence with the court of Vienna
on the line of demarcation, 238

King, Mr. His circular letter to the ma-
giftrates in the northern counties of Eng-
land, 85

Kleber, General-His proclamation to the
inhabitants of the right bank of the Rhine,


La Fayette, Madam-Her letter to the Em-
peror, 47
Laveaux, Stephen-To the United States,
and captains of American thips, re-
fpecting the trade to St. Domingo, 2
Langara, Admiral-His letter of thanks to
the municipality of Toulon, 231 -
Leghorn-Orders of Buonaparte refpecting
goods at Leghorn, 38

Lepaux, Revelliere-His fpeech on the fefti-
val of the 10th of Auguft, SI-His
fpeech on the festival of the 1st Vende-
miaire, 212
Letters--Official letter refpecting the failing
of the French and Spanish fleets from
Cadiz, 75--From the Directory to the
minifter of War, refpecting reducing ex-.
penfes, 104-Of the King of Naples to
the Marquis del Vafto, 141-Letter to
the lieutenants of counties on the fea
coaft of England refpecting an invafion,

Letters of Convocation, addreffed by the
King of Pruffia to the ftates deftined to
enjoy the advantages of the neutrality,

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Meffages-Meffage of the Executive Direc-
tory refpecting La Vendée, 47-To the
council of 500 respecting the marine, 63

Of the Executive Directory, refpecting
the number of troops to be kept on foot
in Peace, 88-Of the Directory, rela-
tive to the troops of the interior, 90-Of
the Directory, refpecting English mer-
chandife, 119-Second meflage refpec-
ting English merchandife, 121-Of the
Directory, relpecting the wants of the Re-
public, 217

Milan, commotions in, 29-The nobility
abolifhed, 31-Addrefs from Buonaparte
refpecting the univerfities, 35-A fociety
abolished, 35

Modena, Duke of-Armistice with General
Buonaparte, xvii

Mondovi, military commiffion of-Procla
mation to the inhabitants of the province,


Naples-Armistice with General Buona-
parte, xiv

-Peace with the French Republic,
XV-- -Proclamation refpecting the war, 14
Edict refpecting war, 112-King of
Naples' letter to the Count de Vasto, 141
-His declaration refpecting the Pope's
territories, 216

National Affembly of the United Provinces-
Abolishing the privileged church, 85-
Their proclamation against the importa-
tion of British manufactures, 107
Negotiation between Great Britain and the
French Republic-Papers relative thereto,
169 to 202

Neutral Powers-Papers relative thereto,

Noel-His fpeech at the military feaft at
the Hague, 19-His addrefs to the Dutch
Convention refpecting the conftitution,


Note, official, from the minifter for foreign
affairs to Barthelemni, refpecting neutral
thips, 76-Of M. Galeppi, announcing
the refufal of the conditions of peace

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O'Hara, General-His letter to the captains
of merchantmen at Gibraltar, 117
Order of Council-Refpecting the exporta
tion of goods to the United Provinces,
and the Auftrian Netherlands, 100-
Refpecting an embargo on Genoefe fhips,
114-Refpecting reprisals against Spanish
fhips, 152-Refpecting trade to and
from the Cape of Good Hope, 232
Oftermann, Count-His difpatch to M.
Balzow, refpecting the peace between
France and Spain, 110


Parliamentary Papers, 312-Speech to both
Houfes, 313-Addrefs of the Commons,
315-Dito of the Lords, 317-Amend-
ment moved by Earl Fitzwilliam, 319-
His Majefty's anfwer to the addrefs of the
Houfe of Peers, 320-Proteft of Earl
Fitzwilliam against the addrefs of the
Houfe of Peers, 320-Meffage from his
Majefty, refpecting the war with Spain,
324-Addreffes of both Houfes, 324-
Motion of Mr. Fox respecting the money
fent to the Emperor, 325-Amendment
to the motion by Mr. Bragge, ditto-
Amendment by Mr. Fox, ditto-Refo-
lution on Mr. Fox's motion, 326-
Meffage from his Majefty refpecting ad-
vances to the Emperor, 326-Addrefs of
both Houfes, 326-Meffage refpecting the
failure of the negotiation, 327-Addrefs
of the House of Lords, 328-Amend-
ment propofed by the Earl of Guilford,
328-Addrefs of the Houfe of Commons,
330-Amendment moved by Mr. Fox,
331-Speech of the Lord Lieutenant of
Leland to both Houfes of Parliament,
332-Addreffes of both Houfes, 334-
Amendment moved by Mr. Grattan, 334
-Speech of the Governor of Jamaica on
proroguing the Houfe of Affembly, 334
Parma-Marquis del Campo appointed mi-
nifter from the Duke of Parma to the
Executive Directory, 310-Concludes a


treaty of peace with the French Republic,


Pelham, Mr. His letters refpe&ting the
expedition of the French against Ireland,

Pickering, Mr. His letter to Adet, re-
fpecting the conduct of the United States
to France, 259

Pignatelli, Prince of His fpeech to the
Executive Directory, 156

Pit, Mr. His letter to the Lord Mayor
and the Bank, refpecting a loan, 157
The Pope-Armistice with General Buo-
naparte, xxii

-Correfpondence between the
French commiffioners and the Pope's ple-
nipotentiary relative to peace, xxiii-His
edict on the reception to be given to the
French, 51

Prince of Peace-His anfwer to M. Balgon,
refpecting the peace between France and
Spain, 111

Proclamations-Of Santhonax at St. Do-
mingo, refpecting the new conftitution, 4

-Of the Queen of Portugal, for making
Lifbon a free port, 8-Of,the Prince de
Bouillon, at Jersey, 11-Of Scepeaux to
his foldiers, to give up their arms, 13-
Of the King of Naples to his fubjects,
refpecting the war, 14-Iffued at Peterf-"
burg, refpecting Dutch fhips, 15-Of the
Executive Directory to the army of the
Sambre and Meufe, 16-Of General Kle-
ber to the inhabitants of the right bank of
the Rhine, 23-Of the Archduchefs of
Auftria to the Tyrolese, 23-Of General
Buonaparte, refpecting the contributions
from Lombardy, 24-Of Salicetti, re-
fpecting the government of Lombardy,
25-Of Buonaparte to his foldiers, 26-
Of Buonaparte to the Milanefe, relative
to the conduct to be adopted by them, 29

-To the Milanefe, refpecting the ex-
ceffes committed in fome communes, 29
-Iffued by the municipality of Milan for
abolishing the nobility, 31-Of Buona-
parte to the Tyrolefe, refpecting the
marching of his army through their ter-
ritories, 32-Proclamation of Buona-
parte refpecting the Imperial fiefs, 33-
To the inhabitants of Mondovi, 34-Of
General Angercau to the citizens of Fer-
rara, 43-Proclamation in Holland, re-
fpecting the forced loan, 45-Of Ge-
neral Jourdan to the inhabitants of the
country beyond the Rhine, 45-Of the
Directory to the army of the interior, 49
-Iffued by Grouvelle, at Copenhagen,
59-Of Buonaparte to his foldiers, 78-
Of the Emperor respecting the war, 83-
Proclamation of the Emperor respecting
the defence of Bohemia, 86–Of the Di-

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rectory, refpecting alarms at Paris, 94-
Of General Forhes to the planters in St.
Domingo, 95-Proclamzion of General
Buonaparte to the Tyrole, 98-To the
inhabitants of Frankfort 102-Of the
Emperor, refpecting fuppies for the war,
103-Of the Archduke to the recon-
quered diftricts of the Crman Empire,
104-Of the National Aembly of the
Batavian people againft thimportation of
British goods, 107-Of he Lord Lieu-
tenant of Ireland refpeéng honourable,
Affociations, 45-Of e Lord Lieu-
tenart of Ireland, refting declaring
diftricts in a state of difrbance, 151-
Revoking the licenfe toexport goods to
the United Provinces al Auftrian Ne-
therlands, 215-Of Saletti to the inha
bitants of Corfica, 21-Proclamation
for affembling the Fugh Parliament
312-Ditto for affembli the Irish Par-
liament, 312

Queen of Portugal mal Lisbon a free
port, 9--Her manifeftgainst the Repub-
lic of Holland, 51-Rocation of it, 52


Ramel, Minifter of Fince-His Letter to
the commercial crizs, 154
Reports--On the expes of the marine, 66

-On mandats, 76On the meffage of
the Directory refpeng English merchan-
*dife, 120-Of Catceres to the council
of 500, on the expes of the war, 124
-To the council ooo on the finances,
127-To the coun of Elders on the
ftate of the nationareafury, 140— To
the council of 500 onnewing a third of
the Convention, 156

Refcript of the Imperiaourt to the Duke
of Wirtemberg, 135.Of the King of
Pruffia, refpecting theerritories on the
left bank of the Rhine235
Refolutions of the comme council of New-
castle, refpecting emignt priests, 103


Salicetti-His proclamatin respecting the
government of Lombard, 25-Letter to
the Executive Direcor, refpecting the
conduct of fome part: ofthe Milanefe, 30
--Arret refpecting theabolition of a fociety'
at Milan, 35-His roclamation to the
people of Corfica, 21)

Santhonax-His proclamation at St. Do-
mingo, refpecting the new conftitution, 4

His addrefs to the ninifter Adet, 60


Sardinia-Anncances to the Executive Di-
rectory the birth of a fon to the Duke
d'Aofta, 31C
Scepeaux-His roclamation to the foldiers

of his army give up their arms, 13
Spain-Her trey, offenfive and defenfive,
with France, viii-Her manifefto against
Great Britain 15

Speech of the mifter from the Landgrave of
Heffe to the Directory, 125
Spinola, Vince-His Speech to the Exe-
cutive Dire&ry, 77

Stael, Baron d-His letter to the minifter
Delacroix, Teecting M. de Retourner, 61
States of Hung-Their refolution to arm,

Suabia, Circleof-Armiftice with the

French Repulic, iv-Addrefs to the
Archduke Cries, 97
Sucy-His lette the commandant at Fort
La Lauterne,06

Switzerland-patch to the Helvetic Body
from Marth: Wurmfer, refpecting the
Neutrality, Returns an answer to
Marthal Wulfer, 16


Treaties of peace tween the French Republic
and the Duke Wirtemberg, ii

of peace beten the French Republic
and the Margravof Faden, viii

of peace betwn he French Republic
and the King of t Two Sicilies, xv

offenfive andefenfive, between the
French Republic.d the King of Spain,

between the ench Republic and the
King of Pruffia,xix

of peace beten the French Republic
and the Duke o'arma, xxx

Tunis, Envoy from, prefented to the Exe
cutive Directory, 311


Venice, Republic of--Receives an address from
Buonaparte, 28-Decree of the Senate to
embody men, and to obferve the strictest
neutrality to the French, 309
Verninac-His letter to the minifter for
foreign affairs, refpecting the fending
of an ambaffador from the Porte to the
French Republic, 154

Vienna, Court of Correfpondence with the
court of Berlin refpecting the line of de-
marcation, 238


Washington, Mr.-His letter of refignation,
243-His proclamation, refpecting the
explanatory article to the treaty with
Great Britain, 295-His fpeech to the
Congrefs, 298-His reply to the address
of the Congrefs, 304

Wickham, Mr.-His note to the Senate of
Berne refpecting the Emigrants, 308
Wirtemberg, Duke of-Armiftice between
him and the French Republic, i

-Treaty of peace between the
Duke and the French Republic, ii
Wurmfer, Field Marshal-His dispatch to
the Helvetic Body, refpecting the line of
neutrality, 15


Yorke, Mr. His letter to General Macleod
refpecting the blood-hounds, 230

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